1) I never argue with my boss even when I am not satisfied with his decision. But my colleague, on the other hand, can speak her mind. She takes a lot of risks, but she never looks stressed out so I wish I could be more like her.
2) I always wanted to have dog, but had second thoughts about it and couldn’t make up my mind to get one. But when I found a puppy in the box near my house, I immediately decided to keep it.
1) 上司の決断に納得してないとしても、彼に楯突くことは私は決してしないが、一方で私の同僚は、歯に物着せぬ物言いをする。彼女はリスクをたくさん背負っているが、ストレスを抱えているように見えることはないので、もっと彼女のようにできたらと思う。
1) 上司の決断に納得していないが、それに反対をする選択肢はない。一方、わたしの同僚は、彼女の意見を本当に正直に言う。彼女はリスクをたくさんもっているが、ストレスを持っている風に見えない。わたしは彼女のようにできたらと思う。
1) I don’t convince of my boss’s decision, but I have no choice but to disagree with that. On the other hand, my co-worker always states her opinion very honestly. Even though she has a lot of risk, she never looks stressful. I really wish to do like her.
1)Good! 非常によく取り組んでくださっています!
I don’t convince of my boss’s decision,
convince ~は「~を納得させる」という意味で使うのが基本ですので、「納得していない」と言いたい場合はちょっと流れが変わります。
Good! 良い流れで音読できています!
6:00~40) 彼女と別れるべきだと思う。
41) 私はよく自分の問題から逃げていた。
42) 彼を両親に紹介するべきだと思う。
8:15 I always hestaited to do that, and couldn’t make a decision easily. But when I happened to see …
Even if I’m not really convinced of my boss’s…
but I have no choice but to disagree with that.
but I can never disagree with that.のように言うのもよいかと思います。
2) I have wanted to have a dog for a long time. I always hestaited to do that, and couldn’t make a decision easily. But when I happened to see a poppy in the box in my neighborhood, I decided to have it at once.
2)You did a great job on this, too!
I have wanted to have a dog for a long time.
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