37) How often do you visit your hometown?
38) Does this make sense to you?
39) He’s planning to change his job next year.
40) Maybe you should practice everyday.
41) Please make sure to call him tomorrow.
42) We went out even though the weather was bad.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) He gets so serious when he plays video games. He doesn’t want to lose even to a child. So he becomes very childish.
2) She is my friend. We have been friends since high school. So we still get together often even though we don’t have any reason to meet.
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼はいったんビデオゲームをやり始めると、夢中になりすぎる。だれにも負けたくないし、子供にすら負けたくない。子供ではないのに、子供っぽくみえる。
2) わたしと彼女は高校時代からの親友だ。特に理由がなくても、よく彼女と会う。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Once he starts to play a video game, he is too mad at it. He wants to win anyone, even a kid. He looks childish, even though he isn’t a kid.
2) She and I have been good friends since we were in high school. Although there is no reason to see her, I go to see her very often.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your advice:
If you want to save 30,000 yen a month, you will have to save 1,000 yen a day. Why don’t you try not to stop by convience stores and cafes as possible as you can? If you try doing it, I am sure you will be able to save 1,000 yen a day very easily. According to what you said, you are already doing something to save money, such as not buying what you don’t really need. I don’t think It is hard for you not to stop by convience stores and cafes very often.
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