Day 18 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
81) I enjoy talking with you.
82) Can I stay at your house tonight?
83) I am worried about the test tomorrow.
84) He is waiting for me outside.
85) He is good at using the computer.
81)I enjoy talking with you.
82)Can I stay your home tonight?
83)I am worried about tomorrow’s exam.
84)He is waiting for me outside.
85)He is good at using a computer.
1) You should think about your age when you choose your clothes.
2) He knows what is popular.
3) If something happens, let’s change plans.
4) He mixes up his job and private life.
5) He doesn’t change what he says depending on people. So everyone likes him.
6) He says good things, but he doesn’t do it.
7) There are many fashionable people in the city. I am not fashionable so it is embarrassing to walk around here.
1)Your clothes don’t go well with you. They are too bright. Why don’t you think what to wear in your age?
2)He is really interested in new fashion.
3)We can change our plan anytime. Don’t worry.
4)“What is pubic?”“What is private?” He doesn’t get the difference between the two.
5)He is very friendly to everyone, so everyone loves him.
6)He never acts like what he says.
7)There are a lot of fashionable people in a big city such as Tokyo. I want to become like them, but I can’t.
81) I enjoy talking with you.
82) Can I stay at your house tonight?
83) I am worried about the test tomorrow.
84) He is waiting for me outside.
85) He is good at using the computer.
81)I enjoy talking with you.
82)Can I stay your home tonight?
83)I am worried about tomorrow’s exam.
84)He is waiting for me outside.
85)He is good at using a computer.
1) You should think about your age when you choose your clothes.
2) He knows what is popular.
3) If something happens, let’s change plans.
4) He mixes up his job and private life.
5) He doesn’t change what he says depending on people. So everyone likes him.
6) He says good things, but he doesn’t do it.
7) There are many fashionable people in the city. I am not fashionable so it is embarrassing to walk around here.
1)Your clothes don’t go well with you. They are too bright. Why don’t you think what to wear in your age?
2)He is really interested in new fashion.
3)We can change our plan anytime. Don’t worry.
4)“What is pubic?”“What is private?” He doesn’t get the difference between the two.
5)He is very friendly to everyone, so everyone loves him.
6)He never acts like what he says.
7)There are a lot of fashionable people in a big city such as Tokyo. I want to become like them, but I can’t.
Day 17 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
76) I am going to watch TV.
77) I have to take the train.
78) Is there a post box?
79) Did you sleep well yesterday?
80) Where is his brother?
76)I am going to watch TV.
77)I have to take a train.
78)Is there a postbox?
79)Did you sleep well yesterday?
80)Where is his brother?
1) He doesn’t let others sing at karaoke.
2) I couldn’t believe that news.
3) I told my child to study for the test many times.
4) I heard the reason but I just cannot agree.
5) My parents were fighting. But I think they are both bad.
6) It is sometimes important not to think about anything.
7) I received many fruits as a gift of thanks at the end of the year. So I shared them with my neighbors.
1)Whenever we go to karaoke with him, he sings all the time, so we can’t enjoy singing.
2)When I heard the news, I was really surprised.
3)“Work hard for the exam! ”I said to my son many times, though, he didn’t.
4)He told me why he did it, but I didn’t get it .
5)My parents are fighting each other. I don’t know which is right. Anyway, I don’t think that fighting is good.
6)Sometimes spending time without thinking is important for me.
7)I received a lot of fruits from some friends in December, so I gave some of them to my friends living in my neighborhood.
76) I am going to watch TV.
77) I have to take the train.
78) Is there a post box?
79) Did you sleep well yesterday?
80) Where is his brother?
76)I am going to watch TV.
77)I have to take a train.
78)Is there a postbox?
79)Did you sleep well yesterday?
80)Where is his brother?
1) He doesn’t let others sing at karaoke.
2) I couldn’t believe that news.
3) I told my child to study for the test many times.
4) I heard the reason but I just cannot agree.
5) My parents were fighting. But I think they are both bad.
6) It is sometimes important not to think about anything.
7) I received many fruits as a gift of thanks at the end of the year. So I shared them with my neighbors.
1)Whenever we go to karaoke with him, he sings all the time, so we can’t enjoy singing.
2)When I heard the news, I was really surprised.
3)“Work hard for the exam! ”I said to my son many times, though, he didn’t.
4)He told me why he did it, but I didn’t get it .
5)My parents are fighting each other. I don’t know which is right. Anyway, I don’t think that fighting is good.
6)Sometimes spending time without thinking is important for me.
7)I received a lot of fruits from some friends in December, so I gave some of them to my friends living in my neighborhood.
使いたくなる言い回し ⑩
ふだんあまり気に留めていないため、horse racing でピンときませんでした。
Tokyo Racecource なんですね。
ふだんあまり気に留めていないため、horse racing でピンときませんでした。
Tokyo Racecource なんですね。
Day 16 回答例
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
71) I am good at swimming.
72) He listens to rock music.
73) I am interested in American culture.
74) There is something in the water.
75) They talked about work on the phone.
71) I am good at swimming.
72) He listens to rock’n roll music.
73) I am interested in American culture.
74) There is something in the water.
75) They were talking about work over the phone.
1) Everyone wants to be like her.
2) He often asks me to do things that is impossible.
3) My sister is going to college. These days, she does not listen to my parents.
4) He does not worry about things too much. I wish I could be like him.
5) You shouldn’t try to secretly listen to other people’s conversation.
6) You should look straight while driving.
7) I have many reports to hand in. I don’t know what to do.
1)She is pretty, smart and gentle-hearted. Everyone loves her.
2)His action is often more rude than I imagine.
3)My sister is a college student. She has never listened to her parents recently.
4)He always looks relaxed and happy. I want to become like him.
5)When some people are talking near you, you shouldn’t try to listen to what they are talking.
6)Drive without seeing your cellerphone.
7)I have too many reports to finish, though, the deadline is coming soon!
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
71) I am good at swimming.
72) He listens to rock music.
73) I am interested in American culture.
74) There is something in the water.
75) They talked about work on the phone.
71) I am good at swimming.
72) He listens to rock’n roll music.
73) I am interested in American culture.
74) There is something in the water.
75) They were talking about work over the phone.
1) Everyone wants to be like her.
2) He often asks me to do things that is impossible.
3) My sister is going to college. These days, she does not listen to my parents.
4) He does not worry about things too much. I wish I could be like him.
5) You shouldn’t try to secretly listen to other people’s conversation.
6) You should look straight while driving.
7) I have many reports to hand in. I don’t know what to do.
1)She is pretty, smart and gentle-hearted. Everyone loves her.
2)His action is often more rude than I imagine.
3)My sister is a college student. She has never listened to her parents recently.
4)He always looks relaxed and happy. I want to become like him.
5)When some people are talking near you, you shouldn’t try to listen to what they are talking.
6)Drive without seeing your cellerphone.
7)I have too many reports to finish, though, the deadline is coming soon!
使いたくなる言い回し ⑨
I want to enjoy beautiful night view of cherry blossoms at The Ookunitama Shrine.
I enjoyed the cherry blossoms during daytime there last spring, but I have never been there at night.
I want to enjoy beautiful night view of cherry blossoms at The Ookunitama Shrine.
I enjoyed the cherry blossoms during daytime there last spring, but I have never been there at night.
Day 15 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
66) I have to call my sister.
67) I am worried about the weather.
68) Where is your sister?
69) I enjoy traveling.
70) This restaurant is famous for pizza.
66)I have to call my sister.
67)I am worried about the weather.
68)Where is your sister?
69)I enjoy travailing.
70)This restaurant is famous for pizza.
1) I started to cook by myself for my health.
2) This jewelry is too expensive for me.
3) My boss doesn’t treat the staff fairly.
4) I couldn’t sleep well so I’m tired.
5) It’s very tough to work and raise children at the same time.
6) We have come to the most interesting part of the story. So I can’t stop reading it.
7) She has lived in Tokyo more than ten years. But she still has strong accents of her hometown.
1)I want to stay healthy, so I have decided to cook for myself.
2)This jewel is too expensive for me to buy.
3)My boss likes one of my co-workers too much. That’s unfair.
4)I still feel tired, because I didn’t sleep enough.
5)I am raising my child without quitting my job. That’s really hard.
6)This drama is getting more and more interesting, so I can never miss it.
7)Although she has been living in Tokyo for more than ten years, her accent is still a little strange.
66) I have to call my sister.
67) I am worried about the weather.
68) Where is your sister?
69) I enjoy traveling.
70) This restaurant is famous for pizza.
66)I have to call my sister.
67)I am worried about the weather.
68)Where is your sister?
69)I enjoy travailing.
70)This restaurant is famous for pizza.
1) I started to cook by myself for my health.
2) This jewelry is too expensive for me.
3) My boss doesn’t treat the staff fairly.
4) I couldn’t sleep well so I’m tired.
5) It’s very tough to work and raise children at the same time.
6) We have come to the most interesting part of the story. So I can’t stop reading it.
7) She has lived in Tokyo more than ten years. But she still has strong accents of her hometown.
1)I want to stay healthy, so I have decided to cook for myself.
2)This jewel is too expensive for me to buy.
3)My boss likes one of my co-workers too much. That’s unfair.
4)I still feel tired, because I didn’t sleep enough.
5)I am raising my child without quitting my job. That’s really hard.
6)This drama is getting more and more interesting, so I can never miss it.
7)Although she has been living in Tokyo for more than ten years, her accent is still a little strange.
今日のフランス語 ⑬
Ce mercredi 31 octobre, c'est Halloween ! Dans la nuit du 31 octobre au 1er
novembre, les Américains vont se déguiser en créature de l'au-delà ou en personnages
comiques et faire la fête. Mais en France, verra-t-on des hordes d'adultes déguisés ?
Nadine Cretin, historienne des fêtes, fait le point sur l'importance d'Halloween dans
HALLOWEEN. Impossible de parler du succès d’Halloween dans l’Hexagone de manière
générale, car la fête est totalement différente selon l’âge des Français :
1. Pour les enfants, la fête connaît un certain succès en France, notamment en
province. Les enfants continuent à se déguiser et à aller frapper aux portes pour
demander des bonbons. C’est moins le cas à Paris que dans le reste de la France, mais
c’est peut-être lié au fait que beaucoup de gens quittent la capitale pendant les
vacances de la Toussaint.
Le succès de cette fête pour les enfants s’explique par le fait qu’elle est souvent
promue par les écoles publiques. Avec le multiculturalisme français, et notamment
l’augmentation du nombre de petits musulmans dans les écoles, l’école publique évite
de promouvoir des fêtes religieuses qui ne correspondent pas aux croyances de tous
leurs élèves. C’est pourquoi la fête d’Halloween est très pratique, puisqu’elle semble
détachée de toute religion (même si sa raison d’être est en réalité liée à la crainte de
2. Pour les adultes, la fête ne semble pas prendre. Elle a fonctionné tant bien que mal
quelques années quand elle est arrivée en France, dans les années 1990. Mais elle a
ensuite périclité, et aujourd’hui, elle ne fonctionne pas dans notre pays. Les décorations
des cafés et restaurants diminuent d’année en année et les adultes qui se déguisent
sont très rares. Elle n’a pas du tout eu le succès commercial escompté.
Si les Français sont extrêmement réticents vis-à-vis de la fête d’Halloween, c’est parce
qu’ils la trouvent trop différente de leur culture, trop américaine. Mais ils se trompent
sur ce point : Halloween est en réalité née d’une fête européenne qui s’est exportée aux
Halloween, une fête celte
C’est une fête celte extrêmement ancienne, qui portait le nom de "Samain". Elle
annonçait le début de l’hiver et représentait le moment où le monde surnaturel et le
monde rationnel se rejoignaient. Les êtres fantastiques étaient donc tout proches des
hommes : ces êtres pouvaient être bénéfiques comme maléfiques. Cette fête prenait
racine dans la peur des hommes pour l’au-delà.
Elle se déroulait à peu près dans la nuit du 31 octobre au 1er novembre ‒ les Celtes
utilisaient un calendrier différent du nôtre et dépendant de la lune. Vers le 9e siècle en
Europe, cette fête a pris le nom de "All Hallow’s even", littéralement : "la veille de tous
les saints". C’est de là que vient le nom "Halloween".
Cette fête était légèrement différente de la fête d’Halloween que nous connaissons
aujourd’hui aux États-Unis. Elle n’était pas aussi macabre, même si elle était liée aux
êtres surnaturels.
Elle accordait une grande place aux processions d’enfants, qui portaient au bout d’un
bâton des lanternes faites dans des cucurbitacées légères. Lors des tournées d’enfants,
les gens qui leur ouvraient leur porte leur faisaient des cadeaux, de crainte de la
malédiction des enfants. L’ancêtre du "trick or treat", en somme.
Une fête toujours présente en Europe
Cette fête existe toujours en Europe, et elle diffère selon les pays. En Allemagne, il
existe la procession des lanternes, portées par des enfants, qui a lieu la veille de la
Saint-Martin, le 10 novembre. Les enfants portent des lanternes, qui étaient autrefois
végétales et formées de légumes creusés.
Dans le nord de la France, il existe la procession des allumoirs, qui a lieu à la fin du mois
d’octobre. En Suisse, la procession des lanternes Rabeliechtli a lieu, elle, début
Toutes ces fêtes, que nous perpétuons aujourd’hui, sont les voisines de la fête
d’Halloween américaine. Le succès qu’a cette fête auprès des enfants vient donc
également du fait que les processions d’enfants sont inscrites dans notre histoire.
Halloween a été exportée par les Irlandais
Ce sont les Irlandais qui ont amené la fête d'Halloween aux États-Unis pendant le milieu
du 19e siècle. Ce peuple très attaché à ses traditions a émigré en masse durant la
grande famine irlandaise.
La tradition de la citrouille avec un visage est d’ailleurs irlandaise. Le visage est celui de
Jack, un personnage qui ne pouvait aller ni au paradis, ni en enfer, et avait été
condamné à errer. Les Irlandais dessinaient ce visage dans tout type de légumes.
L’adaptation sur citrouille est typiquement américaine.
Halloween est devenue telle que nous la connaissons avec la rencontre des cultures du
sud des États-Unis et du Mexique. C’est en rencontrant la fête des morts mexicaine,
durant laquelle on célèbre les morts à grand renfort de squelettes, qu'Halloween a pris
son côté macabre et a adopté les couleurs orange et noir.
Lorsque cette fête partie d’Europe est ensuite revenue dans le continent de ses
origines, dans les années 1990, elle a donc rencontré beaucoup de réticences.
Probablement parce qu’elle avait acquis un côté américain et très commercial.
Halloween continuera probablement dans les prochaines années grâce aux enfants,
mais les adultes qui la fêteront seront plus rares.
Ce mercredi 31 octobre, c'est Halloween ! Dans la nuit du 31 octobre au 1er
novembre, les Américains vont se déguiser en créature de l'au-delà ou en personnages
comiques et faire la fête. Mais en France, verra-t-on des hordes d'adultes déguisés ?
Nadine Cretin, historienne des fêtes, fait le point sur l'importance d'Halloween dans
HALLOWEEN. Impossible de parler du succès d’Halloween dans l’Hexagone de manière
générale, car la fête est totalement différente selon l’âge des Français :
1. Pour les enfants, la fête connaît un certain succès en France, notamment en
province. Les enfants continuent à se déguiser et à aller frapper aux portes pour
demander des bonbons. C’est moins le cas à Paris que dans le reste de la France, mais
c’est peut-être lié au fait que beaucoup de gens quittent la capitale pendant les
vacances de la Toussaint.
Le succès de cette fête pour les enfants s’explique par le fait qu’elle est souvent
promue par les écoles publiques. Avec le multiculturalisme français, et notamment
l’augmentation du nombre de petits musulmans dans les écoles, l’école publique évite
de promouvoir des fêtes religieuses qui ne correspondent pas aux croyances de tous
leurs élèves. C’est pourquoi la fête d’Halloween est très pratique, puisqu’elle semble
détachée de toute religion (même si sa raison d’être est en réalité liée à la crainte de
2. Pour les adultes, la fête ne semble pas prendre. Elle a fonctionné tant bien que mal
quelques années quand elle est arrivée en France, dans les années 1990. Mais elle a
ensuite périclité, et aujourd’hui, elle ne fonctionne pas dans notre pays. Les décorations
des cafés et restaurants diminuent d’année en année et les adultes qui se déguisent
sont très rares. Elle n’a pas du tout eu le succès commercial escompté.
Si les Français sont extrêmement réticents vis-à-vis de la fête d’Halloween, c’est parce
qu’ils la trouvent trop différente de leur culture, trop américaine. Mais ils se trompent
sur ce point : Halloween est en réalité née d’une fête européenne qui s’est exportée aux
Halloween, une fête celte
C’est une fête celte extrêmement ancienne, qui portait le nom de "Samain". Elle
annonçait le début de l’hiver et représentait le moment où le monde surnaturel et le
monde rationnel se rejoignaient. Les êtres fantastiques étaient donc tout proches des
hommes : ces êtres pouvaient être bénéfiques comme maléfiques. Cette fête prenait
racine dans la peur des hommes pour l’au-delà.
Elle se déroulait à peu près dans la nuit du 31 octobre au 1er novembre ‒ les Celtes
utilisaient un calendrier différent du nôtre et dépendant de la lune. Vers le 9e siècle en
Europe, cette fête a pris le nom de "All Hallow’s even", littéralement : "la veille de tous
les saints". C’est de là que vient le nom "Halloween".
Cette fête était légèrement différente de la fête d’Halloween que nous connaissons
aujourd’hui aux États-Unis. Elle n’était pas aussi macabre, même si elle était liée aux
êtres surnaturels.
Elle accordait une grande place aux processions d’enfants, qui portaient au bout d’un
bâton des lanternes faites dans des cucurbitacées légères. Lors des tournées d’enfants,
les gens qui leur ouvraient leur porte leur faisaient des cadeaux, de crainte de la
malédiction des enfants. L’ancêtre du "trick or treat", en somme.
Une fête toujours présente en Europe
Cette fête existe toujours en Europe, et elle diffère selon les pays. En Allemagne, il
existe la procession des lanternes, portées par des enfants, qui a lieu la veille de la
Saint-Martin, le 10 novembre. Les enfants portent des lanternes, qui étaient autrefois
végétales et formées de légumes creusés.
Dans le nord de la France, il existe la procession des allumoirs, qui a lieu à la fin du mois
d’octobre. En Suisse, la procession des lanternes Rabeliechtli a lieu, elle, début
Toutes ces fêtes, que nous perpétuons aujourd’hui, sont les voisines de la fête
d’Halloween américaine. Le succès qu’a cette fête auprès des enfants vient donc
également du fait que les processions d’enfants sont inscrites dans notre histoire.
Halloween a été exportée par les Irlandais
Ce sont les Irlandais qui ont amené la fête d'Halloween aux États-Unis pendant le milieu
du 19e siècle. Ce peuple très attaché à ses traditions a émigré en masse durant la
grande famine irlandaise.
La tradition de la citrouille avec un visage est d’ailleurs irlandaise. Le visage est celui de
Jack, un personnage qui ne pouvait aller ni au paradis, ni en enfer, et avait été
condamné à errer. Les Irlandais dessinaient ce visage dans tout type de légumes.
L’adaptation sur citrouille est typiquement américaine.
Halloween est devenue telle que nous la connaissons avec la rencontre des cultures du
sud des États-Unis et du Mexique. C’est en rencontrant la fête des morts mexicaine,
durant laquelle on célèbre les morts à grand renfort de squelettes, qu'Halloween a pris
son côté macabre et a adopté les couleurs orange et noir.
Lorsque cette fête partie d’Europe est ensuite revenue dans le continent de ses
origines, dans les années 1990, elle a donc rencontré beaucoup de réticences.
Probablement parce qu’elle avait acquis un côté américain et très commercial.
Halloween continuera probablement dans les prochaines années grâce aux enfants,
mais les adultes qui la fêteront seront plus rares.
使いたくなる言い回し ⑧
I take things personally.
I stop taking things personally.
I try to learn a new language not to take things personally!
I take things personally.
I stop taking things personally.
I try to learn a new language not to take things personally!
Day 14 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
61) Can I call you?
62) Did you watch TV?
63) Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
61)Can I give you a call?
62) Did you watch the television?
63)Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
1) She doesn’t admit her real feelings.
2) My mother is very good at cooking.
3) He doesn’t listen to other people’s advice.
4) You can do anything you want today.
5) I didn’t sleep enough so I am tired.
6) It is sometimes important to look at the sky without thinking.
7) It is better not to think about things that you can’t change (now).
1)She never says honestly how she feels.
2)My mother is really good at cooking, so I like to have meals at home rather than at restaurants.
3)He never accepts others’advices.
4)Please say anything honestly today. Let’s enjoy conversation.
5)I had only a little sleep, so I really feel tired.
6)You don’t have to think too much. Why don't you look up and see the sky? It is good for you to spend time like that.
7)I try not to be worried too much more than I need.
61) Can I call you?
62) Did you watch TV?
63) Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
61)Can I give you a call?
62) Did you watch the television?
63)Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
1) She doesn’t admit her real feelings.
2) My mother is very good at cooking.
3) He doesn’t listen to other people’s advice.
4) You can do anything you want today.
5) I didn’t sleep enough so I am tired.
6) It is sometimes important to look at the sky without thinking.
7) It is better not to think about things that you can’t change (now).
1)She never says honestly how she feels.
2)My mother is really good at cooking, so I like to have meals at home rather than at restaurants.
3)He never accepts others’advices.
4)Please say anything honestly today. Let’s enjoy conversation.
5)I had only a little sleep, so I really feel tired.
6)You don’t have to think too much. Why don't you look up and see the sky? It is good for you to spend time like that.
7)I try not to be worried too much more than I need.
今日の中国語 ⑭
使いたくなる言い回し ⑦
英語のレッスンでもよく登場する be worried ですが、worry ってどう使うんでしょうか?
worry or be worried?
あまり I worry ...って使わない気がしますが。
My mother worries about me too much.
worry or be worried?
あまり I worry ...って使わない気がしますが。
My mother worries about me too much.
使いたくなる言い回し ⑥
It’s been raining on and off all day.
It’s been raining on and off since early morning.
on and off ね。
The baby cried on and off all day.
on and on というのもあります。
It’s been raining on and off all day.
It’s been raining on and off since early morning.
on and off ね。
The baby cried on and off all day.
on and on というのもあります。
Day 13 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
61) Can I call you?
62) Did you watch TV?
63) Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
61)Can I give you a call?
62) Did you watch the television?
63)Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
1) She doesn’t admit her real feelings.
2) My mother is very good at cooking.
3) He doesn’t listen to other people’s advice.
4) You can do anything you want today.
5) I didn’t sleep enough so I am tired.
6) It is sometimes important to look at the sky without thinking.
7) It is better not to think about things that you can’t change (now).
1)She never says honestly how she feels.
2)My mother is really good at cooking, so I like to have meals at home rather than at restaurants.
3)He never accepts others’advices.
4)Please say anything honestly today. Let’s enjoy conversation.
5)I had only a little sleep, so I really feel tired.
6)You don’t have to think too much. Why don't you look up and see the sky? It is good for you to spend time like that.
7)I try not to be worried too much more than I need.
61) Can I call you?
62) Did you watch TV?
63) Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
61)Can I give you a call?
62) Did you watch the television?
63)Is there a restroom?
64) I am going to cook dinner at home.
65) I am waiting for my friend.
1) She doesn’t admit her real feelings.
2) My mother is very good at cooking.
3) He doesn’t listen to other people’s advice.
4) You can do anything you want today.
5) I didn’t sleep enough so I am tired.
6) It is sometimes important to look at the sky without thinking.
7) It is better not to think about things that you can’t change (now).
1)She never says honestly how she feels.
2)My mother is really good at cooking, so I like to have meals at home rather than at restaurants.
3)He never accepts others’advices.
4)Please say anything honestly today. Let’s enjoy conversation.
5)I had only a little sleep, so I really feel tired.
6)You don’t have to think too much. Why don't you look up and see the sky? It is good for you to spend time like that.
7)I try not to be worried too much more than I need.
今日の中国語 ⑫
没有~ で、~しなかったとなります。
没有~ で、~しなかったとなります。
今日のフランス語 ⑪
使いたくなる言い回し ⑤
That was an exciting game, wasn't it?
It was really a thrilling game!
That was an exciting game, wasn't it?
It was really a thrilling game!
Day 12 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
56) Please look for a hotel.
57) They were talking about soccer.
58) There is a bank.
59) Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji.
60) Hokkaido is far from Okinawa.
1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
56)Please look for a hotel.
57)They were talking about soccer.
58)There is a bank.
59)Japan is famous for Mt.Fuji.
60)Hokkaido is far from Okinawa.
1) It is important not to give up.
2) It is very hot this summer so I sweat a lot.
3) Her mother cannot stop taking care of her child.
4) He can’t decide what he wants to do.
5) My co-worker always gives me courage to do something.
6) I did not eat for three days because I wanted to become healthy.
7) It is important to exercise and eat good food to stay healthy.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Never giving up is important.
2) It is too hot this summer. We can’t live without air conditioner.
3) Her mother loves her too much. She wants to be independant, though she can’t.
4) He can’t decide easily.
5) My coworker always encourages me to work.
6) I tried a three-day-fasting to be more healthy.
7) If you want to be healthy, you need both doing some sports and having meals three times a day.
56) Please look for a hotel.
57) They were talking about soccer.
58) There is a bank.
59) Japan is famous for Mt. Fuji.
60) Hokkaido is far from Okinawa.
1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
56)Please look for a hotel.
57)They were talking about soccer.
58)There is a bank.
59)Japan is famous for Mt.Fuji.
60)Hokkaido is far from Okinawa.
1) It is important not to give up.
2) It is very hot this summer so I sweat a lot.
3) Her mother cannot stop taking care of her child.
4) He can’t decide what he wants to do.
5) My co-worker always gives me courage to do something.
6) I did not eat for three days because I wanted to become healthy.
7) It is important to exercise and eat good food to stay healthy.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Never giving up is important.
2) It is too hot this summer. We can’t live without air conditioner.
3) Her mother loves her too much. She wants to be independant, though she can’t.
4) He can’t decide easily.
5) My coworker always encourages me to work.
6) I tried a three-day-fasting to be more healthy.
7) If you want to be healthy, you need both doing some sports and having meals three times a day.
Day 11 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
51) I am good at driving.
52) She is waiting for her boyfriend.
53) I am interested in learning new languages.
54) I am worried about my friend.
55) I am afraid of my mother.
1)I am good at driving.
2)She is waiting for her boyfriend.
3)I am interested in learning a new language.
4)I am worried about my friend.
5)I am afraid of my mother.
1) It is easy for me to teach English.
2) I can’t stop taking care of him.
3) I just met him so I do not know him well.
4) We cannot understand each other well.
5) He always worries about how everyone thinks about him.
6) I try not to use too much salt for my health.
7) My daughter is good at asking people to buy her something.
1)I can teach you English anytime.
2)I mostly help him more than he needs.
3)I know only a little about him, because I met him a few days ago.
4)When I talk with her, I can’t have a good communication with her.
5)He is always worried about what others think about him.
6)I try not to eat salty food too much, because it isn’t good for health.
7)My daughter is good at telling what she wants.
51) I am good at driving.
52) She is waiting for her boyfriend.
53) I am interested in learning new languages.
54) I am worried about my friend.
55) I am afraid of my mother.
1)I am good at driving.
2)She is waiting for her boyfriend.
3)I am interested in learning a new language.
4)I am worried about my friend.
5)I am afraid of my mother.
1) It is easy for me to teach English.
2) I can’t stop taking care of him.
3) I just met him so I do not know him well.
4) We cannot understand each other well.
5) He always worries about how everyone thinks about him.
6) I try not to use too much salt for my health.
7) My daughter is good at asking people to buy her something.
1)I can teach you English anytime.
2)I mostly help him more than he needs.
3)I know only a little about him, because I met him a few days ago.
4)When I talk with her, I can’t have a good communication with her.
5)He is always worried about what others think about him.
6)I try not to eat salty food too much, because it isn’t good for health.
7)My daughter is good at telling what she wants.
使いたくなる言い回し ④
こういう場合にかける言葉は、Good luck!
参考記事は ここ
うまくいくとか言いたいとき、主語がひとだと go well、物事が主語だとwork out を使うそうです。
Good luck in your new post!
こういう場合にかける言葉は、Good luck!
参考記事は ここ
うまくいくとか言いたいとき、主語がひとだと go well、物事が主語だとwork out を使うそうです。
Good luck in your new post!
Day 10 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
46) We are late for the reservation.
47) Be careful not to forget your bag.
48) Did you talk to her today?
49) Is there a bank near here?
50) I like to listen to music everyday.
46) We are late for the reservation.
47) Be careful not to forget your bag.
48) Did you talk to her today?
49) Is there a bank near here?
50) I like to listen to music everyday.
1) I called my friend. But she has not called back.
2) I ate fried food and I do not feel good.
3) He always acts without thinking.
4) She is always smiling so everyone loves her.
5) I slept on the train and I could not get off at Shibuya (station).
6) I made a mistake yesterday and my boss got very mad at me.
7) I was ordered to stay home for two weeks.
1)I haven’t heard from my friend.
2)I ate some fried chicken. I am too full.
3)He is too brave. He takes action without considering.
4)She is so pleasant that everyone likes her.
5)I was supposed to get off at Shibuya, but I didn’t because I had a good nap in the train.
6)I made a mistake yesterday. My boss was really angry about it.
7)My boss said to me, “Stay home for two weeks. Don’t come to work.”
46) We are late for the reservation.
47) Be careful not to forget your bag.
48) Did you talk to her today?
49) Is there a bank near here?
50) I like to listen to music everyday.
46) We are late for the reservation.
47) Be careful not to forget your bag.
48) Did you talk to her today?
49) Is there a bank near here?
50) I like to listen to music everyday.
1) I called my friend. But she has not called back.
2) I ate fried food and I do not feel good.
3) He always acts without thinking.
4) She is always smiling so everyone loves her.
5) I slept on the train and I could not get off at Shibuya (station).
6) I made a mistake yesterday and my boss got very mad at me.
7) I was ordered to stay home for two weeks.
1)I haven’t heard from my friend.
2)I ate some fried chicken. I am too full.
3)He is too brave. He takes action without considering.
4)She is so pleasant that everyone likes her.
5)I was supposed to get off at Shibuya, but I didn’t because I had a good nap in the train.
6)I made a mistake yesterday. My boss was really angry about it.
7)My boss said to me, “Stay home for two weeks. Don’t come to work.”
使いたくなる言い回し ③
It ain't over til it's over.
It ain't over til it's over.
It ain't over til it's over.
It ain't over til it's over.
Online Lesson 1
This is my first time to take an online lesson .
Today's members are 4 (including me).
First of all, I have to introduce myself by 3 sentences.
I like wathing french movies, listening to french music.
I am interested in learning langugages, such as English, french and chinese.
After that, I ask some questions to them and they ask me some.
K is interested in diving and sailing.
M likes playing golf, reading and fishing.
C has two sons who are active and like cars.
Then we try to make a sentence:
I want to go to popular shops but I don't want to line up.
I want to go to the store everyone knows
but the store has a long line and I don't want to wait.
I want to go to a very popular restaurant
but it takes too much time to enter it
so I don't want to line up.(It's mine)
I want to go to the shop that many people go to recently
but I hate making a line.
Exchange our comments about lining up:
If you have to line up at Tokyo Sky Tree,
how many minutes or hours can you wait?
I hate making a line.
So I don't feel like climbing this famous tower.
I think that Tokyo people like making a long line.
As one of Osaka people, I want to line up no longer than 15 minutes.
Today's members are 4 (including me).
First of all, I have to introduce myself by 3 sentences.
I like wathing french movies, listening to french music.
I am interested in learning langugages, such as English, french and chinese.
After that, I ask some questions to them and they ask me some.
K is interested in diving and sailing.
M likes playing golf, reading and fishing.
C has two sons who are active and like cars.
Then we try to make a sentence:
I want to go to popular shops but I don't want to line up.
I want to go to the store everyone knows
but the store has a long line and I don't want to wait.
I want to go to a very popular restaurant
but it takes too much time to enter it
so I don't want to line up.(It's mine)
I want to go to the shop that many people go to recently
but I hate making a line.
Exchange our comments about lining up:
If you have to line up at Tokyo Sky Tree,
how many minutes or hours can you wait?
I hate making a line.
So I don't feel like climbing this famous tower.
I think that Tokyo people like making a long line.
As one of Osaka people, I want to line up no longer than 15 minutes.
Cars Land
It is unbelivable in a wheelless soiety!
America is really a motorized society!
It is unbelivable in a wheelless soiety!
America is really a motorized society!
使いたくなる言い回し 英語 ②
She is going to leave the office soon,
and she hopes her colleagues to say to her, "Conguratulations!"
ところでsomeday, sometime の使い分けって今ひとつわかっていませんでした。
sometime とか at some point 意外に使い道ありますね~
She is going to leave the office soon,
and she hopes her colleagues to say to her, "Conguratulations!"
ところでsomeday, sometime の使い分けって今ひとつわかっていませんでした。
sometime とか at some point 意外に使い道ありますね~
使いたくなる言い回し 英語 ①
Long time no seen! よりもこちらなんですね。
It's been for a while!
I saw my friend for the first time in one year.
Long time no seen! よりもこちらなんですね。
It's been for a while!
I saw my friend for the first time in one year.
Day10 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
41) I enjoy playing sports.
42) I have to wake up early tomorrow.
43) I’m going to watch a movie.
44) Can I go to the restroom?
45) Where is the entrance of this office?
41)I enjoy sports.
42)I have to get up early tomorrow.
43)I am going to watch the movie.
44)Can I go to the restroom?
45) Where can I enter to this office?
1) Some people may agree and others may not.
2) I went to a wedding and it was nice. Everyone was laughing all the time.
3) I went home while everyone was having fun.
4) He gave me the key to his room.
5) She wishes to quit her work. She hopes that everyone will understand her.
6) I ate a very nice steak. It was so delicious and I felt very happy.
7) It is useless (meaningless) to think that you are not good enough.
1)While some agrees with this way, some doesn’t do.
2) All the marriage’s members were so happy that they enjoyed laughing.
3)While everyone was too excited of chatting each other, I left the party without saying good-by.
4)He gave me the spare key of his room.
5)She is going to leave the office soon, and she hopes her colleagues to say to her, “Congratulations!”
6)I ate the prime beef, so I was really happy!
7)I believe that you are much better than you imagine, however, you don’t think so.
41) I enjoy playing sports.
42) I have to wake up early tomorrow.
43) I’m going to watch a movie.
44) Can I go to the restroom?
45) Where is the entrance of this office?
41)I enjoy sports.
42)I have to get up early tomorrow.
43)I am going to watch the movie.
44)Can I go to the restroom?
45) Where can I enter to this office?
1) Some people may agree and others may not.
2) I went to a wedding and it was nice. Everyone was laughing all the time.
3) I went home while everyone was having fun.
4) He gave me the key to his room.
5) She wishes to quit her work. She hopes that everyone will understand her.
6) I ate a very nice steak. It was so delicious and I felt very happy.
7) It is useless (meaningless) to think that you are not good enough.
1)While some agrees with this way, some doesn’t do.
2) All the marriage’s members were so happy that they enjoyed laughing.
3)While everyone was too excited of chatting each other, I left the party without saying good-by.
4)He gave me the spare key of his room.
5)She is going to leave the office soon, and she hopes her colleagues to say to her, “Congratulations!”
6)I ate the prime beef, so I was really happy!
7)I believe that you are much better than you imagine, however, you don’t think so.
こちら で読めるようです。
こちら で読めるようです。
今日のフランス語 ⑧
今日の中国語 ⑧
Day 09 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
36) I am late for school.
37) She is careful not to be late for work.
38) The restroom is near from here.
39) I am afraid of my boss.
40) Kyoto is famous for the Kinkaku-ji Temple.
36) I am late for school.
37) She is careful not to be late for work.
38) The restroom is near from here.
39) I am afraid of my boss.
40) Kyoto is famous for Kinkaku-ji temple.
1) I think this room is too simple.
2) I thought so without reasons.
3) I heard many people have a cold.
4) I don’t know what is near here.
5) I’m very happy because I could get the ticket for the concert.
6) I think this flower is more gorgeous than others.
7) It is the best season for us to eat pumpkins.
1)This room is too simple.
2)I didn’t know why, but I was sure of it.
3) I understand that a lot of people caught a cold.
4)I am a stranger here, so I don’t know how to get there.
5)I have just gotten the live thicket! I am really exicited!
6) I like those floweres, but I like these ones better.
7)Pampkins in this season are best.
36) I am late for school.
37) She is careful not to be late for work.
38) The restroom is near from here.
39) I am afraid of my boss.
40) Kyoto is famous for the Kinkaku-ji Temple.
36) I am late for school.
37) She is careful not to be late for work.
38) The restroom is near from here.
39) I am afraid of my boss.
40) Kyoto is famous for Kinkaku-ji temple.
1) I think this room is too simple.
2) I thought so without reasons.
3) I heard many people have a cold.
4) I don’t know what is near here.
5) I’m very happy because I could get the ticket for the concert.
6) I think this flower is more gorgeous than others.
7) It is the best season for us to eat pumpkins.
1)This room is too simple.
2)I didn’t know why, but I was sure of it.
3) I understand that a lot of people caught a cold.
4)I am a stranger here, so I don’t know how to get there.
5)I have just gotten the live thicket! I am really exicited!
6) I like those floweres, but I like these ones better.
7)Pampkins in this season are best.
Day 08 回答例
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
31) I am going to go home.
32) Is there a post office?
33) He is waiting for her.
34) I am worried about my sister.
35) They talked about the weather.
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
31) I am going to go home.
32) Is there a post office?
33) He is waiting for her.
34) I am worried about my sister.
35) They talked about the weather.
1) I think this room is too simple.
2) I thought so without reasons.
3) I heard many people have a cold.
4) I don’t know what is near here.
5) I’m very happy because I could get the ticket for the concert.
6) I think this flower is more gorgeous than others.
7) It is the best season for us to eat pumpkins.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)This room is too simple.
2)I didn’t know why, but I was sure of it.
3) I understand that a lot of people caught a cold.
4)I am a stranger here, so I don’t know how to get there.
5)I have just gotten the live thicket! I am really exicited!
6) I like those floweres, but I like these ones better.
7)Pampkins in this season are best.
31) I am going to go home.
32) Is there a post office?
33) He is waiting for her.
34) I am worried about my sister.
35) They talked about the weather.
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
31) I am going to go home.
32) Is there a post office?
33) He is waiting for her.
34) I am worried about my sister.
35) They talked about the weather.
1) I think this room is too simple.
2) I thought so without reasons.
3) I heard many people have a cold.
4) I don’t know what is near here.
5) I’m very happy because I could get the ticket for the concert.
6) I think this flower is more gorgeous than others.
7) It is the best season for us to eat pumpkins.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)This room is too simple.
2)I didn’t know why, but I was sure of it.
3) I understand that a lot of people caught a cold.
4)I am a stranger here, so I don’t know how to get there.
5)I have just gotten the live thicket! I am really exicited!
6) I like those floweres, but I like these ones better.
7)Pampkins in this season are best.
今日のフランス語 ⑥
Day 07 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
26) I have to go to work.
27) Where is the restroom?
28) I enjoy shopping.
29) She listens to classical music.
30) There is a restaurant.
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ
26) I have to go to work.
27) Where is a restroom?
28) I enjoy shopping.
29) She listens to classical music.
30) There is a restaurant.
1) My brother always wants to win.
2) He cannot decide anything.
3) I am not good at having a good relationship with others.
4) She looks like a different person.
5) I don’t want you to say anything about it.
6) That is not what I wanted to say.
7) He should think more before he talks.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(簡単な日本語から英語)
1)My brother never wants to be a loser.
2)He can’t make a decision easily.
3)Whenever I talk to others, I really feel nervous.
4)She is different from what she was like.
5)Don’t give me your advice.
6)I thought that it would be good for you.
7)When he says something to others, he has to choose his words more carefully.
26) I have to go to work.
27) Where is the restroom?
28) I enjoy shopping.
29) She listens to classical music.
30) There is a restaurant.
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ
26) I have to go to work.
27) Where is a restroom?
28) I enjoy shopping.
29) She listens to classical music.
30) There is a restaurant.
1) My brother always wants to win.
2) He cannot decide anything.
3) I am not good at having a good relationship with others.
4) She looks like a different person.
5) I don’t want you to say anything about it.
6) That is not what I wanted to say.
7) He should think more before he talks.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(簡単な日本語から英語)
1)My brother never wants to be a loser.
2)He can’t make a decision easily.
3)Whenever I talk to others, I really feel nervous.
4)She is different from what she was like.
5)Don’t give me your advice.
6)I thought that it would be good for you.
7)When he says something to others, he has to choose his words more carefully.
Day 06 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
21) Did you finish working?
22) Can I borrow your pencil?
23) She is looking for a job.
24) I am interested in traveling.
25) I am good at soccer.
21) Did you finish work?
22) Can I use your pencil?
23) She is looking for job.
24) I am interested in travail.
25) I am good at playing soccer.
1) He does not come on time.
2) She uses her things carefully (gently) .
3) I cannot understand what he is saying.
4) I wanted to change my environment so I moved.
5) I got wet because it rained suddenly.
6) People are talking about it but it is not true.
7) I made a mistake. I will try not to make the same mistake.
1)Although he is always late, he never minds.
2)She tries hard to use her clothes and shoes as long as she can.
3)I don’t understand what he wants to say.
4)I moved here to begin something new.
5)When it suddenly rained too much, I didn’t have an umbrella with me so I got wet too much.
6)People believes that the rumor is true, however, in fact, it is false.
7)I failed, but I will do my best next time.
21) Did you finish working?
22) Can I borrow your pencil?
23) She is looking for a job.
24) I am interested in traveling.
25) I am good at soccer.
21) Did you finish work?
22) Can I use your pencil?
23) She is looking for job.
24) I am interested in travail.
25) I am good at playing soccer.
1) He does not come on time.
2) She uses her things carefully (gently) .
3) I cannot understand what he is saying.
4) I wanted to change my environment so I moved.
5) I got wet because it rained suddenly.
6) People are talking about it but it is not true.
7) I made a mistake. I will try not to make the same mistake.
1)Although he is always late, he never minds.
2)She tries hard to use her clothes and shoes as long as she can.
3)I don’t understand what he wants to say.
4)I moved here to begin something new.
5)When it suddenly rained too much, I didn’t have an umbrella with me so I got wet too much.
6)People believes that the rumor is true, however, in fact, it is false.
7)I failed, but I will do my best next time.
今日の中国語 ⑤
今日のフランス語 ⑤
Day 05 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
16) I am late for work.
17) Be careful not to be late.
18) The station is far from my house.
19) He is afraid of the dark.
20) Harajuku is famous for fashion.
16) I am late for work.
17) Please be careful not to be late.
18) The station is far from my house.
19) He is really afraid of being in a dark place.
20) Harajuku is popular for many fashionable shops.
1) She is too confident recently.
2) I think he will be a great person.
3) He always has a lot of work because he cannot ask others to do it.
4) She became very beautiful recently.
5) His wife makes him lunch for him every day.
6) I work late recently so I will eat my favorite cake today.
7) I went on a date with him. But it did not go well. I am sad.
1) I think that she is too proud of herself.
2)I believe that he is really talented.
3)He can’t finish his work easily.
4) She has recently changed herself a lot.
5)He brings his lunch box everyday, because his wife cooks lunch for him.
6)I have to keep on overworking. I am really tired, so I want to buy a cake to encourage me to work.
7)I didn’t have a good conversation with her on the date, so I felt sad.
16) I am late for work.
17) Be careful not to be late.
18) The station is far from my house.
19) He is afraid of the dark.
20) Harajuku is famous for fashion.
16) I am late for work.
17) Please be careful not to be late.
18) The station is far from my house.
19) He is really afraid of being in a dark place.
20) Harajuku is popular for many fashionable shops.
1) She is too confident recently.
2) I think he will be a great person.
3) He always has a lot of work because he cannot ask others to do it.
4) She became very beautiful recently.
5) His wife makes him lunch for him every day.
6) I work late recently so I will eat my favorite cake today.
7) I went on a date with him. But it did not go well. I am sad.
1) I think that she is too proud of herself.
2)I believe that he is really talented.
3)He can’t finish his work easily.
4) She has recently changed herself a lot.
5)He brings his lunch box everyday, because his wife cooks lunch for him.
6)I have to keep on overworking. I am really tired, so I want to buy a cake to encourage me to work.
7)I didn’t have a good conversation with her on the date, so I felt sad.
今日の中国語 ④
Day 04 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
11) I’m going to have lunch.
12) Is there an ATM near here?
13) I am waiting for my sister.
14) I am worried about her.
15) They talked about yesterday’s meeting.
11)I am going to have lunch.
12)Is there ATM near here?
13)I am waiting for my sister.
14)I wonder if she is OK.
15) They talked about yesterday’s meeting.
1) He only thinks about making money.
2) My brother suddenly got married. The news surprised every one.
3) My girlfriend always keeps her room clean.
4) He never accepts that he is wrong.
5) My father never changes his thoughts.
6) My mother gets lost easily.
7) He does not listen to other people’s advice
1) He always thinks about getting more money.
2)We all were really surprised to hear my brother’s marriage.
3)My girlfriend is too sensitive about everything.
4)He believes that he is always right.
5)My father always insists his idea.
6)My mother gets lost everywhere.
7)He can’t give flexible response.
11) I’m going to have lunch.
12) Is there an ATM near here?
13) I am waiting for my sister.
14) I am worried about her.
15) They talked about yesterday’s meeting.
11)I am going to have lunch.
12)Is there ATM near here?
13)I am waiting for my sister.
14)I wonder if she is OK.
15) They talked about yesterday’s meeting.
1) He only thinks about making money.
2) My brother suddenly got married. The news surprised every one.
3) My girlfriend always keeps her room clean.
4) He never accepts that he is wrong.
5) My father never changes his thoughts.
6) My mother gets lost easily.
7) He does not listen to other people’s advice
1) He always thinks about getting more money.
2)We all were really surprised to hear my brother’s marriage.
3)My girlfriend is too sensitive about everything.
4)He believes that he is always right.
5)My father always insists his idea.
6)My mother gets lost everywhere.
7)He can’t give flexible response.
今日のフランス語 ④
今日のフランス語 ③
Day 03 回答例
6) I have to go home.
7) Where is the station?
8) I enjoy watching movies.
9) I listen to J-pop music.
10) There is a book on the table.
6) I have to go home.
7) Where is the station?
8) I enjoy wacthing movies.
9) I listen to J-pop.
10) There is a book on the desk.
1) It is too hot. I cannot stay here.
2) Everyone stopped them but they got married.
3) I didn’t think this would happen.
4) I have too much work to do but I don’t have time.
5) He wants his girlfriend to think he is cool.
6) It was my dream to buy many clothes from my favorite shop.
7) If you use my shampoo without telling me, I will be mad.
1)Too hot! I don’t want to do anything!
2)Their parents and friends were against their marriage, but they got married.
3)Why did that happend? Unbelievable!
4)I have to finish a lot of tasks.
5)Whenever he is with her, he tries hard to be like a good man.
6)When I was young, I didn’t afford to buy my favorite brand dress. Now I afford to do it, so I am really happy.
7)Never use my shampoo!
6) I have to go home.
7) Where is the station?
8) I enjoy watching movies.
9) I listen to J-pop music.
10) There is a book on the table.
6) I have to go home.
7) Where is the station?
8) I enjoy wacthing movies.
9) I listen to J-pop.
10) There is a book on the desk.
1) It is too hot. I cannot stay here.
2) Everyone stopped them but they got married.
3) I didn’t think this would happen.
4) I have too much work to do but I don’t have time.
5) He wants his girlfriend to think he is cool.
6) It was my dream to buy many clothes from my favorite shop.
7) If you use my shampoo without telling me, I will be mad.
1)Too hot! I don’t want to do anything!
2)Their parents and friends were against their marriage, but they got married.
3)Why did that happend? Unbelievable!
4)I have to finish a lot of tasks.
5)Whenever he is with her, he tries hard to be like a good man.
6)When I was young, I didn’t afford to buy my favorite brand dress. Now I afford to do it, so I am really happy.
7)Never use my shampoo!
今日のフランス語 ②
Day 02 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
1) Did you eat lunch?
2) Can I go home?
3) I am looking for my friend.
4) I’m interested in this book.
5) I’m good at cooking.
1)Have you finished lunch?
2)Can I go home?
3) I am looking for my friend.
4) I am interested in this book.
5) I am a good cook.
1) Can I eat this a little?
2) I like man who eats a lot.
3) He always uses too much money.
4) I didn’t buy anything strange. / I bought normal things.
5) I listened to that song too much. I don’t want to listen to it (any more).
6) You helped me flexibly. I was happy about that.
7) Don’t just say what you want to do.
1) Can I sip it?
2) I like a man who eats like a horse.
3)He spends too much money.
4) I bought a reasonable item instead of an expensive one.
5) I listened to the song many times, so I feel too tired of it.
6) Thank you for your kind response.
7) You always say to me, “No!”
1) Did you eat lunch?
2) Can I go home?
3) I am looking for my friend.
4) I’m interested in this book.
5) I’m good at cooking.
1)Have you finished lunch?
2)Can I go home?
3) I am looking for my friend.
4) I am interested in this book.
5) I am a good cook.
1) Can I eat this a little?
2) I like man who eats a lot.
3) He always uses too much money.
4) I didn’t buy anything strange. / I bought normal things.
5) I listened to that song too much. I don’t want to listen to it (any more).
6) You helped me flexibly. I was happy about that.
7) Don’t just say what you want to do.
1) Can I sip it?
2) I like a man who eats like a horse.
3)He spends too much money.
4) I bought a reasonable item instead of an expensive one.
5) I listened to the song many times, so I feel too tired of it.
6) Thank you for your kind response.
7) You always say to me, “No!”
今日のフランス語 ①

Day 01 回答例
<ウォームアップ エクササイズ>
1) Can I see the map?
2) Where is she!
3) Where do you want to go?
4) There is a hospital.
5) It is difficult for me to eat fast.
1) Can I look at the map?
2) I can't find her!
3)Where would you like to go?
4)A hospital is there.
5)I can’t eat quickly.
1) I have many things to do in the morning.
2) If I do that, I can’t keep my position.
3) There is no meaning to talk about this.
4) I will go if I want to.
5) I have too many plans.
6) I’m really tired and I don’t want to do anything in the morning.
7) I want more pepper on this steak. / This steak needs more pepper.
1)Morning Time goes too quickly to take a shower or to wash my tooth and my face.
2)If you insist it, what should I do?
3)I can't accept it.
4)Yes or no? It depends my feeling.
5)I have made too many reservations this week.
6)Every morning, I feel too tired and don't want to do anything.
7)This steak isn't spicy enough to me.Please add a little more pepper on it.
今週のエピソードは、「 フランスの主な新聞と大統領選2017」
今週のエピソードは、「 フランスの主な新聞と大統領選2017」
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
1) Can I look at the map?
2) I can't find her!
3)Where would you like to go?
4)A hospital is there.
5)I can’t eat quickly.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
4)YesかNoか? わたしの気分次第ですね。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)Morning Time goes too quickly to take a shower or to wash my tooth and my face.
2)If you insist it, what should I do?
3)I can't accept it.
4)Yes or no? It depends my feeling.
5)I have made too many reservations this week.
6)Every morning, I feel too tired and don't want to do anything.
7)This steak isn't spicy enough to me.Please add a little more pepper on it.
【1】 ウォームアップ・エクササイズ(英文)
1) Can I look at the map?
2) I can't find her!
3)Where would you like to go?
4)A hospital is there.
5)I can’t eat quickly.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
4)YesかNoか? わたしの気分次第ですね。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)Morning Time goes too quickly to take a shower or to wash my tooth and my face.
2)If you insist it, what should I do?
3)I can't accept it.
4)Yes or no? It depends my feeling.
5)I have made too many reservations this week.
6)Every morning, I feel too tired and don't want to do anything.
7)This steak isn't spicy enough to me.Please add a little more pepper on it.
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