
Day 25 回答例


37)  What are you planning to buy for your mother?
38)  Please feel free to look around.
39)  What is she concerned about?
40)  How long does it take to get to your office?
41)  Have you considered buying a new computer?
42)  Would you rather live in Tokyo?

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  I can’t cook but I wanted to bake cookies for my boyfriend. So I thought very hard and tried many different ways to make good cookies.
2)  We met for the first time in 3 years. We went through a lot of things. So we had many things to talk about and we couldn’t stop talking.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) わたしたちは3年ぶりに会った。3年の間にはたくさんのことを経験していたので、その話をすることを楽しんだ。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Even though I can’t cook very well, I wanted to bake cookies for my boyfriend. I tried baking delicious cookies as hard as possible. I failed a lot but I never gave up.
2) It’s been three years since we met last. During the period, we have experienced a lot, so we really enjoyed talking about that.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your opinion:
1)Have you tried talking about it with your husband?
2)While you are working, who will take care of your son?
3) If you start working again, what is good for your family?

Day 24 回答例


37)  When are you planning to go on a vacation?
38)  How long does it take to get to the station?
39)  Have you tried sending her an email?
40)  Would you rather take the train?
41)  Please feel free to ask questions.
42)  I am concerned about my future.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  I went to Hokkaido. There were flowers with all different colors and it was beautiful. So I forgot all of my stress.
2)  She makes the actual problem look like a bigger problem. So it is sometimes tiring to work with her.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 北海道に行った時、野原に咲く色とりどりの美しい花々を見た。そのとき、ストレスをすべて忘れた。
2) 彼女は物事を必要以上に大げさに考えがちなので、一緒に仕事をしていると、疲れることがある。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  When I visited Hokkaido, I saw colorful and beautiful flowers in the field. At the moment, I forgot all my stress.
2) She tends to think things more seriously than she needs. So while working with her, I sometimes
feel tired of her.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your opinion
I think Yuna’s advice is the best. 5 or 6 days is long enough to enjoy staying in the countryside. Your wife can go hiking, and your children can see animals in a farm. Maybe your family can also explore in the woods.
I really think you can have wonderful experience and good memories during your stay.


Day 23 回答例


37)  I would rather go to a different restaurant.
38)  Why don’t you try asking for his opinion?
39)  Feel free to use this.
40)  How long does it take to drive there?
41)  He is concerned about his job.
42)  How are you planning to find a new job?

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  I was feeling very stressed about my work. So I met some of my good friends who I can relax with. I felt a lot better after meeting them.
2)  I have four kids. So there’s so many things to do in the morning. It goes by very quickly.


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 職場でとてもストレスを感じていたので、親しい友人たちと会ってリラックスした時間をすごした。するとストレスから開放されて楽になった。
2)  子供が4人もいるので、朝はいつも慌ただしくて、あっという間にすぎる。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) At my workplace I really felt stressful, so I saw some of my good friends and spent a very relaxing time with them. As the result, I really felt stress-free and relaxed.
2)I have four children, so I am always busy taking care of them in the morning. I feel I don’t have enough time to do.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your opinion:
In my opinion, one week isn’t long enough to travel abroad, even somewhere close to Japan. Your family looks very active and likes the nature, so why don’t you visit Karuizawa in Nagano? It is a famous resort not only for Japanese tourists but also foreigners.You can enjoy go hiking,  walking in the woods and even bird watching. I also think you can save much more time than traveling abroad. Staying there for a week, it is much better than spending time for trasportation.


Day 22 回答例


37)  She is concerned about him.
38)  Feel free to stay here.
39)  I would rather walk.
40)  Why are you planning to move?
41)  How long does it take to get there?
42)  What do you think about this plan?

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  My boss doesn’t have a flexible mind. Everyone told him that my new idea is great. But he said that he can’t use it.
2) There’s a restaurant that I often go to. Only a few people know about it and it’s my favorite. So I’m planning to take my girlfriend there next week.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) みんなはわたしの新しいアイデアがすばらしいと言ってくれた。彼らはそのことを上司に伝えたが、彼は受け付けくれなかった。なぜなら、彼はユニークなアイデアを理解しようとしないから。
2) わたしはよくそのレストランに行く。、あまり知られていないがいいところだ。彼女と近いうちに一緒に行くつもりだ。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) Everyone told me my new idea was really good. They told my boss about it, but he didn’t accept it because he never tries to understand unique ideas.
2) I go to the restaurant very often. It isn’t very popular, but it is really cozy. I am going to go there with her very soon.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1)How long do you plan to take a vacation?
2)Which do you and your family like better, the sea or the mountains?
3)What do you and your family want to do during the vacation?





Day 21 回答例


37)  She cooks at home everyday even though she is busy.
38)  What she says doesn’t make sense.
39)  Have you considered moving to a different town?
40)  How many times a week do you cook at home?
41)  I’m planning to take the day off.
42)  Please make sure to finish it by Friday.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  He asked me to have dinner with him. But I didn’t feel like going with him today. So I said let’s go on another day.
2)  It’s not unique. But I always reserve her favorite restaurant on our anniversary. We enjoy the delicious dinner there.


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼はわたしをディナーに誘ってくれたが、今日は行く気がしなかったので、また次に行こうと提案した。
2) ありきたりなアイデアかもしれませんが、わたしたちの記念日に、彼女のお気に入りのレストランを予約するつもりです。そこでディナーを楽しみます。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) He asked me out for dinner, but I didn’t feel like going out with him today, so I suggested him to eat out next time.
2) Maybe it is an ordinary idea. On our memorial day, I am planning to make a reservation at her favorite restaurant. We are going to enjoy delicious dinner there.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your opinion:
I think Jim gave you a good idea. Maybe it takes you a little long time to get better at cooking. I know you are so busy that you can’t cook everyday easily, but you should try to cook as often as possible. I don’t mean you should cook a perfect healthy dinner everyday. It is one of the most  important for you to learn simple recipes gradually. If you do that, it will be easier for you to learn healthy recipes for your boyfriend. Good luck!

Day 20 回答例


37)  It made sense to me that he got mad.
38)  Why don’t you listen to what she says?
39)  Who do you always have lunch with?
40)  I’m planning to discuss it with my boss.
41)  How many times a month do you watch a movie?
42)  Make sure you hand in your report next week.

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  If you watch TV before you go to sleep, you’re not going to feel sleepy. So I try not to make my children watch TV before they go to bed.
2)  He told me that he liked my new bag. He probably didn’t mean it. But I was still very happy.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1)  寝る前にTVを見ると、子供たちはなかなか眠れない。子供たちには寝る前にTVを見ないようにさせている。
2) 彼はわたしに、わたしの新しいバッグはとてもいいねと言ってくれた。本当はそんなに高いものじゃないってわかっていたと思ったけど、彼の言葉で幸せな気持ちになった。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) When they watch TV before going to bed, my children can’t fall asleep easily. I try them not to watch TV before going to sleep.
2) He told me that my new bag was really good. I thought he would know it was not very expensive, but his word made me feel happy.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your opinion:
Instead of eating out or buying something to eat, you try to cook something healthy for yourself and your boyfriend, don’t you?  I think you are really thoughtful. You can find a lot of healthy recipes on the Internet. Why don’t you also try looking for bloggers who write about healthy recipes?  I am sure they can give you a lot of helpful tips.

Day 19 回答例


37)  How many times a day do you check your email?
38)  I plan to ask her out to dinner.
39)  His answer doesn’t make sense.
40)  I went shopping even though I had to save money.
41)  Have you tried saying sorry to him?
42)  Please make sure to lock the door.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  I practiced hard for the presentation. But when I stood in front of everyone, I couldn’t think about anything. I forgot what I was trying to say.
2)  My daughter passed the entrance exam. She has been studying very hard. So I am very proud of her.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) プレゼンをするために一生懸命練習した。でもみんなの前に立った瞬間、あまりにも緊張して、言おうとしていたことを忘れてしまった。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I tried very hard practicing for making a presentation. But at the moment I faced to everyone, I got so nervous that I forgot everything I wanted to say.
2) My daughter worked very hard for the entrance exam. As the result, she passed it. I really feel happy and proud of her.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your opinion:
1)Why do you want to get better at cooking?
2)Do you have some books on cooking?
3)Have you ever watched TV programs about cooking?

Day 18 回答例


37)  Make sure you don’t forget anything.
38)  I plan to visit my parents this weekend.
39)  I don’t think you should spend so much money.
40)  Why do you always stay up late?
41)  He doesn’t make any sense.
42)  How many times a week do you eat out?

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  It is very dangerous to drive in the snow because it’s hard too see. So please drive carefully.
2)  He suddenly proposed to me. I wasn’t expecting it at all. So I didn’t know what to say.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 雪が降っているときは注意深く運転してね。見えにくいし危険だから。
2) 突然、彼に結婚してほしいと言われた。彼がそういうことを言うとは予想していなかったので、その瞬間、なんと言えばいいのかわからなかった。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) Please drive very carefully when it snows, because you can’t see outside very well so it is dangerous.
2) Very suddenly, he asked me to marry him. I never expected he would tell me like that, so at the moment, I had no idea what I should say.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your opinion:
I agree with Emi. If you want to save 30,000 yen a month, you should try saving 1,000 yen a day. Maybe it is easier for you to do that than you think because you are already doing something to save money. Why don’t you try to save 1,000 yen a day? I also think you should try not to stop by convience stores and cafes very often. If you try not to spend money at such places, you can save money 1,000 yen a day very easily.

Day 17 回答例


37)  How often do you visit your hometown?
38)  Does this make sense to you?
39)  He’s planning to change his job next year.
40)  Maybe you should practice everyday.
41)  Please make sure to call him tomorrow.
42)  We went out even though the weather was bad.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  He gets so serious when he plays video games. He doesn’t want to lose even to a child. So he becomes very childish.
2)  She is my friend. We have been friends since high school. So we still get together often even though we don’t have any reason to meet.


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼はいったんビデオゲームをやり始めると、夢中になりすぎる。だれにも負けたくないし、子供にすら負けたくない。子供ではないのに、子供っぽくみえる。
2) わたしと彼女は高校時代からの親友だ。特に理由がなくても、よく彼女と会う。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) Once he starts to play a video game, he is too mad at it. He wants to win anyone, even a kid. He looks childish, even though he isn’t a kid.
2) She and I have been good friends since we were in high school. Although there is no reason to see her, I go to see her very often.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your advice:
If you want to save 30,000 yen a month, you will have to save 1,000 yen a day. Why don’t you try not to stop by convience stores and cafes as possible as you can? If you try doing it, I am sure you will be able to save 1,000 yen a day very easily. According to what you said, you are already doing something to save money, such as not buying what you don’t really need. I don’t think It is hard for you not to stop by convience stores and cafes very often.



the National Intercity Nonpro Baseball Championship Series って英語では言うんですね。

 It is an annual nationwide City baseball tournament. The winners are awarded the "Black Lion Flag" (黒獅子旗 kurojishi ki), runner-up are awarded the "White Lion Flag" (白獅子旗 shirojishi ki).

They won the quarterfinal game, and is advancing to the semi-final game.
I wish they advance to the final game.


Day 16 回答例


37)  I’m planning to have dinner at home.
38)  How often do you go abroad?
39)  It doesn’t make any sense.
40)  What do you often buy at the convenience store?
41)  Why don’t you try doing some exercise?
42)  Make sure you get up early tomorrow.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She always looks for other people’s mistakes and complains about them. But she never admits her own mistakes. So everyone doesn’t like her.
2) Our company has been working on this project for a long time. We have worked very hard for this.So I can clearly say that this project will succeed.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女はいつもひとの欠点を探そうとするが、自分のミスは認めない。だからみんなに好かれていない。
2) わが社はこのプロジェクトに長い間取りくみ、完成させるために頑張ってきたので、成功すると確信している。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She always tries hard to find others’ weak points, but she never accepts her mistakes. That’s why everyone doesn’t like her.
2) Our company has been working on this project for a long time and has been trying hard to achieve it, so I am really sure we will succeed.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Have you ever tried saving money before?
2) Why do you want to save money?
3) How much do you want to save money?

Day 15 回答例



41)  How often do you see him?
42)  He came to work even though he was sick.
43)  Please make sure to send her an email.
44)  That makes sense.
45)  We’re planning to go to the new cafe.
46)  I think you should get up more early.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  I was studying hard until midnight for the test. I got so sleepy that I couldn’t stay awake. So I drank some coffee.
2)  I had a fight with my sister. I told her that I was sorry. But she’s still mad about what I did to her.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)

1) 夜中まで試験のために一生懸命勉強していたら、ものすごく眠くなったので、眠り込まないようにコーヒーを飲んだ。
2) 妹とけんかした後、わたしは自分がいけなかったと彼女に言った。でも彼女はまだわたしを許していない。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) While I was working hard for the exam around midnight, I got too sleepy and had coffee not to fall asleep.
2) After I had a fight with my sister, I told her I was really bad. But she can’t forgive me yet.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your opinion:
I agree with Lily. You practice English two hours a day during the weekend, in total, four hours, right? I know you are working very hard. But I’ve heard it’s the best to practice everyday. Practicing for 30 minutes everyday, I am sure that can help your speaking skills improve, little by little. I also think it is easier for you to keep practicing English rather than working hard only during the weekend.

Day 14 回答例


41)  I think you should think about it again.
42)  Have you considered studying abroad?
43)  Why don’t you make a reservation?
44)  I don’t think you should stay up so late.
45)  Why don’t you try changing your lifestyle?
46)  What do you think about his advice?
47)  Why don’t you discuss it with your boss?
48)  Maybe you should do it in a different way.
49)  Have you tried searching on the internet?
50)  Have you considered asking her directly?

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  He always does a very good job. So it is clear to everyone that he is our company’s top salesman.
2)  My friend complains whenever she has the chance. So I get tired when I talk with her.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼の仕事はいつもとてもすばらしい。彼がわが社でもっともすばらしいセールスマンであることははっきりしている。
2) わたしの友達はいつも文句ばかり言っているので、彼女と話すとき、とても疲れる。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) His performance is always good. It is obvious that he is the best salesman in our company.
2) My friend always complains about anything, so while talking with her, I always feel very tired of her.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your advice:
Reading English books, watching English movies and keeping a diary in English, I think they can help your English improve. But do you want to speak English with foreigners without help? I think you should work on your speaking skills much harder. For example, it is helpful for you to learn English expressions everyday. Do you have friends who speak English? If you do, you should enjoy talking with them by using your English expressions as much as possible.



手持ちのTOEICドリル、すべてやり終えているし処分しようかと思っていたけど、Private Lesson に使えそうだし、もう少し置いておこうと思う。



中国語メルマガ ①




 「的」をつい入れたくなりますが、 中国語は、重複する言葉をできるだけ省略して簡潔に表す特徴を持っているということ。

 他の例として、 「中国人のお医者さん」→中国大夫

「アメリカ人の先生」 →美国老


「老 婆(lao3po)」



Day 13 回答例


41)  Why don’t you try going to the new store?
42)  Have you considered taking English lessons?
43)  Have you tried asking for help?
44)  Why don’t you stop by her office?
45)  What do you think about her idea?
46)  I don’t think you should drink so much.
47)  I think you should think about her feelings.
48)  Maybe you should stop seeing him.
49)  Why don’t you try looking for a new room?
50)  Have you tried talking with your parents?

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  That hotel has both a nice view and a delicious restaurant. So it’s very popular. It’s very hard to make a reservation.
2)  This was a very important event. Everyone on the team wanted to make it successful. So they went around many places and worked very hard.


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) とても重要なイベントだったので、チームのメンバー全員がイベントの成功のためにできる限りのことをやった。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) That hotel has good view and a very good restaurant. It is very famous for them, so you can’t book the hotel easily.
2) The event was so important for us that we tried doing as hard as possible for the success.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your Questions:
1) How do you study English in your daily life?
2) Why do you want to be better at speaking English?
3) Do you have a friend who speaks English?

Day 12 回答例


41)  I don’t really agree with his opinion.
42)  Have you considered changing your job?
43)  Have you tried saving money?
44)  Why don’t you go to sleep early?
45)  Why don’t you try talking to your friend?
46)  Do you have any good ideas?
47)  Maybe you should quit your job.
48)  I think you should see a doctor.
49)  I don’t think you should work too hard.
50)  What’s your opinion?

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  Rice is going to keep your stomach full for a longer time than bread. So if you want to go on a diet, I recommend that you eat rice.
2)  My exam is close. So I studied until 4 in the morning. So I couldn’t get enough sleep.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 2) 試験が近いので、明け方4時まで勉強をしたので寝不足です。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)If you eat white rice instead of bread, you don’t get hungry easily. I recommend you to eat white rice if you try a diet.
2)The exam is coming soon. I kept studying hard until 4. I didn’t sleep enough, so I feel very sleepy.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

I agree with Yuuki. Your favorites are vegetables and spicy food. I think there are many vegetable dishes and spicy food in a new curry shop near the station. Trying the new curry shop, it sounds nice, doesn’t it? I recommend you to enjoy your favorite dishes. You’ll have more energy to work today.


Day 11 回答例

41)  We haven’t talked for three days.
42)  What should I give her for her birthday?
43)  Why don’t you try asking her?
44)  Have you tried calling her ?
45)  Have you considered taking a vacation?
46)  Why don’t you do more exercise?
47)  I agree with her.
48)  I think you should take a rest.
49)  I don’t think you should worry too much.
50)  Maybe you should find a new hobby.

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  They seem like a nice couple. But their relationship isn’t going well. It can’t be fixed anymore.
2)  I’m too busy to go out today. Can you buy me something to eat at the convenience store? Anything is okay.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)



【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)They look a good couple, but in fact, they almost break up.
2)I am too busy to go shopping today, so I want you to buy something to eat at a convience store.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Do you usually have sandwiches and coffee for lunch?  I don’t think it is good enough to keep you motivated. You should eat what you want to. How about an Indian restaurant? You can enjoy vegetables and your favorite spicy food.

Day 10 回答例

41)  Why did you ask her to help you?
42)  I asked her to help me because she has a lot of good ideas.
43)  Where do you want us to book?
44)  I want you to book the Palace Hotel.
45)  You should think more carefully.
46)  Have you ever traveled abroad?
47)  Do you know why the boss is angry at me?
48)  I don’t know why he decided to quit.
49)  I have been working in this company for 10 years.
50)  Your friend shouldn’t treat you like that.

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  It is very good for you to do some exercise. But if you do it too much, it can be bad for your body. So be careful.
2)  The new employee told us the points that we didn’t notice. And he solved our problem. So our president was very impressed by him.


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)



【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)Doing exercises is very good for your body, but please be careful not to do too much because it is sometimes bad for your body.
2)Although he just joined our company, he pointed out what we couldn’t notice. As the result, we could solve our problem. Our president was really proud of him.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Where are you going to have lunch today?
2) What are you going to have for today’s dinner?
3) Which do you like to eat, meat or fish?

Day 09 回答例


41)  She shouldn’t be staying up so late.
42)  Have you ever eaten Spanish food?
43)  I don’t know where my friend bought this.
44)  They haven’t arrived yet.
45)  Why should I listen to her?
46)  Do you know where they went on vacation?
47)  She shouldn’t be spending so much money.
48)  Where should I park my car?
49)  When did you tell her to call you?
50)  I told her to call me tomorrow.

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  His story doesn’t match with her explanation. So I don’t know who to believe.
2)  I was sleepy but I had an important meeting. So I drank a lot of coffee to keep myself awake.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)



【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)What he told me is very different from her explanation. I don’t know which of them I should trust.

2)I had to attend an important meeting, so I had several cups of coffee not to be sleepy.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your opinion:
I agree with Kevin. I also think the best way to show your love isn’t always to give things. Being with your mother and enjoying art works or movies, I am sure it will make her happier than giving her an expensive present. If she likes, you can also buy something for her at a museum shop in a gallery or at a shop in a movie theater.

tera cafe

昨日行ったtera cafeに関するサイトを貼っておきます。



プライベートレッスン ⑤




Day 08 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)

2)  私は去年渡米して、日本とアメリカの文化の違いを肌で感じた。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)I liked the bag very much, so I wanted to buy it. In fact, it was too expensive for me, but I bought it!

2)When I went to America last year, I really thought that Japanese culture is very different from American culture.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Today’s Activity:

I think giving museum tickets would be very nice. You can also enjoy art works with her. I believe spending time with you at museums would make her happy because she loves painting. I also recommend you to buy something for her at museum shops. As you know, there are a lot of items which are very attractive for people who love art like your mother.


41)  Have you been waiting for her?
42)  How should we solve this problem?
43)  How did you tell him to work with us?
44)  I told him to work with us by phone.
45)  How did you ask her to marry you?
46)  I asked her to marry me at a restaurant.
47)  Why does she want you to stay?
48)  She wants me to stay because she needs to talk to me.
49)  Do you know what they ate for dinner?
50)  How should I tell my family?

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  I knew the bag was too good for me. But it was my favorite type and I wanted it. So I bought it.
2)  I went to America last year. I felt the differences between the Japanese and the American culture by experiencing them.








The Philippine Costumes



Online Lesson ①








まずトップの問題について。親御さんの年齢を訊いたら、わたしとさほど年が変わらなかった~ 高齢ならシルバー人材を頼むとか方法もあるけれど。housework serivice を利用することを薦めた。それから家出については・・・一晩どこかのホテルに泊まって冷静になることをアドバイス。



まだ1回目ですが、これからもアドバイスを考え続けるのかな~ カウンセラー修行みたいです。


Day 07 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2)  あなたにふたりきりで話したい大事なお話があるので、日を改めて家に伺います。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) His advice was always very different from his true feeling, so I didn’t listen to him.
2) I have something important to talk to you alone, so I am going to visit you as soon as possible.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your Questions:
1) What are your mother’s favorites?
2) What is your mother interested in?
3) Which does your mother like better, staying home or going out?



41)  Have you been to the new cafe?
42)  I don’t know who made that mistake.
43)  Her boss told her to come to his office.
44)  My sister asked me to go shopping with her.
45)  My friends want me to stay here.
46)  Did you tell your friend to come to the party?
47)  Did you ask your boss to check the document?
48)  Did you want him to buy this for you?
49)  You should tell your friend not to wait.
50)  We have thought about that.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  He always says things that he doesn’t mean. So I heard his advice but I didn’t take it seriously.
2)  I have an important thing to tell you. But I would like to talk to you alone. So I will visit your house on another day.

Day 06 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)My younger sister follows everything my mother tells her to do. Her mother decided which high school she should enter.
2)A lot of people believe this restaurant is really good. It is famous for pancakes, so I want to go there and enjoy them because it’s my favorite.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Today’s Activity:
I think Ren’s advice is the best. You can’t take a long vacation and you don’t want to spend too much time on transportation, so I think it is easy for you to go to one of the hot spring resorts in the countryside.
During your stay, you can enjoy a lot of nature and hot spring. I am sure you can relax yourself and forget all of your stress.



41)  I asked him to wait for me downstairs.
42)  What did he want you to explain about?
43)  He wanted me to explain about the meeting.
44)  I don’t know what I should do.
45)  Why should I be worried?
46)  Have you ever met her before?
47)  You should finish this job today.
48)  Do you know when he is free?
49)  When should we visit her?
50)  I don’t know when he joined our company.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  My sister does everything my mother tells her to do. My mother decided which high school she should go.
2)  This is a restaurant that everyone is talking about. It’s famous for pancakes so I want to go.


Small talk subjects





Day 05 回答例


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)

1)  その事について彼に何度聞いても、彼はしらを切ったので、もう許さない。

2)  息子は試験に受かったことを得意げに私に話した。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)Whenever I asked him about it, he insisted he knew nothing about it. I am sure he knew a lot about it, so I never forgive him.

2)My son passed the exam. When he told me about it, he really looked proud of it.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your advice:
You don’t want to spend too much time on transportation, so I recommend you to visit Hakone. It is easy to go there from Shinjuku by Odakyu Romance Car. During your stay in Hakone, you can enjoy hot springs, cruising on Ashinoko Lake and a lot of art works in museums. I am sure you can concentrate on relaxing yourself and releasing all of the stress. If you visit there during the off-season, there are not so many tourists.



41)  Who should I give this to?
42)  Have you seen her today?
43)  You should eat more slowly.
44)  I don’t know how this story ends.
45)  Do you know how he lost his weight?
46)  I have been waiting for your call.
47)  She hasn’t heard about it yet.
48)  Where did she tell you to come after work?
49)  She told me to come to her house after work.
50)  Where did you ask him to wait for you?

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  I asked him about it many times. But he acted as if he didn’t know anything about it. So I will not forgive him.
2)  My son told me that he passed the test. He looked very proud of himself.

Day 04 回答例


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)

1)  その事について彼に何度聞いても、彼はしらを切ったので、もう許さない。

2)  息子は試験に受かったことを得意げに私に話した。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)Whenever I asked him about it, he insisted he knew nothing about it. I am sure he knew a lot about it, so I never forgive him.

2)My son passed the exam. When he told me about it, he really looked proud of it.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your advice:
You don’t want to spend too much time on transportation, so I recommend you to visit Hakone. It is easy to go there from Shinjuku by Odakyu Romance Car. During your stay in Hakone, you can enjoy hot springs, cruising on Ashinoko Lake and a lot of art works in museums. I am sure you can concentrate on relaxing yourself and releasing all of the stress. If you visit there during the off-season, there are not so many tourists.



41)  Have you ever visited her house?
42)  You shouldn’t worry too much.
43)  When should we have the meeting?
44)  Why did your friend tell you to wait?
45)  My friend told me to wait because she wanted to have lunch with me.
46)  When did you ask your boyfriend to call you?
47)  I asked my boyfriend to call me at 7.
48)  How do you want me to contact him?
49)  I want you to contact him by e-mail.
50)  Do you know when this meeting is going to take place?

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  He has made the same mistake many times before. But he never learns from his mistake. So the boss is angry with him.
2)  My son is going to take an entrance exam in six months. So I started to worry about my son’s school grades.

プライベート・レッスン ④







プライベート・レッスン ③





Day 03 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)


2)  最近忙しくて、自炊する時間が取れないので、外食ばかりだ。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) He achieved great work which other co-workers couldn’t do, so his boss is really proud of him.
2) I have recently been too busy to cook at home, so I mostly eat out.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

I agree with Mark. Getting enough rest is good for your health. I know you are very busy on weekdays, but at least you should go to bed before midnight even on weekends to get rest as much as possible. Mark also told you not to watch TV or eat a lot before going to sleep. These things are not good for your health. I think you need good sleep and regular diet for spending a healthy life.



31)  Who told him to go home?
32)  His boss told him to go home.
33)  Who is going to ask him to do this job?
34)  She is going to ask him to do this job.
35)  Who did he want me to meet yesterday?
36)  He wanted you to meet his brother yesterday.
37)  I don’t know what they are talking about.
38)  What should we do next?
39)  You shouldn’t drink so much.
40)  Do you know where she is now?


【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)  He did a wonderful job. No one expected this and everyone was surpsied. So the boss was impressed by him.
2)  I’m so busy recently. So there’s no time for me to cook. So I always eat outside.

Day 02 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)


2) 彼女はいつも他人の目を気にしていて、本音を言わない。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) He can’t become popular as an actor easily.
2) She always worries about how other people feel about her, so she can’t tell about her feelings frankly.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

I think jogging every Sunday is good for your health, but sleeping late is not good. According to the book I read recently, sleeping from 10:00 p.m. through 2:00 a.m., it is the best for our health. I am sure you can’t go to bed at 10:00 p.m. easily. Why don’t you sleep from 11:00 p.m. at least?
If you can, you will never be tired and sleepy during the day. I think it’s a healthy life!



1)  My mother told me to clean my room.
2)  I asked him to help me.
3)  We want her to work with us.
4)  Did she tell you to call me?
5)  Did you ask her to attend the meeting?
6)  Did you want me to call him?
7)  I have lived in Tokyo for 5 years.
8)  I haven’t finished the work.
9)  Have you heard about the news?
10)  You should talk to her about it.
11)  He shouldn’t be late for work.
12)  Where should we have lunch?
13)  Do you know how she found out?
14)  I don’t know who she is.
15)  What did your boss tell you to do?
16)  My boss told me to finish my work.
17)  What are you going to ask her to do?
18)  I am going to ask her to make a reservation.
19)  When do you want me to call you back?
20)  I want you to call me back in the morning.
21)  I don’t know how she got the information.
22)  Who should I ask for help?
23)  We have met before.
24)  I haven’t done my homework.
25)  Do you know why he quit his job?
26)  Have you ever read this book?
27)  You should give him some advice.
28)  I don’t know where she works now.
29)  Have you seen this movie?
30)  Do you know who she likes?

置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  He wants to succeed as an actor. He has been trying hard for a long time. But he hasn’t succeeded yet.
2)  She is always worried about how other people thinks about her. So she doesn’t tell her true feelings.


プライベートレッスン ②











置き換えとcommunication の方は軽めにすればOK。




On my way to the nearest bus stop, yesterday, I could hear cicadas screaming in the woods.
From now through the beginning of September, I can't esacape from their love songs.

Do you often hear cicadas in your country?
There are a hill and woods in my neighborhood, so I usually hear them in summer.
Although I get a little upset while they are screaming, their songs sometimes make me a little pleasant or make me bring back to some memories in my childhood, in summer.

While I was doing homework, I heard their voices.
In my childhood, cicada hunting was one of the greatest things to do in summer. I wasn't good at hunting them, but it was fun.

Do you dislike touching insects such as cicadas, clickets and cockloarch?
I don't know why, but I don't dislike touching them. Women and girls mostly dislke them, I know.
To tell you the truth, I was like a boy in my childhood, and liked playing games for boys such as insect hunting, baseball and soccer.

Day 01 回答例


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)

2) 彼がすべき仕事を、いつもわたしたちが代わりに仕上げなければならないので、全員が彼を嫌っている。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1) I have used these shoes for years, so they are very old. I am going to buy new ones.
2) Instead of him, we always need to finish the work he should do, so we all dislike him.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

Your Questions:
1) Amy, why do you want to spent a healthy life?
2) Do you need to start doing something as fast as possible?
3) Which is easier for you, doing some sports or trying a diet?


【1】Warm up exercise(英文)

1)  My mother told me to clean my room.
2)  I asked him to help me.
3)  We want her to work with us.
4)  Did she tell you to call me?
5)  Did you ask her to attend the meeting?
6)  Did you want me to call him?
7)  I have lived in Tokyo for 5 years.
8)  I haven’t finished the work.
9)  Have you heard about the news?
10)  You should talk to her about it.
11)  He shouldn’t be late for work.
12)  Where should we have lunch?
13)  Do you know how she found out?
14)  I don’t know who she is.
15)  What did your boss tell you to do?
16)  My boss told me to finish my work.
17)  What are you going to ask her to do?
18)  I am going to ask her to make a reservation.
19)  When do you want me to call you back?
20)  I want you to call me back in the morning.

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  I’ve worn these shoes many times and now, it’s broken. So I’m going to buy new shoes.
2)  He always makes his staff do his job. So all the staff hates him.


プライベート・レッスン ①













Communication exercises というのが新たに加わった。


Let me introduce myself!

Hello, nice to meet you!
My name is Noriko.
I have been living in Tokyo for 19 years, but I was born and grew up in Osaka. Since my marriage, I have lived in Kobe for 12 years. Have you ever been to Kobe? It is famous for Mmyt.Rokko, Meriken Park, Motomachi, the Ijinnkan area, Kobe Wine, Kobe Beef, fashion , culture and etc. Foreign tourists visits there very often. When I moved from Kobe to Tokyo 19 years ago, I really missed this city and the Kansai dialect, but now I like the city in which I have been living, because there are several parks which are famous for flowers such as cherry blossoms in spring and ajisai during early summer, and I often enjoy beautiful sunrise and sunset from my apartment.
I live alone with my husband. I like reading, watching movies, travelling and writing my blogs.
I am interested in learning foreign languages; Englsh, french and chinese.



Guess what?

During my stay in Osaka, I took a bus bound for the nearest station. It was also the terminal, and without push the button to get off there, I waited for the bus to arrive there.

But unexpectedly the driver didn't stop there and tried to head toward a bus depot!
In a hurry, I said to him, "Stop! I have to get off here!"
He didn't think there is still one passenger on the bus. He said to me, "Very very sorry! "
As soon as I tried to put my Pasumo over the sensor, he told me, "It's for free! Please be careful when you get off here."

I wonder why he didn't notice me...
I suppose, because there are few passengers on the line, he always headed for the depot without stopping at the terminal.

使いたくなる言い回し 31



使いたくなる言い回し 30

hardってつい使ってしまうけど、challenging のほうがピッタリくる場合もある。


使いたくなる言い回し 29

