37) I would rather not talk about that.
38) Who are you planning to have lunch with?
39) I think you should do your best.
40) My mother is concerned about my brother’s grades.
41) How long does it take for her to get here?
42) Feel free to call me any time.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My sister is 25 years old. But it’s difficult for her to live with her own money and she stll depends on our parents. So I think she should get a better job.
2) I made a big mistake at work last year. I regret it very much. So I’ve always kept in mind about the mistake so that I won’t do the same thing again.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 妹は25才。自分ひとりで暮らすのにじゅうぶんな収入を得ていないので、まだ親と同居している。もっとよい仕事を探すべきだと思う。
2) 去年、仕事で大きなミスをしてしまったのでとても後悔している。同じミスをしないようにできるだけ注意深く仕事をしている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My sister is twenty-five years old. She can’t earn enough money to live alone, so she still lives with her parents. I think she should find a better job.
2) Last year I made a big mistake at work, so I really regret it. I try working as carefully as possible not to make same mistake.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Today’s Activity:
I think Tatsuya’s advice is the best. Your son is still six years old, so you should be with him as much as possible and find a job you can do at home. While he is in school, you can work. When he comes back home, you can see and understand how he is. It is very important for you and your son. Unless you can finish your work by his coming back, I am sure your husband can support you as hard as possible. Why don’t you try sharing housework? Anyway, good luck!
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