【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She won’t talk to me. So I asked myself many times why she is mad but I still don’t know why. So I think I’m going to ask her directly.
2) She was working very hard for the event. But I messed it up with my mistake. So I’m too ashamed to see her.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしが彼女に話しかけても、彼女は何も言わない。彼女はなぜ怒っているのかと、一生懸命考えたが、わからなかった。彼女に直接そのことについて聞こうと思う。
2) 彼女はイベントの準備を一生懸命頑張ってきた。しかし、わたしがミスをしてしまい、イベントが失敗した。恥ずかしくて彼女に会えない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Even though I talked to her, she never talked to me. I tried thinking as hard as possible why she got angry, but I had no idea. I am going to ask her directly about it.
2) She has tried very hard for preparing the event. But I made a mistake, so the event failed. I am too ashamed to see her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your advice:
You and your husband have already made a decision to open a cafe, haven’t you? I think there are three points to make his dream true. Supporting his dream while you are working, saving enough money to open a cafe and changing your lifestyle, these are very important for your family. I also think you should discuss your son’s future with him, because you need to change your lifestyle and maybe he needs to change his future.
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