3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) He didn’t propose in a direct way. So she didn’t understand what he meant at first. So he had to propose again.
2) He was studying hard for two weeks while you were playing with your friends. So he will definitely get a better score than you on the test.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼は彼女にプロポーズしたつもりだった。しかしわかりにくくて、彼女には彼の本心が伝わらなかった。だからもう一度はっきりプロポーズしなければならなかった。
2) 彼は2週間勉強を頑張ったけれど、その間、あなたは勉強せずに友達と遊んでいた。だから彼があなたよりいい成績をとるのだろうと確信する。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) He meant to propose her, but it was not clear enough to tell her about his real feeling. So he had to propose her again more clearly.
2) He worked very hard for two weeks, but during the period, you played with your friends without working hard. So I am really sure he will get better grades than you.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your advice:
For instance, I think spending his birthday at Hakkeijima Sea Pradaise is really good. There are a lot of amusements including an aqurarium and also cozy restaurants with ocean view there. I hear there is a shopping area in there, so why don’t you select a birthday present for him there?
I hope you are having a perfect date on his birthday!
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