37) I don’t feel like cooking dinner but I have to.
38) I’m sick of being told what to do.
39) To be honest, I don’t really trust her.
40) What is she complaining about?
41) Do you want me to leave you alone?
42) Maybe you should wait for his answer a little more.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My daughter was crying since this morning. So I couldn’t get ready smoothly and was late to work. So I think I will prepare as much as possible on the day before from tomrorow.
2) She usually acts and talks very gently to others. But when she gets mad at her children, she gets very scary. She is like a different person.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 今朝、娘がなかなか泣き止まなかったので、準備に時間がかかった。そのため仕事に遅れた。これからは、翌日の準備はできるだけやっておこうと思う。
2) 普段の彼女はだれに対しても親切で感じが良いが、子供たちを叱るときは、子どもたちはとても彼女が恐い。そのときの彼女はまるで別人だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) It took more time for me to prepare than I thought because my daughter didn’t stop crying easily this morning. As a result, I was late for work. So I am going to prepare for the next day as hard as possible.
2) She is usually very kind to everyone. But when she scolds her children, they feel very scared of her. At the time, she looks like a different person.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I think Sara’s idea is the best. You should be proud of your teas and pies, but it is not attractive enough for many customers to come your cafe. First of all, you should consider what each type of customers really like, such as workers, retired people, couples and mothers with babies. After that, why don’t you make the main menu on each time, such as morning time, lunch time and afternoon time? I am sure you can get more sales points and more customers to visit your cafe. Good luck!
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