37) What do you think about his decision?
38) I attended the meeting instead of him.
39) Was your mother satisfied with your test scores?
40) Why don’t you bring an umbrella?
41) She always comes up with great ideas.
42) Is our boss concerned about the situation?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I scolded him without listening to what he had to say. But it turned out that it wasn’t his fault. So I am too ashamed of myself too see him.
2) I went to a restaurant abroad. The waiter brought me something I didn’t order. So I wanted to complain but I couldn’t speak their language so I had to give up.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼がミスをしたと思い、彼をひどく責めた。しかし、彼のミスでないとわかり、恥ずかしくて会うことができない。
2) 海外旅行に行ったとき、レストランに行った。ウェイターが持ってきたのは注文したものでなかったので、文句を言いたかった。でも外国語でなんと言えば良いのかわからず、文句を言えなかったのを後悔した。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I blamed him too much because I thought he made the mistake. But I found out it was not his fault, so I am too ashamed to see him.
2)When I went abroad, I entered a restaurant. A waiter brought the dish I didn’t order, so I wanted to complain about it. But I didn’t know what to say in the foreign language. I regreted because I couldn’t complain about it.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Ren. You and your boyfriend need more discussion about marriage and work before deciding to marry. I suggest you to tell him your true feeling and ask him if you can keep working. Without doing that, I think you will regret afterwards. If you really love him and want to marry him, or if he really loves you and wants to marry you, both of you should discuss the matter as hard as possible.
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