37) We never know how things will turn out.
38) He might change his mind later on.
39) Doesn’t his idea sound good?
40) What if she doesn’t forgive you?
41) Is it up to him to decide where to have dinner?
42) It’s not up to you to decide that.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) When my best friend and I start talking, we never run out of topics to talk about. So we often talk for many hours when we get together. It is the only time that I can release my stress.
2) I can’t tell how long it will take for me to finish this. So please go without me. I will try to catch up with you.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 親友とわたしは話し出すと、たくさんの新しい話題を楽しむ。会うと何時間も話すことがよくある。これはわたしにとって唯一のストレスを忘れる時だ。
2) これを終わらせるのにどのくらいかかるかわからない。だから先にここを出て。後でわたしも追いつけるようにするから。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Once my best friend and I start talking, we always enjoy a lot of new topics. We often meet and keep talking for hours. That is the only time for me to forget stress.
2) I have no idea how long it will take me to finish this, so please leave here first. I am trying to catch up with you later.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to have a party for their anniversary outside. Why don’t you have a BBQ party with your family and their close friends? Are there any parks in which you can enjoy a BBQ party? Please try to find such a place.
By enjoying a BBQ party and the nature there, and talking with their close people, I am sure their anniversary will be unforgetable.
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