
Day 65 回答例


37)  What do you think about this article?
38)  Did you run out of money?
39)  Is this bag expensive compared to that one?
40)  No matter where you are, I will always be your friend.
41)  Have you tried explaining it to her again?
42)  It was worth watching.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  I went past the bakery and the smell of the muffin was so good. I was on a diet but I couldn’t help buying one. So I’m going to work on my diet seriously from tomorrow.
2)  My son was standing in the middle of the street without moving at all. So I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he was scared of the crows on the road.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) ベーカリーを通り過ぎようとしたら、マフィンのとてもいいにおいがした。ダイエット中だったけれど、どうしてもひとつ食べたくて、買ってしまった。明日からダイエットにまた集中しよう。
2) 息子が道の真ん中で立ったままで動かなかった。なぜかと聞いたら、道のカラスが怖いと話してくれた。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) While I was passing by a bakery, I smelled very good maffins from the shop. Even though I was going on a diet, I really wanted to eat and bought one. I am going to concentrate on doing a diet again from tomorrow.
2) My son was standing in the middle of the street and didn’t move. When I asked him why he did like that, he told me he was scared of a craw on the street.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If I were you, I wouldn’t tell him to participate with my family events. You also place high priority on family events like your parents, but he likes to be alone at home and relax better than joining such events. I think you should understand his true feeling as possible as you can.

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