37) I don’t think you should say yes to everything.
38) We have been keeping in touch for about 5 years.
39) I think you should start another job.
40) I would like to meet this artist in person.
41) He knows better than to hurt her feelings.
42) I had no choice but to leave in the middle of the party.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My boss is a very busy person. But no matter how busy he is, he always makes time for us. We asked him to be a leader for our study group and he said he would be happy to do it.
2) I didn’t know that there was a test today. So I had no choice but to take it without studying. But surprisingly, I got a good score.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 上司はとても忙しいひとだが、どんなに忙しくても、わたしたちのために時間を割いてくれて、セミナーのリーダーを頼むと、すぐ承諾してくれた。
2) 今日、テストを受けることになっていたと知らなかったので、準備なしで受けなければならなかった。しかし、驚いたことに、良い点がとれた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our boss is a very busy person. But no matter how busy he is, he spares his time for us. When we asked him to be a leader at the seminer, he accepted it very easily.
2) I didn’t know I was supposed to have the test today, so I had to do it without preparing for it. But surprisingly, I was able to get good scores.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to try saying something to him as often as possible. For example, “hello,”“good morning,”“how are you doing today?” According to what you said, I guess he wants to be friends with you. But maybe he is very shy, so instead of talking, he tries to show you his true feelings by his behaviors. You should also be honest to your true feelings.
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