
Day 03

1)  He did a wonderful job. No one expected this so everyone was surprised and the boss was impressed by him.
2)  I’m so busy recently. So there’s no time for me to cook. So I always eat outside.



Even though everyone hadn’t thought he could do that, he did very good work. So his boss thought he was really good.

1)Wonderful!!「意表をついて」は「できないとみんなが思っていた」ということですよね!とても自然な置き換えですよ♪「誰も~できない」とnobody thoughtやno one thoughtと表現してもいいですね♪「感心していた」も「誇らしかった」とわかりやすく置き換えています♪really で強調されているのもいいですね♪



Recently I am very busy and don’t have time to cook at home. So I mostly eat out.

2)Well done!!「自炊する時間が取れない」は「家で料理をする時間がとれない」という意味ですよね!don’t have time to~と自然に表現できていますよ!Iを省略することもできますが、I don’t とIを付け加えるとより伝わりますよ!「外食」もeat outとうまく表現できています!この調子です(^^)

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)

I agree with Sarah. Taking a rest on weekends and doing some exercise at a gym are very good for your health. But first of all, I think you should eat more healthy food because you can start with that from today. Why don’t you try having a good-balanced diet for a while?

Great advice! shouldを使ってうまくアドバイスできていますね!
Why don’t you~と「~してはどう?」と表現できているのも自然でいいですね♪try to haveとするとより自然ですよ♪
You are right, it is very important to have a good-balanced diet!!


2:54 I’m going to ask her~のリズムがとてもいいですね!つなげてきれいによめています(^^)

5:00 to do this workがつなげてきれいに読めています!rの発音がとてもきれいですね!

6:34 eat outがつなげて一息で読めていていいですね!


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