1) その事について彼に何度聞いても、彼はしらを切ったので、もう許さない。
I asked him about that over and over again, but he pretended that he has never known about that. That is why I will never forgive him.
1)Wonderful!! 「しらを切る」を「知らないふりをする」と考えることができますよ!自然な置き換えができています!pretendを使ってうまく表現できているのもいいですね!「もう許さない」もnever forgive himとうまく表現しています!That is whyとつなげているのも自然でいいですね!
2) 息子は試験に受かったことを得意げに私に話した。
My son proudly told me that he passed the exam.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
I recommand you to visit a hot spring resort in a rural area. You can enjoy a lot of nature and release all of stress. If you are interested in such a place, why don’t you try getting information about that on the Internet? I am sure you can find a good place which is not very far from Tokyo.
Well done!! Hot spring would be perfect for her to be relaxed!!!
Hakone is actually one of my favorite places to spend my vacation!!
Where is your favorite spot? ;) Do you often go to hot spring??
1:36 haven’t が強調されていていいですね!
5:09 contactははじめの「コ」にアクセントを置くとより自然ですよ!
7:22 proudlyをはっきり発音できているのがいいですね(^^)
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