
Day 42 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 本当にその時計が欲しかったが、買う余裕がなかった。だからお金を少しずつためることにした。ついに買えることができたとき、本当に嬉しかった。買うことをあきらめなかったからだ。
2) 開店するやいなや、たくさんの客たちは中に入ろうとした。彼らは割引された商品を買うために外で待っていたのだ。店内は人でいっぱいだったので、友人が.どこにいるのかわからなかった。だから彼女にまた会うため、彼女の携帯に電話しなければならなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wanted to buy the watch, but I couldn’t afford to buy it. So I decided to save money little by little. When I could finally buy it, I was really happy because I never gave up.
2) As soon as the shop was open, a lot of customers tried hard entering there because they waited outside to buy discounted items. The shop was crowded with them, so I couldn’t notice where my friend was. So I had to call on her mobile phone to see her again.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Lucas. Even if she is your sister, you should make a rule between both of you. Maybe it is a little too strict for her, but she needs to learn from that.


1)  There was a watch that I really wanted but I couldn’t afford it right away so I decided to save money for it little by little. When I finally got to buy it, I was so glad that I hadn’t given up.

2)  When the store opened, all of the customers who were waiting outside tried to get in all at the same time to purchase the discounted goods. So I lost my friend in the crowd and had to call her cell to meet up with her again.


I was really happy because I never gave up.
こちら、I was really happy that…としてもよいかと思います^^

I lost her in the crowd.
ただ、全体的に非常によく訳せています。Great job!

2:45 What do you want your boyfriend to buy…
6:55 I asked him if something was wrong with…

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