
Day 53 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1)  海外で勉強することはあなたの人生においてとても重要であることもある。だから、どの国に行き、なにを勉強するのかを熟考するべきだ。そしてあらかじめ、具体的な計画をたてるべきだ。
2) 彼女はふだん、知っている人たちの前ではとてもいい子で親切そうに見えるが、ふだんとはまるでちがう、もうひとつの面を持っている。レストランで彼女を見かけたことがあったが、ウェイターへの態度がひどかったのを覚えている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) It is sometimes very important for you to study abroad. So you should consider which country you will go and what you will study. And you should make your concrete plan.
2) She usually looks very polite and kind in front of her familiar people, but she has another side which is very different from usual. I have noticed her at a restaurant once, but I remember her attitude to a waiter was really bad.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you try talking with them as often as possible? I think you can talk about anything with him. If you are getting familiar with him, you can see his personality better. As a result, if you don’t figure out he suits her, you should give her some advice about that.


1)  Studying abroad may make a big difference to your life. That’s why I think you should think carefully about which country to go to and what to study. You should make a specific plan before you go.

2)  She is usually very sweet and kind when people who she knows are around her. But she acts completely different when she is alone. I know because I once saw her at a restaurant and her attitude towards the waiter was terrible.


ウォームアップで練習しているmake a differenceを使うと楽です。
Studying abroad can make a big difference to your life.

I have noticed her at a restaurant once,

1:15 make fun of…
追加分も本当によくとりくんでくださいました! 確認したい部分はぜひ回答例をご覧ください^^
4:45 I can’t keep up with…
5:25 2) She usually looks very polite and kind in front of her familiar people, but she has another side which is very different from usual.
この辺り、いうことなしのスピーキングです! Very smooth! 

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