【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) いとこが結婚したので、わたしたち家族は、彼女の幸せを祝うことにした。親戚全員が集まりに加わり、お互いに会った。これは数年に時々であったから、彼らに会えて嬉しかった。
2) そのバスケットボール試合は、わたしたちのチームにとって大切だったから、遅れないようにすべての注意を払ったし、前日にすべてを準備した。わたしは10分早くついたが、チームメートのひとりが遅刻した。コーチは彼だけでなくとわたしたち全員をそのことで責めた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My cousin got married, so our family decided to congratulate her on happiness in her life. All of the relatives joined the gathering and met each other. It was sometimes in a few years, so I was really happy to see them.
2) The basketball game was important for our team, so I paid every attention not to be late and prepared everything the day before the game. I arrived there ten minites earlier, but one of our teammates was late. Our coach blamed not only him but also all of our team for that.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What does she tell you about what you think about her too much?
2) When you get so worried about her, what do you try to do besides sending e-mails?
3) Do you get so worried about her because you aren’t confident of yourself?
1) My cousin got married so our family decided to celebrate the start of her new life. All of my relatives gathered together for the celebration. We only see each other occasionally every few years, so it was nice to get to see them.
2) I was very careful not to be late for the important game for my basketball team. I prepared everything the night before, so I arrived 10 minutes early. But one of our teammates came late and the coach said we were all responsible for his actions.
So our family decided to get together to celebrate the start of her new life.のようにしても近いかもしれません。
We can only see each other occasionally every few years…
1) What does she tell you about what you think about her too much?
What does she say about that you think too much about her?
2:45 流れが素晴らしいです!
It is ~ to…の重要な流れもしっかり使えています。
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