【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 自分の宝石を触らないようにといつも母がわたしに言っていた。でも彼女が家にいないとき、そのうちのひとつを取り上げてそれで遊んでいた。そしてそれを誤って落とし、壊してしまった。直すことができないとわかったので、母がこのことに怒るのは間違いない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My mother always told me not to touch her jewels. But when she wasn’t home, I picked up one of them and played with it. Then I mistakenly dropped it on the floor and broke it. It turned out I couldn’t repaire it, so I am really sure she will get mad at me.
2) After I use the computer at home, I always forget to turn it off. So this morning, as soon as he noticed it was turning on, my husband blamed me for that. But I didn’t use it yesterday.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Shakira. I also think you really need confidence and trust. If you love her and want her to stay, you should keep in mind that you have more confident of yourself and you really believe in her.
he noticed it was turning on,
it was on.
you should keep in mind that you have more confident of yourself and you really believe in her.
you should keep in mind that you should have more confidence in yourself…
4:20 I have no idea when I can catch up.
when Iの部分の発音もとてもよいですね。上手につなげられています。
6:50 But I didn’t use it yesterday.
こちら、But yesterday, I didn’t the computer.
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