
Day 54 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 夫はいつも言うが如く行う。たとえどんなに仕事で忙しくても、わたしのために時間をつくってくれる。それが彼についてわたしの好きなところのひとつだ。だから、彼を信頼できるのだ。
2) わたしたちの上司は細かいところにうるさい。だから彼が会議に参加すると、いつも長い時間がかかる。ときどきうんざりするが、彼のおかげで、わたしたちは完璧なプレゼンをすることができる。だから彼に感謝すべきだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My husband always acts as he says. No matter how busy his work is, he makes time for me. That’s one of my favorites about him. That’s why I can trust him.
2) Our boss is very particular about details. So whenever he attends a meeting, it takes a long time. I sometimes feel tired of him, but thanks to him, we can give a perfect presentation. That’s why we should be thankful to him.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Fabio. I also think boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is very different from marriage. If she gets old enough to understand the true  meaning of loving someone, I guess she will change her mind.


1)  My husband never fails to keep his word. Even if he is very busy with work, he always makes time for me once he has said he would. That’s one of the things I like about him and because of that I can trust him.

2)  Our boss can’t help thinking about even the smallest details. That’s why every time he attends the meeting, it takes such a long time and it’s sometimes very exhausting. But because of that, we are able to make a perfect presentation, so we should thank him.


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