【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしは新しい靴をはいて、カフェで休憩をしていた。すると、ひとりの客がコーヒーをわたしの靴にこぼした。しかし彼は謝りもせず、立ち去ったので、わたしはあまりに驚いたので、何も言えなかった。
2) 父と直接会えば、良い人だとわかると思う。でも彼は周りに調和することがあまり得意ではない。今週、彼氏を初めて父に紹介するつもりだが、彼が父をどう感じるか心配だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wore my new shoes and took a break at a cafe. Then one customer mistakenly dropped his coffee on my shoes. But he left there without apologizing to me. I was too surprised about it to say anything.
2) If you meet him in person, you think my father is a good person. But he isn’t good at being harmony with others. I am going to introduce my boyfriend to him for the first time this week, but I am concerned about how he will feel about my father.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If I were your friend, I would give her son vegetable juice. I think it will be easier for him than vegetable dishes. And I suggest her to find a lot of articles for kids who dislike vegetables and many recipes for such kids.
1) When I was relaxing at a cafe wearing my brand new pair of shoes, one of the other customers spilled his coffee on them. He walked away without even apologizing to me and I was too shocked to say anything.
2) My father is a good man once you get to know him, but he isn’t good at getting along with others. So I am concerned about what my boyfriend will think when I introduce him to my father for the first time this weekend.
ちょっと細かいですが、in harmony with~とするとよりしっくりくる気もします!
2:00 こちらの文素晴らしいですね。
3:25 I am going to introduce my boyfriend to him for the first time this week,
I am going to introduce my boyfriend to him /for the first time this week,
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