1) Everyone in this office tends to protect themselves and only says things that won’t cause any trouble. But she speaks her mind and doesn’t try to make herself look good. That’s why I have a good impresssion of her.
2) When there are bargain sales everywhere this time of the year, it’s understandable that people spend a lot of money, but you spent way too much. I insist that you stay away from department stores and don’t go shopping anymore this year.
never to say anything not to get him into trouble
⇒ 「トラブルにならないことは言わない」というニュアンスに受け取れます ^^
– never say anything may get him into trouble
– say nothing to get him into trouble
のように表現できそうです ^^
0:11 excited の発音が、とてもナチュラルで奇麗でした!
3:16 24) とても自然にスラリと出て来ましたね♪ Good job!
6:13 42) テンポ良く発話されていて、良かったです!
7:36 文の前半、一語ずつ途切れたように聞こえて来たのが、勿体なかったです ^^
日本語置き換えの一文ごとに(一文が長めのときは、更に分けたかたまりごとに)捉えて英文発話するように練習すると、途切れたように聞こえなくなるかも知れません ^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 一年でこのこのシーズンは、たくさんのセールをやっている。だからあなたがたくさんのものを買いたくなるのは当然だ。でもあまりにもお金を使いすぎていると思う。だからデパートに行ったり、今年はこれ以上買い物をしないようすべきだと本当に言っておこう。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Everyone in the office tends to secure himself and never to say anything not to get him into trouble. But she tells her opinions honestly and never looks too proud of herself. That’s why I really like her.
2) There are a lot of bargains everywhere during the season of this year. So it is natural you feel like buying a lot. But I think you spend too much money. So I really insist you shouldn’t go to department stores and buy anymore this year.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you want to succed. I am sure you need money. You should try hard to earn for the goal in your life. If you want your successful mariage, why don’t you get married with a rich woman or become a rich man?
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