1) My friend didn’t look happy so I asked her if something was wrong. She told me that she asked her boyfriend when he wanted to get married, but he avoided giving a clear answer. I couldn’t figure out a way to cheer her up.
2) I used to hate my collegue because he always seemed to be thinking he is better than me. But the other day we spoke frankly and honestly, without keeping any secrets. It turned out that he isn’t such a bad person and we are friends since than.
when to marry
when he wants to marry.
Good! 今回もお疲れ様でした。
3:25 I can’t believe…
7:50 So I couldn’t figure out how to cheer her up.
cheer her upの部分はRが連続して出てくるので言いにくいかと思いますが、この部分の発音もきれいでした。
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人があまり幸せそうじゃなかったので、なにか問題を抱えているのかどうか訊いた。すると、彼女の話では、彼女が彼氏にいつ結婚したいか訊いたとき、彼ははっきりと答えなかった。だから彼女を元気付ける方法がわからなかった。
2) わたしには同僚がいつもわたしより優っていると考えているように思っていた。だから彼を大嫌いだった。でもある日、彼と率直に話し合う機会があった。結局、彼はそんなに悪い人でないとわかった。それ以来、わたしたちは友達だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend didn’t look so happy, and I asked if she had some problems. Then, according to what she told me, when she asked her boyfriend when to marry, he only answered vaguely. So I couldn’t figure out how to cheer her up.
2) It seemed to me that my co-worker always thought he was superior to me, so I really disliked him. But one day, I had a chance to talk with him honestly. It turned out that he wasn’t so bad. Since then we have been friends.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you want to continue your job after getting married or having children, you should do that. Some men tend to think that married women should concentrate on raisining children, but as you said, I also think married women should have more freedom. So you should find a good partner who agrees with your opinion!
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