
Day 61 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 友人と電話で話すとき、本来のトピックから別のものに変わってしまうことがよくある。しかし、彼女と話すのは楽しいし、ストレスを忘れることができるので、まったく気にならない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) We tried hard each other to come up with useful ideas for the new project. As a result, we could not only achieve it very well, but also have strong relationship through a lot of effort.
2) When I talk with my friend on the phone, we often change from the main topic to another one. But I enjoy talking with her and can forget a lot of stress, so I don’t mind.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Have you ever given such a speech so far?
2) When you have to speak in front of crowd, how do you usually prepare for that?
3) How are others’ comments about your speech?


1)  Our team encouraged one another to come up with useful ideas for the new project. Because of that, not only were we successful in carrying out a wonderful project, our team also bonded really well through all of the work.

2)  Whenever my friend and I talk on the phone, we tend to find ourselves talking about something else and not the things we really want to talk about. But it’s fun talking to her and it releases my stress so it doesn’t bother me at all.


We tried hard each other to come up with
「お互いに」はeach otherで間違いないのですが、
We each tried the hardest to~のようにしてもイメージに近くなるかと思います!

Great job in your speech!
1:05 keep an eye onの部分、発音がとても自然でよいですね。
3:45 こちら言い方がとてもよいと思います^^
 5:30 we could not only achieve it very well, but also have strong relationship through a lot of effort.
こちらnot only~but also…の流れがなかなか曲者でしたね。
Take good care of yourself! Keep yourself warm^^

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