【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 同僚が違う部署に移ってしまった。この突然のニュースを聞いてほんとうにわたしたちは皆、驚いた。こういう状況をまったく予想していなかった。だから彼のためのお別れパーティを計画することもできなかった。彼とは直接話すよい機会がなかったので、もっとフレンドリーにしておけばよかったと思った。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Every time I ask him something, my husband seems to think something else and never listens to me. Because of that, we have a fight very often. So I want him to be a better listener.
2) Our co-worker was transferred to a different section. All of us was really suprised to hear the sudden news because we couldn’t predict such a situation. We couldn’t plan a farewell party for him. I never had a good chance to talk him in person, but I should have been more friendly to him.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. I also think every name has a meaning. Normal names or kira-kira names have their meanings. If some parents want to give kira-kira names to their children, if their children feel loved by them, I think there is no problem.
All of us was really suprised
All of us~は複数と考えるのがよいかと思います!
All of us were~
But this time, personally, I can agree with none of them completely, because I know there are those who are bullied, rejected by companies or experiencing unnecessary difficulties because of their “names”.
So I can’t say “there is no problem if there’s love” in this regard.
What do you think?
1:00 I ran out of time, so I couldn’t finish the test.
ranの発音とてもよいですね! 後半は一気に行けるとgood!
4:30 Watch out, that god is out of control!
great! 良いイントネーションが付いています!
8:35 Every time I ask him something, my husband seems to think something else and never listens to me.
Every time I ask him something,
and never listens to me.
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