
Day 83 回答例


1)  My mother-in-law tries to join in everything my husband and I do. It’s pretty annoying to be honest, but she often looks after my children, so I try my best to be nice to her.

2)  My wife told me that she is going to go on a diet and lose 10 kg within 5 months. She often gives up easily, so I didn’t expect her to really do it. But she surprised me by losing the weight in only 3 months.


so I was really surprised about her.
surprised at~で「~に驚く」ということが多い気がしますので、こちらを使うのがよいかもです^^

1:50 Make sure everyone’s satisfied with the change of plan.
6:30 I don’t feel like going shopping…
feel like、パッととりだせています!
Day 80も過ぎ、残り少ないですので、今までの復習をしながらどんどん表現に磨きをかけていきましょう。
9:20  But she often takes care of my kids, so I try hard to be kind to her.
後半が少しよれた気がしますので、”,” で分けて、節でまとめていってみましょう。


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 義母は夫とわたしがするすべてのことに関わろうとする。正直に言えば、けっこううんざりしている。でも彼女はよくわたしの子供たちの面倒をみてくれるので、彼女に優しくするようにがんばっている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My mother-in-law wants to get involved in everything my husband and I try doing. To be honest, I am quite tired of her. But she often takes care of my kids, so I try hard to be kind to her.
2) My wife told me that she would do a diet and lose 10kg weight within 5 months. She gave up doing something easily, so I didn’t expect her to continue her diet. But it took only 3 months for her to lose weight, so I was really surprised about her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you try thinking each person has each feeling and opinion? Personally, I think it is a little hard to change her feelings and opinions about others. Anyway, when she starts to speak ill of them, you shouldn’t agree or disagree. If you feel too much stress being with her, try to keep away from her for a while.

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