
Day 77 回答例


1)  I suddenly lost my job last month because our company ran out of money. The last thing I wanted to do was depend on my parents, but I couldn’t afford to pay the rent this month so I had no choice but to ask them for help.

2)  I was very concerned about my son’s health because even though he was living alone, he never cooked. He often ate cup noodles and junk food for dinner. So when he finally got married last month, I was very relieved to hear from him that his wife was cooking healthy and nutritious meals for him every day.



so you should have a good habit such as avoiding to smoke
so you should try your hardest to keep away from smoking.
And try to make it your habit, and eventually you’ll be able to quit it altogether.

00:30 No matter how hard he explained, I wasn’t able to get satisfied with what he had to say.
No matter how~の部分は少し流れが崩れている気もしますので確認しましょう。
7:05 Make sure everyone is satisfied with the change of plan.

【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 息子はひとりで暮らしているが、まったく料理をしない。だから彼の健康がとても心配で、どうしたらいいか見当もつかなかった。彼はよく夕食にカップラーメンやジャンクフードを食べていた。しかし先月、彼がようやく結婚して本当にほっとした。彼の話によると、彼の奥さんは毎日、健康的でとてもよい食事を彼のためにつくってくれているのだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
tnever wanted to rely on my parents, but I couldn’t afford t o pay for the rent this month. That’s why I had no choice but to ask them to give me a hand.
2) My son lived alone, but he never cooked himself. So I was really concerned about his health and had no idea what I should do. He used to eat cup noodles and jank food for supper. I really felt relieved because last month he got married. According to what he told me, his wife cooks good and healthy meals for him every day.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you find and join a group for quitting smoking? If you really want to be a non-smoker, I think it is worth trying. Anyway, smoking is not good for your health, so you should have a good habit such as avoiding to smoke. I hope you try and continue it!

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