【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 妻はわたしたちと沖縄に行きたかったが、わたしは京都を訪れたかった。だからわたしたちが、京都で美しい景色やおいしい伝統料理を楽しむべきと言い張った。すると、彼女は気を変えて、わたしに賛同してくれた。
2) ダイエット中だったにもかかわらず、友人が一緒にビュッフェレストランに行こうと誘ってきた。はじめはためらったが、気を変えて一緒に行った。結局、計画していたよりもたくさん食べてしまった。体重が増えてしまったが、後悔しても無駄であった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My wife wanted to travel through Okinawa with us, but I wanted to visit Kyoto. So we insisted she enjoys beautiful landscape and delicious traditional dishes in Kyoto. Then she changed her mind and agreed with me.
2) Even though I was doing a diet, my friend suggested me to go to a buffet restaurant with her. I hesitated to do that, but eventually I changed my mind and went there with her. It turned out that I ate much more than I had planned. So I gained weight, but it was no use regretting it.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Shakira. You shouldn’t be too nervous to have a speech in front of your friends. Why don’t you enjoy being with your favorite people on the special day? All you have to do is to give your best speech for your friend! Good Luck!
1) My wife wanted to go to Okinawa for a family vacation, but I wanted to visit Kyoto instead. I explained very hard that we should spend time in Kyoto enjoying the beautiful scenery and delicious traditional foods. Because of that, she changed her mind and agreed with me.
2) Even though I was on a diet, my friend suggested we go to a buffet restaurant together. I hesitated at first, but changed my mind and went and ended up eating more than I planned to. I gained weight but it’s too late for regrets now.
travel through Okinawa
So we insisted she enjoys beautiful landscape and delicious traditional dishes in Kyoto.
she enjoysのenjoysは、enjoyとSをとってしまいましょう。
So we insisted she (should) enjoy~と、shouldが省略されています。
00:10 こちらはシンプルな文であったのでなんてことはなさそうでしたね^^
4:30 この文流れ、イントネーション共にとてもよかったです。
can I~の部分のつなげ方もとてもきれいでした。
6:30 So we insisted she enjoys beautiful landscape and delicious traditional dishes in Kyoto.
she enjoys beautiful landscape
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