【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしの友人はいつも幸せそうで、とても感じが良い。なにか良くないことが起こっても、決して文句を言わない。だからみんな彼女が本当に好きだ。
2) たとえどんなに頑張っても、会議で他のメンバーが話していることがわからなかった。だから会議で彼らが決めたことをすべてノートに書くことにした。この習慣を得ることによって、会議でのすべての状況が理解できた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend always looks very happy and pleasant. Even if something wrong happens, she doesn’t complains at all. So everyone really really likes her.
2) No matter how hard I tried to do, I wasn’t able to get what other members talked about in meetings. So I tried writing everything they decided on my notebook. By getting this habit, I was able to get every situation in meetings.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to throw away everything you don’t need. By doing that, maybe it is easier for you to clean your room. I am sure your two closets will be enough for you. If you can do that, why don’t you invite your friends to your new place? Shinagwa sounds really great!
Yesterday, I talked about “what questions create”.
And here is a question for you.
What kind of impression do you have about people that ask you questions?
Do you feel uncomfortable about them?
In English-speaking countries, that means the person is interested in you.
How would you feel if someone was interested in your story?
I think many people would be happy to know that.
So let’s try to ask questions and show that you are interested in the person too!!
Asking what you want to know is not rude.
It’s actually very nice because it is an expression that you want to know more about the person.
no matter how hard I tryのフレーズが引き出せている点、素晴らしいです! Well done!
to do は不要ですので、外してしまいましょう☆
I tried writing everything they decided on my notebook.
⇒ on my notebook を writing の後に置くと、更に分かりやすくなりそうです ^^
1:29 14) 少し長めの文で、考えてしまいますね ^^ 反復練習しましょう♪
3:35 I have met… は、I と have を繋げて I’ve met… のように発話してみましょう♪
21) Did you tell him to go to the supermarket because you ran out of milk?
22) I told him to go to the supermarket because I ran out of milk.
23) Did you ask her to keep an eye on your son?
24) I asked her to keep an eye on my son.
25) Did you want him to give you a hand?
26) I wanted him to give me a hand.
27) Have you met his sister in person?
28) I have met his sister in person.
29) I haven’t met his sister in person.
30) What should I do about this situation?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend never tries to hide who she really is and is always very bright. She also never complains about anything even if something goes wrong. So everyone likes her very much.
2) No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up with the meeting. So I decided to write down everything that was decided in the meeting and made it my habit. Now, I can understand every situation.
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