
Day 83 回答例


37)  Did you have no choice but to quit your job?
38)  We have to get rid of of this broken computer.
39)  Can you deliver this message to her in person?
40)  Have you considered checking with her directly?
41)  You should know better than to use all of your money.
42)  Believe it or not, my boyfriend is a professional dancer.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  She doesn’t usually talk much at work. But when she gets a little drunk, she talks a lot. So she makes many friends at drinking parties.
2)  We became best friends when we were in high school. We have been keeping in touch since then. She is very important to me and no one can replace her.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女は仕事中はいつも静かなひとだが、飲むと良く話す。だから、居酒屋で飲み会があると、友達をたくさんつくる。
2) わたしは彼女と高校で親友になった。それ以来、連絡を取り合っている。彼女なしの人生がどんなものか想像できない。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)She is always a quiet person at work, but when she is drunk, she talks a lot with others. So when there is a gathering at izakaya, she makes a lot of friends.
2)I became good friends with her in high school. Since then, I have kept in touch with her. I can’t imagine how my life will be like without her.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you join your family gathering? It’s a really good chance for you to talk about your true feelings in front of your parents. Before the gathering, I suggest you to take some time to tell them about how you feel about them and your future honestly. I hope you are having a good relationship with your parents.

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