31) You should ask your boss for advice.
32) You shouldn’t try to solve it by yourself.
33) Do you know what kind of dish he used to cook for me?
34) I don’t know what kind of dish he used to cook for you.
35) What did you tell your daughter to do?
36) I told my daughter not to complain about everything.
37) What did you ask her to tell you?
38) I asked her to tell me how the meeting turned out.
39) What do you want your boyfriend to buy you for your birthday?
40) I have no idea what I want my boyfriend to buy me for my birhtday.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our project didn’t turn out the way I thought. I was’t satisfied with the results so I wasn’t feeling clear inside. So I went to talk with the boss about it.
2) I had to leave for work. But my daughter started to cry and told me to do things I couldn’t do. So I had no choice but to be late for work.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちのプロジェクトは思ったとおりにならず、結果に満足していなかった。だから自分の気持ちをだれかに言いたくなり、上司にそのことを話に行った。
2) わたしは仕事に出かけなければならなかったが、娘が泣き出し、そばにいて欲しいとねだった。結局、仕事に遅れる以外に選択肢がなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our project didn’t turn out as we expected and I wasn ’t satisfied with the result. So I wanted to talk to someone about my true feeling and went to my boss to do that.
2) Even though I had to leave home for work, my daughter started to cry and asked me to stay with her. At last, I had no choice but to be late for work.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. I also suggest you to do “Danshari. ” You actually have to spend time sorting your things out and clarifying what you really need and don’t. But You don’t have to buy a storage furniture or rent a warehouse closet. I think “Danshari”is an easy and cheap way to change your lifestyle.
This week, I’ve been sharing ideas of “What questions create”.
Asking questions can be helpful for you to communicate with others.
It gives you the information you want.
English is a very simple language.
If you ask a simple question, you can get a simple answer for that.
Getting all those simple answers will help you to give better advices or opinions.
Without that, your opinion could end up a narrow-minded opinion, and
people won’t understand your idea.
Let’s avoid it and be better in communication!!
1) なるほど、モヤモヤした気持ちは、誰かに言いたくなりますね ^^
「はっきりしない」「クリアにならない」と捉えるのが良さそうです ^^
turn out as we expected の表現、素晴らしいです!
2) 「駄々をこねた」を「そばにいて欲しいとねだった」と捉えられたところ、良いと思います!
私、好きです ^^
英文も、要のフレーズを引き出しながら、とてもナチュラルに仕上がりました♪ Beautiful!
At last は、So や That’s why といった言葉に換えると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
0:22 5) Did you want your friend… の want your は、「ウォンチュァ」のようなイメージで、
繋げて発話すると、滑らかになります ^^
2:15 18) スラスラッと、出てきていますね♪ Well done!
6:00 what I want my boyfriend to buy の抑揚が上手について良かったです♪
6:39 my daughter started to cry and asked me ~ こちらのイントネーションも、良かったです!
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