
Day 86 回答例


【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  When my best friend and I start talking, we never run out of topics to talk about. So we often talk for hours when we get together. It is the only time that I can release all of my stress.
2)  She usually acts and talks very gently to others. But when she gets mad at her children, she gets very scary. She is like a different person.


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 彼女はいつもだれにでも、とても優しく感じが良い。しかし、子どもたちを叱るときは、子どもたちにとって、とても厳しくなる。そんなときの彼女を見ると本当にびっくりする。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Once I start to talk with my best friend, we never run out of topics. So whenever I meet him, I enjoy talking with him for hours. It is the only time for me to forget all of my stress.
2) She is usually very kind and pleasant to anyone. But when she scolds her children, she becomes very strict to them. We are really surprised to see her at the time.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I think it is a good chance to propose to her again at her parents’s anniversary. You should also tell her and her family about your love and respect to her honestly. According to what you said, she likes fancy decorated cupcakes, doesn’t she?  I suggest you to bring her such presents and propose to her again. Good luck!

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