【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 海外旅行したとき、レストランに入った。ウェイターが持ってきた料理は、わたしが注文したものではなかったので、そのことに文句を言いたかった。しかし、なんと言えばいいかわからなかったので、結局あきらめた。とても後悔している。
2) 仕事に行かなければならなかったので、両親に娘の世話を頼んだ。しかし、家を出る前に、娘が泣いているのを見た。娘のことが本当に心配だったが、仕事にでかけるしかなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)When I was travelling abroad, I entered a restaurant. The waiter brought me some dishes, but they weren’t what I ordered. So I wanted to complain about that, but I had no idea about how to say in a foreign language. At last, I gave up, but I really regret it.
2)I had to go to work, so I asked my parents to take care of my daughter. But just before I left home, I saw her crying. I was really worried about her, but I had no chioce but to go to work.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How long did the time past after you proposed to her?
2) How come you have been having a lot of fights since then?
3) When you proposed to her, how did she look?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I went to a restaurant while I was traveling abroad. The waiter brought me something I didn’t order. So I wanted to complain but I couldn’t speak their language so I had to give up.
2) I had to go to work so I left my daughter with my parents. But she was crying and I didn’t want to go. But I left for work.
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