【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) その新しい社員は若いにもかかわらず、他人の意見に耳を傾け、自分の意見をあまり主張しすぎることもない。だからみんなは喜んで彼と一緒に働いている。
2) もし彼が好きなら、彼の好きな食べ物を見つけ出すべきだ。そしてそれらを彼のために上手につくって、彼を喜ばせるべきだ。そうすれば、彼はあなたを好きになるだろう。これはもっとも大切な方法だと思いますよ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Even though the new employee is young, he always listens to others and rarely insists his opinion too much. So everyone works with him happily.
2) If you like him, you should figure out what his favorite food is. And you should cook it very well for him and make him feel happy. If you do that, he will like you. I think it is the most important way.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When is the important meeting?
2) Instead of you, is there someone who can attend the meeting?
3) Do you think how many days you have to rest?
41) Did you tell him not to make fun of you?
42) I told him not to make fun of me.
43) Did you ask him what he thinks from his point of view?
44) I asked him what he thinks from his point of view.
45) Did you want your boss to change his mind?
46) I wanted my boss to change his mind.
47) Have you heard from your friend?
48) I have heard from my friend.
49) I haven’t heard from my friend.
50) Who should I blame for this mistake?
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) The new employee is very young. But he accepts other people’s opinions and doesn’t try to push his ideas. So everyone is comfortable working with him.
2) If you like him, make sure to research what he likes to eat. You should practice them and get him to like the dishes you cook. I think that’s the key to make him like you too.
エクササイズしていると、例えばa か、theか、などで悩む事がおありかと思います。
1)Very good! 「謙虚」、言いにくかったかと思いますがよく置き換えて説明してくださいました!
… and rarely insists on his opinions.
00:30 こちら質問のイントネーションがとてもよいですね。
figured it outも、つながる部分があるのでちょっと難しいですが、
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