Day 06 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしと妻はどちらも働いているので、いつも忙しい。妻と同居しているのにもかかわらず、彼女と過ごす時間が少ない。だからあまり良い関係ではない。
2) 毎日、長時間働かなくてはいけないし、ストレスがたくさんあった。だから週末は何もする気にならなかった。
1) My wife and I are always busy because both of us work. Even though I live with her, I have little time spending with her. So I don’t have a good relationship with her.
2) I had to work for a long time everyday and had a lot of stress. So I didn’t feel like doing anything on weekends.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Alex. The most important thing is that you should start working in your best condition again. You really have responsibility because you just got a promotion, I understand. But if you really get sick, you should depend on your partner. Please take care of yourself.
41) Did you tell him to continue his work for now?
42) I told him to continue his work for now.
43) Did you ask your friend to call you from time to time?
44) I asked my friend to call me from time to time.
45) Did you want me to leave you alone because you had to finish your work?
46) I wanted you to leave me alone because I had to finish my work.
47) Have you tried to convince him of his mistake?
48) I have tried to convince him of his mistake.
49) I haven’t tried to convince him of his mistake.
50) What should we do if something goes wrong?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My wife and I both work and we are very busy. We can’t see each other very often even thought we live together. So our relationship isn’t going so well.
2) I had to work long hours every day. So I was feeling a lot of stress. So I didn’t feel like doing anything over the weekend.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしと妻はどちらも働いているので、いつも忙しい。妻と同居しているのにもかかわらず、彼女と過ごす時間が少ない。だからあまり良い関係ではない。
2) 毎日、長時間働かなくてはいけないし、ストレスがたくさんあった。だから週末は何もする気にならなかった。
1) My wife and I are always busy because both of us work. Even though I live with her, I have little time spending with her. So I don’t have a good relationship with her.
2) I had to work for a long time everyday and had a lot of stress. So I didn’t feel like doing anything on weekends.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Alex. The most important thing is that you should start working in your best condition again. You really have responsibility because you just got a promotion, I understand. But if you really get sick, you should depend on your partner. Please take care of yourself.
41) Did you tell him to continue his work for now?
42) I told him to continue his work for now.
43) Did you ask your friend to call you from time to time?
44) I asked my friend to call me from time to time.
45) Did you want me to leave you alone because you had to finish your work?
46) I wanted you to leave me alone because I had to finish my work.
47) Have you tried to convince him of his mistake?
48) I have tried to convince him of his mistake.
49) I haven’t tried to convince him of his mistake.
50) What should we do if something goes wrong?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My wife and I both work and we are very busy. We can’t see each other very often even thought we live together. So our relationship isn’t going so well.
2) I had to work long hours every day. So I was feeling a lot of stress. So I didn’t feel like doing anything over the weekend.
Day 07 回答例
41) We should ask our boss for help if something goes wrong.
42) We shouldn’t do anything even if something goes wrong.
43) Do you know how the results turned out?
44) I don’t know how the results turned out.
45) When did you tell her to contact you?
46) I told her to contact me when she feels like it.
47) Why did you ask him to leave the company?
48) I asked him to leave the company because I had no choice.
49) Where does your girlfriend want you to meet her?
50) I have no idea where my girlfriend wants me to meet her.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My job is hard and very stressful. Because of that, I want to become a housewife instead of working every day. So I hope I can get married and quit my job in a couple of years.
2) My husband forgot our wedding anniversary. So I was angry and didn’t feel like talking to him. But he bought me a present so I changed my mind.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 夫がわたしたちの結婚記念日を忘れていたので、不機嫌になり彼と全然話をしなかった。でも彼がわたしにプレゼントを買ってくれたので、気が変わり、嬉しくなった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My work is hard. I have a lot of stress. Instead of working everyday, I want to be a housewife. So I think I want to get married and quit the company within a few years.
2) My husband forgot our wedding anniversary, so I felt upset and didn’t talk to him at all. But I changed my mind and felt happy because he bought me a present.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What does he talk to you during work?
2) How does he look while talking to you?
3) Even though he always disturbs you, why do you think you don’t want to hurt his feelings?
41) We should ask our boss for help if something goes wrong.
42) We shouldn’t do anything even if something goes wrong.
43) Do you know how the results turned out?
44) I don’t know how the results turned out.
45) When did you tell her to contact you?
46) I told her to contact me when she feels like it.
47) Why did you ask him to leave the company?
48) I asked him to leave the company because I had no choice.
49) Where does your girlfriend want you to meet her?
50) I have no idea where my girlfriend wants me to meet her.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My job is hard and very stressful. Because of that, I want to become a housewife instead of working every day. So I hope I can get married and quit my job in a couple of years.
2) My husband forgot our wedding anniversary. So I was angry and didn’t feel like talking to him. But he bought me a present so I changed my mind.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 夫がわたしたちの結婚記念日を忘れていたので、不機嫌になり彼と全然話をしなかった。でも彼がわたしにプレゼントを買ってくれたので、気が変わり、嬉しくなった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My work is hard. I have a lot of stress. Instead of working everyday, I want to be a housewife. So I think I want to get married and quit the company within a few years.
2) My husband forgot our wedding anniversary, so I felt upset and didn’t talk to him at all. But I changed my mind and felt happy because he bought me a present.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What does he talk to you during work?
2) How does he look while talking to you?
3) Even though he always disturbs you, why do you think you don’t want to hurt his feelings?
Day 05 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 弟の奥さんはとても優しくて、人を幸せにしようといつも努力している。だから彼らが結婚したことはとても嬉しい。
2) わたしたちのチームのメンバーの一人が大きなミスをした。上司はわたしたち全員をそのことで責めたので、問題を解決するため、夜中まで働かなくてはならなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My brother’s wife is very gentle and always tries hard making others feel happy. So I am really happy that they go married.
2) One of the member in our team made a terrible mistake. Our boss blamed all of us for the mistake, so we had to work until midnight to solve the problem.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to ask your partner to attend the meeting instead of you. According to what you said, you already prepared everything for it. You should ask her to fill in your place. I really think you need to rest now. Take care of yourself!
41) You should blame her for this mistake.
42) You shouldn’t blame anyone for this mistake.
43) Do you know who is in charge of this store?
44) I don’t know who is in charge of this store.
45) Who told you to be concerned about your son’s grades?
46) The teacher told me to be concerned about my son’s grades.
47) Who asked you to give them a hand with the project?
48) My boss asked me to give them a hand with the project.
49) Who wanted you to change your mind about your decision?
50) My wife wanted me to change my mind about my decision.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My brother’s wife cares for a lot of things. She thinks about other people’s feelings. So I am very happy that my brother married her.
2) One of the employees made a big mistake. But the boss said that everyone on the team was responsible and blamed all of us for it. So we had to work until midnight to solve the problem.
1)Good! 元の日本文のイメージが良く伝わる文にできています^^
2)This one is very well done, too!
Very good suggestion! I agree with you^^
If there’s someone who can fill in his place, he should go and get some rest.
6:00 こちらの文などは、一気に行けると良いかと思います!
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 弟の奥さんはとても優しくて、人を幸せにしようといつも努力している。だから彼らが結婚したことはとても嬉しい。
2) わたしたちのチームのメンバーの一人が大きなミスをした。上司はわたしたち全員をそのことで責めたので、問題を解決するため、夜中まで働かなくてはならなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My brother’s wife is very gentle and always tries hard making others feel happy. So I am really happy that they go married.
2) One of the member in our team made a terrible mistake. Our boss blamed all of us for the mistake, so we had to work until midnight to solve the problem.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to ask your partner to attend the meeting instead of you. According to what you said, you already prepared everything for it. You should ask her to fill in your place. I really think you need to rest now. Take care of yourself!
41) You should blame her for this mistake.
42) You shouldn’t blame anyone for this mistake.
43) Do you know who is in charge of this store?
44) I don’t know who is in charge of this store.
45) Who told you to be concerned about your son’s grades?
46) The teacher told me to be concerned about my son’s grades.
47) Who asked you to give them a hand with the project?
48) My boss asked me to give them a hand with the project.
49) Who wanted you to change your mind about your decision?
50) My wife wanted me to change my mind about my decision.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My brother’s wife cares for a lot of things. She thinks about other people’s feelings. So I am very happy that my brother married her.
2) One of the employees made a big mistake. But the boss said that everyone on the team was responsible and blamed all of us for it. So we had to work until midnight to solve the problem.
1)Good! 元の日本文のイメージが良く伝わる文にできています^^
2)This one is very well done, too!
Very good suggestion! I agree with you^^
If there’s someone who can fill in his place, he should go and get some rest.
6:00 こちらの文などは、一気に行けると良いかと思います!
Day 04 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) その新しい社員は若いにもかかわらず、他人の意見に耳を傾け、自分の意見をあまり主張しすぎることもない。だからみんなは喜んで彼と一緒に働いている。
2) もし彼が好きなら、彼の好きな食べ物を見つけ出すべきだ。そしてそれらを彼のために上手につくって、彼を喜ばせるべきだ。そうすれば、彼はあなたを好きになるだろう。これはもっとも大切な方法だと思いますよ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Even though the new employee is young, he always listens to others and rarely insists his opinion too much. So everyone works with him happily.
2) If you like him, you should figure out what his favorite food is. And you should cook it very well for him and make him feel happy. If you do that, he will like you. I think it is the most important way.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When is the important meeting?
2) Instead of you, is there someone who can attend the meeting?
3) Do you think how many days you have to rest?
41) Did you tell him not to make fun of you?
42) I told him not to make fun of me.
43) Did you ask him what he thinks from his point of view?
44) I asked him what he thinks from his point of view.
45) Did you want your boss to change his mind?
46) I wanted my boss to change his mind.
47) Have you heard from your friend?
48) I have heard from my friend.
49) I haven’t heard from my friend.
50) Who should I blame for this mistake?
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) The new employee is very young. But he accepts other people’s opinions and doesn’t try to push his ideas. So everyone is comfortable working with him.
2) If you like him, make sure to research what he likes to eat. You should practice them and get him to like the dishes you cook. I think that’s the key to make him like you too.
エクササイズしていると、例えばa か、theか、などで悩む事がおありかと思います。
1)Very good! 「謙虚」、言いにくかったかと思いますがよく置き換えて説明してくださいました!
… and rarely insists on his opinions.
00:30 こちら質問のイントネーションがとてもよいですね。
figured it outも、つながる部分があるのでちょっと難しいですが、
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) その新しい社員は若いにもかかわらず、他人の意見に耳を傾け、自分の意見をあまり主張しすぎることもない。だからみんなは喜んで彼と一緒に働いている。
2) もし彼が好きなら、彼の好きな食べ物を見つけ出すべきだ。そしてそれらを彼のために上手につくって、彼を喜ばせるべきだ。そうすれば、彼はあなたを好きになるだろう。これはもっとも大切な方法だと思いますよ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Even though the new employee is young, he always listens to others and rarely insists his opinion too much. So everyone works with him happily.
2) If you like him, you should figure out what his favorite food is. And you should cook it very well for him and make him feel happy. If you do that, he will like you. I think it is the most important way.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When is the important meeting?
2) Instead of you, is there someone who can attend the meeting?
3) Do you think how many days you have to rest?
41) Did you tell him not to make fun of you?
42) I told him not to make fun of me.
43) Did you ask him what he thinks from his point of view?
44) I asked him what he thinks from his point of view.
45) Did you want your boss to change his mind?
46) I wanted my boss to change his mind.
47) Have you heard from your friend?
48) I have heard from my friend.
49) I haven’t heard from my friend.
50) Who should I blame for this mistake?
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) The new employee is very young. But he accepts other people’s opinions and doesn’t try to push his ideas. So everyone is comfortable working with him.
2) If you like him, make sure to research what he likes to eat. You should practice them and get him to like the dishes you cook. I think that’s the key to make him like you too.
エクササイズしていると、例えばa か、theか、などで悩む事がおありかと思います。
1)Very good! 「謙虚」、言いにくかったかと思いますがよく置き換えて説明してくださいました!
… and rarely insists on his opinions.
00:30 こちら質問のイントネーションがとてもよいですね。
figured it outも、つながる部分があるのでちょっと難しいですが、
Day 03 回答例
31) You should ask your boss for advice.
32) You shouldn’t try to solve it by yourself.
33) Do you know what kind of dish he used to cook for me?
34) I don’t know what kind of dish he used to cook for you.
35) What did you tell your daughter to do?
36) I told my daughter not to complain about everything.
37) What did you ask her to tell you?
38) I asked her to tell me how the meeting turned out.
39) What do you want your boyfriend to buy you for your birthday?
40) I have no idea what I want my boyfriend to buy me for my birhtday.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our project didn’t turn out the way I thought. I was’t satisfied with the results so I wasn’t feeling clear inside. So I went to talk with the boss about it.
2) I had to leave for work. But my daughter started to cry and told me to do things I couldn’t do. So I had no choice but to be late for work.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちのプロジェクトは思ったとおりにならず、結果に満足していなかった。だから自分の気持ちをだれかに言いたくなり、上司にそのことを話に行った。
2) わたしは仕事に出かけなければならなかったが、娘が泣き出し、そばにいて欲しいとねだった。結局、仕事に遅れる以外に選択肢がなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our project didn’t turn out as we expected and I wasn ’t satisfied with the result. So I wanted to talk to someone about my true feeling and went to my boss to do that.
2) Even though I had to leave home for work, my daughter started to cry and asked me to stay with her. At last, I had no choice but to be late for work.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. I also suggest you to do “Danshari. ” You actually have to spend time sorting your things out and clarifying what you really need and don’t. But You don’t have to buy a storage furniture or rent a warehouse closet. I think “Danshari”is an easy and cheap way to change your lifestyle.
This week, I’ve been sharing ideas of “What questions create”.
Asking questions can be helpful for you to communicate with others.
It gives you the information you want.
English is a very simple language.
If you ask a simple question, you can get a simple answer for that.
Getting all those simple answers will help you to give better advices or opinions.
Without that, your opinion could end up a narrow-minded opinion, and
people won’t understand your idea.
Let’s avoid it and be better in communication!!
1) なるほど、モヤモヤした気持ちは、誰かに言いたくなりますね ^^
「はっきりしない」「クリアにならない」と捉えるのが良さそうです ^^
turn out as we expected の表現、素晴らしいです!
2) 「駄々をこねた」を「そばにいて欲しいとねだった」と捉えられたところ、良いと思います!
私、好きです ^^
英文も、要のフレーズを引き出しながら、とてもナチュラルに仕上がりました♪ Beautiful!
At last は、So や That’s why といった言葉に換えると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
0:22 5) Did you want your friend… の want your は、「ウォンチュァ」のようなイメージで、
繋げて発話すると、滑らかになります ^^
2:15 18) スラスラッと、出てきていますね♪ Well done!
6:00 what I want my boyfriend to buy の抑揚が上手について良かったです♪
6:39 my daughter started to cry and asked me ~ こちらのイントネーションも、良かったです!
31) You should ask your boss for advice.
32) You shouldn’t try to solve it by yourself.
33) Do you know what kind of dish he used to cook for me?
34) I don’t know what kind of dish he used to cook for you.
35) What did you tell your daughter to do?
36) I told my daughter not to complain about everything.
37) What did you ask her to tell you?
38) I asked her to tell me how the meeting turned out.
39) What do you want your boyfriend to buy you for your birthday?
40) I have no idea what I want my boyfriend to buy me for my birhtday.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our project didn’t turn out the way I thought. I was’t satisfied with the results so I wasn’t feeling clear inside. So I went to talk with the boss about it.
2) I had to leave for work. But my daughter started to cry and told me to do things I couldn’t do. So I had no choice but to be late for work.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちのプロジェクトは思ったとおりにならず、結果に満足していなかった。だから自分の気持ちをだれかに言いたくなり、上司にそのことを話に行った。
2) わたしは仕事に出かけなければならなかったが、娘が泣き出し、そばにいて欲しいとねだった。結局、仕事に遅れる以外に選択肢がなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our project didn’t turn out as we expected and I wasn ’t satisfied with the result. So I wanted to talk to someone about my true feeling and went to my boss to do that.
2) Even though I had to leave home for work, my daughter started to cry and asked me to stay with her. At last, I had no choice but to be late for work.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. I also suggest you to do “Danshari. ” You actually have to spend time sorting your things out and clarifying what you really need and don’t. But You don’t have to buy a storage furniture or rent a warehouse closet. I think “Danshari”is an easy and cheap way to change your lifestyle.
This week, I’ve been sharing ideas of “What questions create”.
Asking questions can be helpful for you to communicate with others.
It gives you the information you want.
English is a very simple language.
If you ask a simple question, you can get a simple answer for that.
Getting all those simple answers will help you to give better advices or opinions.
Without that, your opinion could end up a narrow-minded opinion, and
people won’t understand your idea.
Let’s avoid it and be better in communication!!
1) なるほど、モヤモヤした気持ちは、誰かに言いたくなりますね ^^
「はっきりしない」「クリアにならない」と捉えるのが良さそうです ^^
turn out as we expected の表現、素晴らしいです!
2) 「駄々をこねた」を「そばにいて欲しいとねだった」と捉えられたところ、良いと思います!
私、好きです ^^
英文も、要のフレーズを引き出しながら、とてもナチュラルに仕上がりました♪ Beautiful!
At last は、So や That’s why といった言葉に換えると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
0:22 5) Did you want your friend… の want your は、「ウォンチュァ」のようなイメージで、
繋げて発話すると、滑らかになります ^^
2:15 18) スラスラッと、出てきていますね♪ Well done!
6:00 what I want my boyfriend to buy の抑揚が上手について良かったです♪
6:39 my daughter started to cry and asked me ~ こちらのイントネーションも、良かったです!
Day 02 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしの友人はいつも幸せそうで、とても感じが良い。なにか良くないことが起こっても、決して文句を言わない。だからみんな彼女が本当に好きだ。
2) たとえどんなに頑張っても、会議で他のメンバーが話していることがわからなかった。だから会議で彼らが決めたことをすべてノートに書くことにした。この習慣を得ることによって、会議でのすべての状況が理解できた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend always looks very happy and pleasant. Even if something wrong happens, she doesn’t complains at all. So everyone really really likes her.
2) No matter how hard I tried to do, I wasn’t able to get what other members talked about in meetings. So I tried writing everything they decided on my notebook. By getting this habit, I was able to get every situation in meetings.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to throw away everything you don’t need. By doing that, maybe it is easier for you to clean your room. I am sure your two closets will be enough for you. If you can do that, why don’t you invite your friends to your new place? Shinagwa sounds really great!
Yesterday, I talked about “what questions create”.
And here is a question for you.
What kind of impression do you have about people that ask you questions?
Do you feel uncomfortable about them?
In English-speaking countries, that means the person is interested in you.
How would you feel if someone was interested in your story?
I think many people would be happy to know that.
So let’s try to ask questions and show that you are interested in the person too!!
Asking what you want to know is not rude.
It’s actually very nice because it is an expression that you want to know more about the person.
no matter how hard I tryのフレーズが引き出せている点、素晴らしいです! Well done!
to do は不要ですので、外してしまいましょう☆
I tried writing everything they decided on my notebook.
⇒ on my notebook を writing の後に置くと、更に分かりやすくなりそうです ^^
1:29 14) 少し長めの文で、考えてしまいますね ^^ 反復練習しましょう♪
3:35 I have met… は、I と have を繋げて I’ve met… のように発話してみましょう♪
21) Did you tell him to go to the supermarket because you ran out of milk?
22) I told him to go to the supermarket because I ran out of milk.
23) Did you ask her to keep an eye on your son?
24) I asked her to keep an eye on my son.
25) Did you want him to give you a hand?
26) I wanted him to give me a hand.
27) Have you met his sister in person?
28) I have met his sister in person.
29) I haven’t met his sister in person.
30) What should I do about this situation?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend never tries to hide who she really is and is always very bright. She also never complains about anything even if something goes wrong. So everyone likes her very much.
2) No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up with the meeting. So I decided to write down everything that was decided in the meeting and made it my habit. Now, I can understand every situation.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしの友人はいつも幸せそうで、とても感じが良い。なにか良くないことが起こっても、決して文句を言わない。だからみんな彼女が本当に好きだ。
2) たとえどんなに頑張っても、会議で他のメンバーが話していることがわからなかった。だから会議で彼らが決めたことをすべてノートに書くことにした。この習慣を得ることによって、会議でのすべての状況が理解できた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend always looks very happy and pleasant. Even if something wrong happens, she doesn’t complains at all. So everyone really really likes her.
2) No matter how hard I tried to do, I wasn’t able to get what other members talked about in meetings. So I tried writing everything they decided on my notebook. By getting this habit, I was able to get every situation in meetings.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to throw away everything you don’t need. By doing that, maybe it is easier for you to clean your room. I am sure your two closets will be enough for you. If you can do that, why don’t you invite your friends to your new place? Shinagwa sounds really great!
Yesterday, I talked about “what questions create”.
And here is a question for you.
What kind of impression do you have about people that ask you questions?
Do you feel uncomfortable about them?
In English-speaking countries, that means the person is interested in you.
How would you feel if someone was interested in your story?
I think many people would be happy to know that.
So let’s try to ask questions and show that you are interested in the person too!!
Asking what you want to know is not rude.
It’s actually very nice because it is an expression that you want to know more about the person.
no matter how hard I tryのフレーズが引き出せている点、素晴らしいです! Well done!
to do は不要ですので、外してしまいましょう☆
I tried writing everything they decided on my notebook.
⇒ on my notebook を writing の後に置くと、更に分かりやすくなりそうです ^^
1:29 14) 少し長めの文で、考えてしまいますね ^^ 反復練習しましょう♪
3:35 I have met… は、I と have を繋げて I’ve met… のように発話してみましょう♪
21) Did you tell him to go to the supermarket because you ran out of milk?
22) I told him to go to the supermarket because I ran out of milk.
23) Did you ask her to keep an eye on your son?
24) I asked her to keep an eye on my son.
25) Did you want him to give you a hand?
26) I wanted him to give me a hand.
27) Have you met his sister in person?
28) I have met his sister in person.
29) I haven’t met his sister in person.
30) What should I do about this situation?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend never tries to hide who she really is and is always very bright. She also never complains about anything even if something goes wrong. So everyone likes her very much.
2) No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t keep up with the meeting. So I decided to write down everything that was decided in the meeting and made it my habit. Now, I can understand every situation.
Day 01
1) Did you tell her to concentrate on her work?
2) I told her to concentrate on her work.
3) Did you ask her to change her mind?
4) I didn’t ask her to change her mind.
5) Did you want your friend to come with you?
6) I wanted my friend to come with me.
7) Have you figured it out?
8) I have figured it out.
9) I haven’t figured it out.
10) Why should I leave her alone?
11) You should leave her alone because she isn’t feeling well.
12) You shouldn’t leave her alone because she needs help.
13) Do you know why he is blaming me for this problem?
14) I don’t know why he is blaming you for this problem.
15) Why did you tell him to go home instead of finishing his work?
16) I told him to go home instead of finishing his work because it was late.
17) Why did you ask her to make sure to lock the door?
18) I asked her to make sure to lock the door because she often forgets.
19) Why did you want him to check your computer?
20) I wanted him to check my computer because there was something wrong with it.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I met his sister for the first time. She didn’t talk to to me at all so I thought she was very shy. But it turned out that she was just feeling sick.
2) My son only likes meat and won’t eat anything else. I want him to eat a lot of things so I cook many types of dishes every day. But no matter how hard I try, he won’t eat anything else.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) わたしの息子は肉は大好きだが、ほかのものは食べない。たとえどんなに頑張って彼のために料理をしても、彼は肉以外のものは食べない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) When I met her sister for the first time, she didn’t talk anything to me. So I supposed she was really shy, but she actually felt badly at the time.
2) My son really likes meat, but he doesn’t eat anything but meat. No matter how hard I cook for him, he doesn’t try to eat anything else.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How often do you clean your room?
2) How do you usually clean your room?
3) Why do you think it gets messy easily?
This week, we will talk about “What questions create”.
What do you think about people that talk about themself too much?
Would you be interested in those types of people?
I’m pretty sure many people will lose interest.
Communication is not about making a speech. It is a conversation.
To create a nice conversation, it is better to ask and invite lots of questions.
This week, we will talk about what questions can be created in your communication.
Hope it will be helpful for you!
Now this is the feedback for Day 1 exercise.
she didn’t talk anything to me
⇒ 「全く話さない」は、 not ~ at all のフレーズを使うと、自然な表現にすることが
出来ますが、思い浮かびますか? ^^
また「具合が悪い」は、feeling sick や not feeling well のように表現すると自然です ^^
「様々な種類の料理を作っている」のニュアンスが抜けてしまった点が少し勿体ないですね ^^
0:12 3), 4) リズミカルでテンポ良く、素晴しい発話でした!
1:54 I don’t understand とてもナチュラルで滑らかでした♪
3:34 she didn’t talk… が、少し切れ切れになってしまったところ、勿体なかったです ^^
4:15 最後の anything else が強調されていたところ、良かったです♪
1) Did you tell her to concentrate on her work?
2) I told her to concentrate on her work.
3) Did you ask her to change her mind?
4) I didn’t ask her to change her mind.
5) Did you want your friend to come with you?
6) I wanted my friend to come with me.
7) Have you figured it out?
8) I have figured it out.
9) I haven’t figured it out.
10) Why should I leave her alone?
11) You should leave her alone because she isn’t feeling well.
12) You shouldn’t leave her alone because she needs help.
13) Do you know why he is blaming me for this problem?
14) I don’t know why he is blaming you for this problem.
15) Why did you tell him to go home instead of finishing his work?
16) I told him to go home instead of finishing his work because it was late.
17) Why did you ask her to make sure to lock the door?
18) I asked her to make sure to lock the door because she often forgets.
19) Why did you want him to check your computer?
20) I wanted him to check my computer because there was something wrong with it.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I met his sister for the first time. She didn’t talk to to me at all so I thought she was very shy. But it turned out that she was just feeling sick.
2) My son only likes meat and won’t eat anything else. I want him to eat a lot of things so I cook many types of dishes every day. But no matter how hard I try, he won’t eat anything else.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) わたしの息子は肉は大好きだが、ほかのものは食べない。たとえどんなに頑張って彼のために料理をしても、彼は肉以外のものは食べない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) When I met her sister for the first time, she didn’t talk anything to me. So I supposed she was really shy, but she actually felt badly at the time.
2) My son really likes meat, but he doesn’t eat anything but meat. No matter how hard I cook for him, he doesn’t try to eat anything else.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How often do you clean your room?
2) How do you usually clean your room?
3) Why do you think it gets messy easily?
This week, we will talk about “What questions create”.
What do you think about people that talk about themself too much?
Would you be interested in those types of people?
I’m pretty sure many people will lose interest.
Communication is not about making a speech. It is a conversation.
To create a nice conversation, it is better to ask and invite lots of questions.
This week, we will talk about what questions can be created in your communication.
Hope it will be helpful for you!
Now this is the feedback for Day 1 exercise.
she didn’t talk anything to me
⇒ 「全く話さない」は、 not ~ at all のフレーズを使うと、自然な表現にすることが
出来ますが、思い浮かびますか? ^^
また「具合が悪い」は、feeling sick や not feeling well のように表現すると自然です ^^
「様々な種類の料理を作っている」のニュアンスが抜けてしまった点が少し勿体ないですね ^^
0:12 3), 4) リズミカルでテンポ良く、素晴しい発話でした!
1:54 I don’t understand とてもナチュラルで滑らかでした♪
3:34 she didn’t talk… が、少し切れ切れになってしまったところ、勿体なかったです ^^
4:15 最後の anything else が強調されていたところ、良かったです♪
NHK World French Les données de la sonde Kaguya dévoilent une cavité sous la surface de la lune
Les données de la sonde Kaguya dévoilent une cavité sous la surface de la lune
La JAXA a analysé des données rapportées par le radar de Kaguya qui a sondé l'intérieur de la lune durant une période de 18 mois après son lancement en 2007.
Les chercheurs de la JAXA indiquent que la cavité se trouve au niveau d'un dôme volcanique appelé Marius Hills. Ils estiment qu'elle s'étend sur environ 50 kilomètres et qu'elle est reliée à la surface par une fosse qui serait de 50 mètres de large. Ils pensent qu'il pourrait y avoir des minéraux contenant de l'eau.
Plus tôt ce mois-ci, les États-Unis ont annoncé leur projet d'envoyer une nouvelle fois des astronautes sur la lune afin d'y construire une base pour une mission habitée sur la planète Mars.
Le Japon examine aussi la possibilité d'envoyer des astronautes sur la lune à partir de 2025.
spatial [spsjal]
donnée データ
donnée データ
sonder [sO~de]
sonder [sO~de]
orbite 軌道,眼窩
établir [etablir]
crevasser [kr@vase]
crevasser [kr@vase]
cavité [kavite]
cavité [kavite]
établir [etablir]
〔他〕【1】~を据える,設置する,置く。【2】居を据える,居を構える。【3】設営する,開設する。【4】作る,作成する,制定する。【5】確立する,打ち立てる,定める,築く。【6】[établir que+直説法](~を)確証する,明らかにする,証明する。【7】[Il est établir que+直説法](~なのは)明らかだ。【8】身を落ち着かせる,立場を安定させる,仕事に就かせる,身を固めさせる,結婚させる。
rapporter [rapOrte]
rapporter [rapOrte]
〔代動〕(se)【1】[+à](~と)関係がある。【2】[s'en rapporter à](~に)任せる,頼る,~を信頼する。
radar レーダー
durer [dyre]
〔代動〕(se)【1】[+à](~と)関係がある。【2】[s'en rapporter à](~に)任せる,頼る,~を信頼する。
radar レーダー
durer [dyre]
〔自〕【1】続く,持続する,長続きする。【2】(ものが)長持ちする,持つ。[+à qn](人のものが)長持ちする。【3】長く感じられる。[+à qn](人には)長く感じられる。【4】《文》我慢する,じっとしている。【5】生き続ける。
lancer [lA~se]
lancer [lA~se]
[launch, throw]
〔他〕【1】投げる,放る,放つ。【2】発射する,打ち上げる,(爆弾を)投下する。【3】(音・光などを)発する,出す,声をあげる,(言葉を)浴びせる。(煙などを)噴出する。【4】(手足などを)突き出す,動かす,(打撃などを)喰らわす,浴びせる,(視線を)投げる。【5】疾走させる,発進させる,エンジンをかける,機械を動かす,(船を)進水させる。【6】(橋を)架ける。【7】~に向かわせる,突進させる,突撃させる,駆り立てる。【8】開始する。【9】売り出す,売り込む,世に出す。スターにする。【10】[+(qn) dans, sur](人を~に)導く,巻き込む。《話》(人を話題に)引き込む,(人に~の)話をさせる。
〔代動〕(se)【1】突進する,飛び込む,飛びかかる。【2】思い切ってやる。【3】[+dans, à](~に)身を投じる,乗り出す,(~を)開始する。【4】世に出る,自分を売り込む。(商品が)売り出される。【5】(好きな)話を始める。【6】投げられる。【7】投げ合う。
〔他〕【1】投げる,放る,放つ。【2】発射する,打ち上げる,(爆弾を)投下する。【3】(音・光などを)発する,出す,声をあげる,(言葉を)浴びせる。(煙などを)噴出する。【4】(手足などを)突き出す,動かす,(打撃などを)喰らわす,浴びせる,(視線を)投げる。【5】疾走させる,発進させる,エンジンをかける,機械を動かす,(船を)進水させる。【6】(橋を)架ける。【7】~に向かわせる,突進させる,突撃させる,駆り立てる。【8】開始する。【9】売り出す,売り込む,世に出す。スターにする。【10】[+(qn) dans, sur](人を~に)導く,巻き込む。《話》(人を話題に)引き込む,(人に~の)話をさせる。
〔代動〕(se)【1】突進する,飛び込む,飛びかかる。【2】思い切ってやる。【3】[+dans, à](~に)身を投じる,乗り出す,(~を)開始する。【4】世に出る,自分を売り込む。(商品が)売り出される。【5】(好きな)話を始める。【6】投げられる。【7】投げ合う。
au niveau d'un dôme volcanique
niveau [nivo]
étendre [etA~dr]
niveau [nivo]
étendre [etA~dr]
[spread, stretch, extend]
〔他〕【1】広げる,伸ばす。【2】横たえる,寝かせる。【3】(液体を)薄める,[+de](~で)割る。【4】薄く伸ばす,薄くのばして塗る。【5】(範囲を)広げる,拡張する。【6】倒す,のす。【7】《話》くたばらせる,殺す。[se faire étendre]くたばる,殺される,負ける。【8】《話》[se faire étendre à](試験に)落ちる,落第する。
〔代動〕(s')【1】広がる,伸びる。【2】(人が)横になる,寝ころぶ,(椅子などに)凭れる。【3】[+à, jusqu'à, sur](~に)及ぶ。【4】[+sur](~について)長々と話す。
relier (- à, - avec)と結びつける,連絡する,製本する[link, bind]
fosse 〔f〕穴,墓穴
large [larZ]
〔他〕【1】広げる,伸ばす。【2】横たえる,寝かせる。【3】(液体を)薄める,[+de](~で)割る。【4】薄く伸ばす,薄くのばして塗る。【5】(範囲を)広げる,拡張する。【6】倒す,のす。【7】《話》くたばらせる,殺す。[se faire étendre]くたばる,殺される,負ける。【8】《話》[se faire étendre à](試験に)落ちる,落第する。
〔代動〕(s')【1】広がる,伸びる。【2】(人が)横になる,寝ころぶ,(椅子などに)凭れる。【3】[+à, jusqu'à, sur](~に)及ぶ。【4】[+sur](~について)長々と話す。
relier (- à, - avec)と結びつける,連絡する,製本する[link, bind]
fosse 〔f〕穴,墓穴
large [larZ]
construire [kO~strHir]
construire [kO~strHir]
examiner [Egzamine]
NHK WORLD french Harvey Weinstein exclu de l'Académie des Oscars
Harvey Weinstein exclu de l'Académie des Oscars
Les polices de Londres et de New York mènent l'enquête sur ces accusations.
L'Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences a annoncé que son conseil d'administration a voté pour l'exclusion du producteur lors d'une réunion d'urgence samedi. Elle a précisé que l'époque de l'ignorance délibérée et de complicité honteuse vis-à-vis des comportements sexuels prédateurs et du harcèlement sur les lieux de travail dans l'industrie cinématographique est révolue.
Harvey Weinstein auparavant lauréat des Oscars est connu pour de nombreux films, notamment « Shakespeare in Love » et « Le discours du roi ».
exclure [Eksklyr]
accuser [akyze]
accuser [akyze]
mènent l'enquête sur に関する調査をする
son conseil d'administration 理事
voter pour ~を議決する
mènent l'enquête sur に関する調査をする
son conseil d'administration 理事
voter pour ~を議決する
est révolue 終わった
est révolue 終わった
honteux [O~t2]
honteux [O~t2]
〔形〕[有音h]【1】恥ずべき,恥知らずな,卑怯な。【2】[+de](~が)恥ずかしい。【3】《古》混乱した,狼狽した。【4】《古》[maladie honteuse]性病,梅毒。【5】[morceau honteux]食器に残った最後の一片。【6】《古》性的な,性に関する。【7】《古》[parties honteuses]恥部,性器。(比喩的に)恥部,暗部。
vis-à-vis [vizavi]
vis-à-vis [vizavi]
vis-à-vis de
auparavant [oparavA~]
auparavant [oparavA~]
[un mois auparavant]一月前に。
[comme auparavant]以前のように,以前と同じく。
lauréat 受賞者
[un mois auparavant]一月前に。
[comme auparavant]以前のように,以前と同じく。
lauréat 受賞者
とっさのヒトコト 1
ものすごく恐縮してsorry連発されたので、no problem とかdon't worryと返していました。これが正解なんですね~
そんなときはThank you for waiting.
ものすごく恐縮してsorry連発されたので、no problem とかdon't worryと返していました。これが正解なんですね~
そんなときはThank you for waiting.
中国語の復習 12
Day 90 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) そのバッグが本当に気に入っていて、買いたかった。だからかなり高かったにもかかわらず、それを買った。
2) わたしにはお気に入りの映画監督がいる。彼の映画のエンディングはいつも、わたしたちの予想とはまったく違う。だから彼の映画は世界中で人気があり、見る価値がある。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I really liked the bag and wanted to buy it. So even though it was very expensive, I bought it.
2) I have my favorite movie director. The endings in his movies always are really different from what we expected. So his movies are very popular in the world. They are worth watching.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Saya. I suggest you to try hard to change her first impression, if you really ask her on a date. Don’t be too shy, and be honest. If you show and tell her your true feeling, I am also sure she will be interested in you.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I knew the bag was too good for me. But it was my favorite type and I wanted it. So I bought it.
2) I have a favorite movie director. His movies always have an ending that the audience never expects. So his movies are popular around the world and they are worth watching.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) そのバッグが本当に気に入っていて、買いたかった。だからかなり高かったにもかかわらず、それを買った。
2) わたしにはお気に入りの映画監督がいる。彼の映画のエンディングはいつも、わたしたちの予想とはまったく違う。だから彼の映画は世界中で人気があり、見る価値がある。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I really liked the bag and wanted to buy it. So even though it was very expensive, I bought it.
2) I have my favorite movie director. The endings in his movies always are really different from what we expected. So his movies are very popular in the world. They are worth watching.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Saya. I suggest you to try hard to change her first impression, if you really ask her on a date. Don’t be too shy, and be honest. If you show and tell her your true feeling, I am also sure she will be interested in you.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I knew the bag was too good for me. But it was my favorite type and I wanted it. So I bought it.
2) I have a favorite movie director. His movies always have an ending that the audience never expects. So his movies are popular around the world and they are worth watching.
Day 89 回答例
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I couldn’t tell when I could arrive at the party at all. So I told them to start without me. But by the time I arrived, everyone was very drunk.
2) I can understand that you are worried about your daughter. But it’s not good to interfere with children’s matter more than necessary. It’s important for you to trust your child.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I had no idea when I could arrive at the party, so I told my friends to start it without me. But by the time I got there, they already got drunk.
2) I really understand you are worried about your daughter, but I don’t think you should take care of her too much. You should trust her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to show your true feelings to her honestly. Maybe you are too shy to do that, but if you really ask her on a date, you should try it. Why don’t you try greetings first? When you say “hello, good morning, how are you doing today, ”to her, don’t forget smiling! I hope you will be able to change her first impression.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I couldn’t tell when I could arrive at the party at all. So I told them to start without me. But by the time I arrived, everyone was very drunk.
2) I can understand that you are worried about your daughter. But it’s not good to interfere with children’s matter more than necessary. It’s important for you to trust your child.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I had no idea when I could arrive at the party, so I told my friends to start it without me. But by the time I got there, they already got drunk.
2) I really understand you are worried about your daughter, but I don’t think you should take care of her too much. You should trust her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to show your true feelings to her honestly. Maybe you are too shy to do that, but if you really ask her on a date, you should try it. Why don’t you try greetings first? When you say “hello, good morning, how are you doing today, ”to her, don’t forget smiling! I hope you will be able to change her first impression.
Day 88 回答例
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our boss is very strict and it is difficult to satisfy him. So you can’t convince him in a normal way. You have to do something special.
2) It started raining but I didn’t have an umbrella. So I went into a cafe in front of me to avoid getting wet. There, I ran into a friend who who I hadn’t seen in 10 years. So I was very surprised.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちの上司はとても厳しい人なので、どんなに一生懸命やっても、わたしたちの仕事に満足することはなかなかない。だから彼を納得させたいなら、何か特別なことをやるべきだ。
2) 雨が降ってきたとき、傘を持っていなかった。カフェを近くに見つけたので、入り、雨がやむまで待とうと思った。信じられないことに、カフェには友人がいた。彼とは10年ぶりだったので、本当にびっくりした。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our boss is a very strict person, so no matter how hard we work, he isn’t satisfied with our work easily. So you should do something special if you convince him.
2) When it started to rain, I didn’t have an umbrella. I found a cafe nearby, so I entered there and decided to wait until it stops raining. Then believe it or not, I noticed my friend there. I haven’t seen him for the first time in ten years, so I was really surprised.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Do you sometimes talk with her about work?
2) How does she look like at work?
3) How come you want to date with her?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our boss is very strict and it is difficult to satisfy him. So you can’t convince him in a normal way. You have to do something special.
2) It started raining but I didn’t have an umbrella. So I went into a cafe in front of me to avoid getting wet. There, I ran into a friend who who I hadn’t seen in 10 years. So I was very surprised.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちの上司はとても厳しい人なので、どんなに一生懸命やっても、わたしたちの仕事に満足することはなかなかない。だから彼を納得させたいなら、何か特別なことをやるべきだ。
2) 雨が降ってきたとき、傘を持っていなかった。カフェを近くに見つけたので、入り、雨がやむまで待とうと思った。信じられないことに、カフェには友人がいた。彼とは10年ぶりだったので、本当にびっくりした。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our boss is a very strict person, so no matter how hard we work, he isn’t satisfied with our work easily. So you should do something special if you convince him.
2) When it started to rain, I didn’t have an umbrella. I found a cafe nearby, so I entered there and decided to wait until it stops raining. Then believe it or not, I noticed my friend there. I haven’t seen him for the first time in ten years, so I was really surprised.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Do you sometimes talk with her about work?
2) How does she look like at work?
3) How come you want to date with her?
Day 87 回答例
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She wants to be liked by everyone. So she is very nice to everyone. But some people don’t really trust her because of this.
2) I can’t exactly tell how long it will take for me to finish this. So please go without me. I will try to catch up with you.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女はだれに対してもとても親切だが、みんなにそう思われたがっているように見える。だから彼女を本当に信用していないひともいる。
2) これらをすべて終わらせるのにどのくらい時間がかかるか、見当がつかない。だからわたし抜きで行ってちょうだい。追いつけるようにするから。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She is very kind to anyone, but it seems that she wants to be thought like that by everyone. So some people don’t really trust her.
2) I have no idea how long it will take to finish this. So please go without me. I will try to catch up with you.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Ren. I also suggest you to hold a special party at her parents’ favorite place. You should try hard to make your girlfriend and her family feel happy. If you can make it a memorable anniversary for both of them, it will be a very good chance for you to propose to her again! I hope all of you will be happy.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She wants to be liked by everyone. So she is very nice to everyone. But some people don’t really trust her because of this.
2) I can’t exactly tell how long it will take for me to finish this. So please go without me. I will try to catch up with you.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女はだれに対してもとても親切だが、みんなにそう思われたがっているように見える。だから彼女を本当に信用していないひともいる。
2) これらをすべて終わらせるのにどのくらい時間がかかるか、見当がつかない。だからわたし抜きで行ってちょうだい。追いつけるようにするから。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She is very kind to anyone, but it seems that she wants to be thought like that by everyone. So some people don’t really trust her.
2) I have no idea how long it will take to finish this. So please go without me. I will try to catch up with you.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Ren. I also suggest you to hold a special party at her parents’ favorite place. You should try hard to make your girlfriend and her family feel happy. If you can make it a memorable anniversary for both of them, it will be a very good chance for you to propose to her again! I hope all of you will be happy.
Day 86 回答例
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) When my best friend and I start talking, we never run out of topics to talk about. So we often talk for hours when we get together. It is the only time that I can release all of my stress.
2) She usually acts and talks very gently to others. But when she gets mad at her children, she gets very scary. She is like a different person.
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 彼女はいつもだれにでも、とても優しく感じが良い。しかし、子どもたちを叱るときは、子どもたちにとって、とても厳しくなる。そんなときの彼女を見ると本当にびっくりする。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Once I start to talk with my best friend, we never run out of topics. So whenever I meet him, I enjoy talking with him for hours. It is the only time for me to forget all of my stress.
2) She is usually very kind and pleasant to anyone. But when she scolds her children, she becomes very strict to them. We are really surprised to see her at the time.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I think it is a good chance to propose to her again at her parents’s anniversary. You should also tell her and her family about your love and respect to her honestly. According to what you said, she likes fancy decorated cupcakes, doesn’t she? I suggest you to bring her such presents and propose to her again. Good luck!
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) When my best friend and I start talking, we never run out of topics to talk about. So we often talk for hours when we get together. It is the only time that I can release all of my stress.
2) She usually acts and talks very gently to others. But when she gets mad at her children, she gets very scary. She is like a different person.
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 彼女はいつもだれにでも、とても優しく感じが良い。しかし、子どもたちを叱るときは、子どもたちにとって、とても厳しくなる。そんなときの彼女を見ると本当にびっくりする。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Once I start to talk with my best friend, we never run out of topics. So whenever I meet him, I enjoy talking with him for hours. It is the only time for me to forget all of my stress.
2) She is usually very kind and pleasant to anyone. But when she scolds her children, she becomes very strict to them. We are really surprised to see her at the time.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I think it is a good chance to propose to her again at her parents’s anniversary. You should also tell her and her family about your love and respect to her honestly. According to what you said, she likes fancy decorated cupcakes, doesn’t she? I suggest you to bring her such presents and propose to her again. Good luck!
Day 85 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 海外旅行したとき、レストランに入った。ウェイターが持ってきた料理は、わたしが注文したものではなかったので、そのことに文句を言いたかった。しかし、なんと言えばいいかわからなかったので、結局あきらめた。とても後悔している。
2) 仕事に行かなければならなかったので、両親に娘の世話を頼んだ。しかし、家を出る前に、娘が泣いているのを見た。娘のことが本当に心配だったが、仕事にでかけるしかなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)When I was travelling abroad, I entered a restaurant. The waiter brought me some dishes, but they weren’t what I ordered. So I wanted to complain about that, but I had no idea about how to say in a foreign language. At last, I gave up, but I really regret it.
2)I had to go to work, so I asked my parents to take care of my daughter. But just before I left home, I saw her crying. I was really worried about her, but I had no chioce but to go to work.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How long did the time past after you proposed to her?
2) How come you have been having a lot of fights since then?
3) When you proposed to her, how did she look?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I went to a restaurant while I was traveling abroad. The waiter brought me something I didn’t order. So I wanted to complain but I couldn’t speak their language so I had to give up.
2) I had to go to work so I left my daughter with my parents. But she was crying and I didn’t want to go. But I left for work.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 海外旅行したとき、レストランに入った。ウェイターが持ってきた料理は、わたしが注文したものではなかったので、そのことに文句を言いたかった。しかし、なんと言えばいいかわからなかったので、結局あきらめた。とても後悔している。
2) 仕事に行かなければならなかったので、両親に娘の世話を頼んだ。しかし、家を出る前に、娘が泣いているのを見た。娘のことが本当に心配だったが、仕事にでかけるしかなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)When I was travelling abroad, I entered a restaurant. The waiter brought me some dishes, but they weren’t what I ordered. So I wanted to complain about that, but I had no idea about how to say in a foreign language. At last, I gave up, but I really regret it.
2)I had to go to work, so I asked my parents to take care of my daughter. But just before I left home, I saw her crying. I was really worried about her, but I had no chioce but to go to work.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How long did the time past after you proposed to her?
2) How come you have been having a lot of fights since then?
3) When you proposed to her, how did she look?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I went to a restaurant while I was traveling abroad. The waiter brought me something I didn’t order. So I wanted to complain but I couldn’t speak their language so I had to give up.
2) I had to go to work so I left my daughter with my parents. But she was crying and I didn’t want to go. But I left for work.
Day 84 回答例
37) He’s still keeping in touch with his teacher.
38) Doesn’t he know better than to do such a thing?
39) I would like to discuss this with you in person.
40) Have you tried asking someone else for advice?
41) Do we have no choice but to postpone the game?
42) Are you sure you got rid of everything you don’t need?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend got in trouble for buying something she couldn’t afford. I learned from her mistake. So I am going to be careful not to make the same mistake.
2) I was living away from my wife for work. My wife is good at cleaning and she got rid of all the garbage in my house one by one. By the time I came home from work, my house was perfectly clean.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人は買う余裕がない物を買っていた。その結果、トラブルになった。彼女の行動からいろいろ学んだので、わたしは彼女のようなことをしないように努めるだろう。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)My friend bought something she was unable to afford to. It turned out she was in trouble. I learned a lot from what she did, so I am going to try hard not to do like her.
2) My wife is good at getting rid of things. Because of my work, I have been living alone. While I was working, she came here to get rid of all the garbage in my house. By the time I got here, it was perfectly clean.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Mark. I suggest you to join the family gathering. The important thing is that you should show your love towards them and tell your true feelings. After you have told them, I think you will feel better and your parents will get less worried about you.
37) He’s still keeping in touch with his teacher.
38) Doesn’t he know better than to do such a thing?
39) I would like to discuss this with you in person.
40) Have you tried asking someone else for advice?
41) Do we have no choice but to postpone the game?
42) Are you sure you got rid of everything you don’t need?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend got in trouble for buying something she couldn’t afford. I learned from her mistake. So I am going to be careful not to make the same mistake.
2) I was living away from my wife for work. My wife is good at cleaning and she got rid of all the garbage in my house one by one. By the time I came home from work, my house was perfectly clean.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人は買う余裕がない物を買っていた。その結果、トラブルになった。彼女の行動からいろいろ学んだので、わたしは彼女のようなことをしないように努めるだろう。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)My friend bought something she was unable to afford to. It turned out she was in trouble. I learned a lot from what she did, so I am going to try hard not to do like her.
2) My wife is good at getting rid of things. Because of my work, I have been living alone. While I was working, she came here to get rid of all the garbage in my house. By the time I got here, it was perfectly clean.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Mark. I suggest you to join the family gathering. The important thing is that you should show your love towards them and tell your true feelings. After you have told them, I think you will feel better and your parents will get less worried about you.
Day 83 回答例
37) Did you have no choice but to quit your job?
38) We have to get rid of of this broken computer.
39) Can you deliver this message to her in person?
40) Have you considered checking with her directly?
41) You should know better than to use all of your money.
42) Believe it or not, my boyfriend is a professional dancer.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She doesn’t usually talk much at work. But when she gets a little drunk, she talks a lot. So she makes many friends at drinking parties.
2) We became best friends when we were in high school. We have been keeping in touch since then. She is very important to me and no one can replace her.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女は仕事中はいつも静かなひとだが、飲むと良く話す。だから、居酒屋で飲み会があると、友達をたくさんつくる。
2) わたしは彼女と高校で親友になった。それ以来、連絡を取り合っている。彼女なしの人生がどんなものか想像できない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)She is always a quiet person at work, but when she is drunk, she talks a lot with others. So when there is a gathering at izakaya, she makes a lot of friends.
2)I became good friends with her in high school. Since then, I have kept in touch with her. I can’t imagine how my life will be like without her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you join your family gathering? It’s a really good chance for you to talk about your true feelings in front of your parents. Before the gathering, I suggest you to take some time to tell them about how you feel about them and your future honestly. I hope you are having a good relationship with your parents.
37) Did you have no choice but to quit your job?
38) We have to get rid of of this broken computer.
39) Can you deliver this message to her in person?
40) Have you considered checking with her directly?
41) You should know better than to use all of your money.
42) Believe it or not, my boyfriend is a professional dancer.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She doesn’t usually talk much at work. But when she gets a little drunk, she talks a lot. So she makes many friends at drinking parties.
2) We became best friends when we were in high school. We have been keeping in touch since then. She is very important to me and no one can replace her.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女は仕事中はいつも静かなひとだが、飲むと良く話す。だから、居酒屋で飲み会があると、友達をたくさんつくる。
2) わたしは彼女と高校で親友になった。それ以来、連絡を取り合っている。彼女なしの人生がどんなものか想像できない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)She is always a quiet person at work, but when she is drunk, she talks a lot with others. So when there is a gathering at izakaya, she makes a lot of friends.
2)I became good friends with her in high school. Since then, I have kept in touch with her. I can’t imagine how my life will be like without her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you join your family gathering? It’s a really good chance for you to talk about your true feelings in front of your parents. Before the gathering, I suggest you to take some time to tell them about how you feel about them and your future honestly. I hope you are having a good relationship with your parents.
Day 82 回答例
37) You can get rid of your old magazines by selling them.
38) I know better than to argue with him.
39) Believe it or not, I won the lottery last month.
40) Our boss wants to have a meeting with you in person.
41) Do you sometimes keep in touch with your friends from high school?
42) Believe it or not, she’s dating someone 20 years older than her.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) The door of my room won’t open and close smoothly. I’ve left it for a while. But sooner or later, I will have to ask someone to fix it.
2) They got in a car accident together last month. Because he was driving, she blames him for the accident. Since then, she has been treating him badly.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 部屋のドアがうまく開かない。しばらく何もしなかったけれど、遅かれ早かれ、だれかに修理を頼まなければいけないだろう。
2) 先月、彼らはドライブ中に事故が起きた。運転していたのは彼だったので、彼女は彼が悪いと思っていた。それ以来、彼女は彼に優しくない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) The door in the room doesn’t open easily. I have done nothing about it for a while. But sooner or later, I will have to ask someone to repair.
2) Last month, while they were riding on the car, the accident happened. It was him who drove the car, so she thought it was his fault. Since then, she hasn’t been kind to him.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When do you say things you don’t really mean or ignore your parents?
2) What kinds of things do you say at the time?
3) When you say such things, do they say something to you?
37) You can get rid of your old magazines by selling them.
38) I know better than to argue with him.
39) Believe it or not, I won the lottery last month.
40) Our boss wants to have a meeting with you in person.
41) Do you sometimes keep in touch with your friends from high school?
42) Believe it or not, she’s dating someone 20 years older than her.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) The door of my room won’t open and close smoothly. I’ve left it for a while. But sooner or later, I will have to ask someone to fix it.
2) They got in a car accident together last month. Because he was driving, she blames him for the accident. Since then, she has been treating him badly.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 部屋のドアがうまく開かない。しばらく何もしなかったけれど、遅かれ早かれ、だれかに修理を頼まなければいけないだろう。
2) 先月、彼らはドライブ中に事故が起きた。運転していたのは彼だったので、彼女は彼が悪いと思っていた。それ以来、彼女は彼に優しくない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) The door in the room doesn’t open easily. I have done nothing about it for a while. But sooner or later, I will have to ask someone to repair.
2) Last month, while they were riding on the car, the accident happened. It was him who drove the car, so she thought it was his fault. Since then, she hasn’t been kind to him.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When do you say things you don’t really mean or ignore your parents?
2) What kinds of things do you say at the time?
3) When you say such things, do they say something to you?
投稿 (Atom)