【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 海外で勉強することはあなたの人生においてとても重要であることもある。だから、どの国に行き、なにを勉強するのかを熟考するべきだ。そしてあらかじめ、具体的な計画をたてるべきだ。
2) 彼女はふだん、知っている人たちの前ではとてもいい子で親切そうに見えるが、ふだんとはまるでちがう、もうひとつの面を持っている。レストランで彼女を見かけたことがあったが、ウェイターへの態度がひどかったのを覚えている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) It is sometimes very important for you to study abroad. So you should consider which country you will go and what you will study. And you should make your concrete plan.
2) She usually looks very polite and kind in front of her familiar people, but she has another side which is very different from usual. I have noticed her at a restaurant once, but I remember her attitude to a waiter was really bad.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you try talking with them as often as possible? I think you can talk about anything with him. If you are getting familiar with him, you can see his personality better. As a result, if you don’t figure out he suits her, you should give her some advice about that.
1) Studying abroad may make a big difference to your life. That’s why I think you should think carefully about which country to go to and what to study. You should make a specific plan before you go.
2) She is usually very sweet and kind when people who she knows are around her. But she acts completely different when she is alone. I know because I once saw her at a restaurant and her attitude towards the waiter was terrible.
ウォームアップで練習しているmake a differenceを使うと楽です。
Studying abroad can make a big difference to your life.
I have noticed her at a restaurant once,
1:15 make fun of…
追加分も本当によくとりくんでくださいました! 確認したい部分はぜひ回答例をご覧ください^^
4:45 I can’t keep up with…
5:25 2) She usually looks very polite and kind in front of her familiar people, but she has another side which is very different from usual.
この辺り、いうことなしのスピーキングです! Very smooth!
Day 52 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしの会社では、ときどきわたしたちのビジネスに関する試験を強制的に受けさせられる。それらは突然行われることが多く、準備ができない。しかしもしいい点をとれば、給料が上がる。だからそれらはわたしたちにモチベーションを与えてくれる。
2) わたしがあなただったら、軽率に何かを話さないようにするだろう。それはだれかを混乱させたり、傷つけたりするかもしれないからだ。これはだれかとコミュニケーションをするとき、とても重要で難しいことである。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) We are sometimes forced to have exams about our business in our company. They are so unexpectedly held that we can’t prepare. But if we get good scores, our salary will get higher. So they give us a lot of motivation.
2) If I were you, I would try not to say something carelessly because that might be able to make someone confused and hurt. When we communicate with others, it is very important and difficult.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why does she end up heartbroken, besides because of her boyfriend’s appearance?
2) Why does she choose her partners like that?
3) Can you tell me about her partners’ personality in detail?
1) The company I work for occasionally forces us to take tests that are relevant to our business. They never announce it in advance, so we can’t be ready for it. But if we get a good score, we will get a raise, so it keeps us very motivated.
2) If I were you, I wouldn’t say things without thinking properly first. There is a possibility that it could confuse or hurt others. That’s the difficult part of having communication.
一点、they give us a lot of motivation は、 they motivate us a lot と表現すると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
that might be able to make someone confused and hurt
⇒「誰かを混乱させたり、傷つけたり出来るかもしれない」というニュアンスになっています ^^
that could make someone confused or hurt のように表現すると、ニュアンスが上手く伝わりそうです ^^
0:28 7) Excellent! Beautiful speaking! :-)
3:06 out of がとてもナチュラルで、良かったです♪
4:20 41) 少し confused でしたね ^^ 表現を確認して、練習してみましょう☆
6:17 When we communicate with others 以下、滑らかに発話されていて良かったです!
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしの会社では、ときどきわたしたちのビジネスに関する試験を強制的に受けさせられる。それらは突然行われることが多く、準備ができない。しかしもしいい点をとれば、給料が上がる。だからそれらはわたしたちにモチベーションを与えてくれる。
2) わたしがあなただったら、軽率に何かを話さないようにするだろう。それはだれかを混乱させたり、傷つけたりするかもしれないからだ。これはだれかとコミュニケーションをするとき、とても重要で難しいことである。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) We are sometimes forced to have exams about our business in our company. They are so unexpectedly held that we can’t prepare. But if we get good scores, our salary will get higher. So they give us a lot of motivation.
2) If I were you, I would try not to say something carelessly because that might be able to make someone confused and hurt. When we communicate with others, it is very important and difficult.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why does she end up heartbroken, besides because of her boyfriend’s appearance?
2) Why does she choose her partners like that?
3) Can you tell me about her partners’ personality in detail?
1) The company I work for occasionally forces us to take tests that are relevant to our business. They never announce it in advance, so we can’t be ready for it. But if we get a good score, we will get a raise, so it keeps us very motivated.
2) If I were you, I wouldn’t say things without thinking properly first. There is a possibility that it could confuse or hurt others. That’s the difficult part of having communication.
一点、they give us a lot of motivation は、 they motivate us a lot と表現すると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
that might be able to make someone confused and hurt
⇒「誰かを混乱させたり、傷つけたり出来るかもしれない」というニュアンスになっています ^^
that could make someone confused or hurt のように表現すると、ニュアンスが上手く伝わりそうです ^^
0:28 7) Excellent! Beautiful speaking! :-)
3:06 out of がとてもナチュラルで、良かったです♪
4:20 41) 少し confused でしたね ^^ 表現を確認して、練習してみましょう☆
6:17 When we communicate with others 以下、滑らかに発話されていて良かったです!
Day 51 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 授業を受けているとき、寝入ってしまいノートが取れなかった。友人はいつもとてもよく勉強していたので、彼をあてにしようと思った。彼にノートを貸して欲しいというと、彼も眠ってしまったと言った。
2) お気に入りのバーがあり、よくそこに行く。そこのスタッフやしばしばやってくる客もしっている。わたしたちはお互いの誕生日や記念日を何年も祝ってきた。そこですごすのはわたしの人生の中でもっとも大事な時間だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) While I was taking the class, I went asleep and couldn’t take notes. My friend always studied hard, so I thought I would rely on him. I told him I wanted to borrow his notebook, but he told me he also went asleep.
2) I have my favorite bar. I often visit there. So I am familiar with every stuff and frequent guests. We have celebrated each other’s birthdays and memorial days for years. It is the most important time in my life to spend there.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. Before you become a pet parent, you should think a lot about having responsibility. If you aren’t confident enough, it is the best for you to give up having a dog.
1) I fell asleep during class and couldn’t take any notes. My friend is a hard worker, so I was expecting him to be taking notes, but when I asked him if I could borrow his notebook, he told me that he had also fallen asleep.
2) There is a bar that I always go to. I know all the staff as well as the customers who are always there. We’ve been celebrating each other’s birthdays and anniversaries there for years and the time I spend there is very important for me.
went asleep ⇒「寝入ってしまった」は fell asleep と表現すると自然です♪
I told him I wanted to borrow
⇒ I asked him to borrow…, I asked him if I can borrow… と表現すると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
一点、「常連客」は regular customers, repeat customers と表現することが出来ますが、ここでは「私」がよくそこで会お客さんのことを言っているので、「いつもそこにいるお客さん」と表現すると、自然になりそうです ^^
1:39 Can you afford to が、流れるような滑らかさで良かったです♪
3:36 point of view が強調されていたところ、良かったです!
5:06 42) とてもナチュラルに口から出て来ていたところ、素晴らしいです☆
6:06 We have celebrated が、若干慌てているように聞こえて来ました ^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 授業を受けているとき、寝入ってしまいノートが取れなかった。友人はいつもとてもよく勉強していたので、彼をあてにしようと思った。彼にノートを貸して欲しいというと、彼も眠ってしまったと言った。
2) お気に入りのバーがあり、よくそこに行く。そこのスタッフやしばしばやってくる客もしっている。わたしたちはお互いの誕生日や記念日を何年も祝ってきた。そこですごすのはわたしの人生の中でもっとも大事な時間だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) While I was taking the class, I went asleep and couldn’t take notes. My friend always studied hard, so I thought I would rely on him. I told him I wanted to borrow his notebook, but he told me he also went asleep.
2) I have my favorite bar. I often visit there. So I am familiar with every stuff and frequent guests. We have celebrated each other’s birthdays and memorial days for years. It is the most important time in my life to spend there.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. Before you become a pet parent, you should think a lot about having responsibility. If you aren’t confident enough, it is the best for you to give up having a dog.
1) I fell asleep during class and couldn’t take any notes. My friend is a hard worker, so I was expecting him to be taking notes, but when I asked him if I could borrow his notebook, he told me that he had also fallen asleep.
2) There is a bar that I always go to. I know all the staff as well as the customers who are always there. We’ve been celebrating each other’s birthdays and anniversaries there for years and the time I spend there is very important for me.
went asleep ⇒「寝入ってしまった」は fell asleep と表現すると自然です♪
I told him I wanted to borrow
⇒ I asked him to borrow…, I asked him if I can borrow… と表現すると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
一点、「常連客」は regular customers, repeat customers と表現することが出来ますが、ここでは「私」がよくそこで会お客さんのことを言っているので、「いつもそこにいるお客さん」と表現すると、自然になりそうです ^^
1:39 Can you afford to が、流れるような滑らかさで良かったです♪
3:36 point of view が強調されていたところ、良かったです!
5:06 42) とてもナチュラルに口から出て来ていたところ、素晴らしいです☆
6:06 We have celebrated が、若干慌てているように聞こえて来ました ^^
Day 50 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 娘からほとんど連絡が来ないが、年末には電話をしてきて、一緒に外で食事をしたいと言い張る。つまり、彼女はわたしにクリスマスプレゼントを買って欲しいのである。しかし会うのが嬉しいので、そのことは気にならない。
2) 同僚たちがわたしに仕事の後、呑みにいこうと誘った。今日、彼らと行く余裕がなかった。最近車を買ったばかりなので。しかし、彼らがとても盛り上がっていたので、簡単に受け入れてしまった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I hardly hear from my daughter, but she calls me in the end of the year and insists she wants to eat out with me. That means that she wants me to buy her a Christmas present. But I feel very happy to see her, so I don’t mind it.
2) My co-workers suggested me to go for a drink after work. Today I couldn’t afford to do that because I just bought a new car lately. But they were really excited so I accepted it easily.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you sometimes visit some of your friends who are pet parents ? You don’t have to take care of a pet. And when it dies, maybe you don’t really feel sad because you aren’t a pet parent.
1) My daughter rarely contacts me, but when it gets closer to the holiday season, she calls me and insists on having dinner together. It’s pretty obvious that she wants to ask me to buy her a Christmas present, but I’m happy to see her so I don’t really mind.
2) My colleagues asked me to join them for drinks after work. I couldn’t afford to go out for drinks today, because I recently just bought a car. But they were too excited about it that I couldn’t say no.
I know that means… と I know を加えるだけでも良いかもしれません ^^
My co-workers suggested me
⇒「飲みに行こうと誘って来た」は、気軽な感覚で ask で表現しても良さそうです ^^
pet parents ⇒ ペットについての考え方によって、まだ違和感を感じる人もいる表現かも知れません ^^
会話の相手によって friends who have pets, you aren’t the owner といった表現をすると無難かもしれません ^^
0:14 figure out a way to の抑揚がとてもリズミカルで、良かったです!
3:08 keep an eye の繋がり方が、とても自然で素晴しかったです♪
4:21 35) 明るく弾んだような発話が、「大丈夫です!」という気持ちが良く伝わって来るようで、良かったです!
6:00 1文目が、少し途切れ途切れになってしまいました ^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 娘からほとんど連絡が来ないが、年末には電話をしてきて、一緒に外で食事をしたいと言い張る。つまり、彼女はわたしにクリスマスプレゼントを買って欲しいのである。しかし会うのが嬉しいので、そのことは気にならない。
2) 同僚たちがわたしに仕事の後、呑みにいこうと誘った。今日、彼らと行く余裕がなかった。最近車を買ったばかりなので。しかし、彼らがとても盛り上がっていたので、簡単に受け入れてしまった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I hardly hear from my daughter, but she calls me in the end of the year and insists she wants to eat out with me. That means that she wants me to buy her a Christmas present. But I feel very happy to see her, so I don’t mind it.
2) My co-workers suggested me to go for a drink after work. Today I couldn’t afford to do that because I just bought a new car lately. But they were really excited so I accepted it easily.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you sometimes visit some of your friends who are pet parents ? You don’t have to take care of a pet. And when it dies, maybe you don’t really feel sad because you aren’t a pet parent.
1) My daughter rarely contacts me, but when it gets closer to the holiday season, she calls me and insists on having dinner together. It’s pretty obvious that she wants to ask me to buy her a Christmas present, but I’m happy to see her so I don’t really mind.
2) My colleagues asked me to join them for drinks after work. I couldn’t afford to go out for drinks today, because I recently just bought a car. But they were too excited about it that I couldn’t say no.
I know that means… と I know を加えるだけでも良いかもしれません ^^
My co-workers suggested me
⇒「飲みに行こうと誘って来た」は、気軽な感覚で ask で表現しても良さそうです ^^
pet parents ⇒ ペットについての考え方によって、まだ違和感を感じる人もいる表現かも知れません ^^
会話の相手によって friends who have pets, you aren’t the owner といった表現をすると無難かもしれません ^^
0:14 figure out a way to の抑揚がとてもリズミカルで、良かったです!
3:08 keep an eye の繋がり方が、とても自然で素晴しかったです♪
4:21 35) 明るく弾んだような発話が、「大丈夫です!」という気持ちが良く伝わって来るようで、良かったです!
6:00 1文目が、少し途切れ途切れになってしまいました ^^
Day 49 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 正直に言うと、彼女をチームリーダーに選ぶのはベストではないと思う。彼女が考えていることのすべては、自分のことと、会社での自分のポジションだけなので、もしだれかが彼女に反対したら、彼女はそのひとをチームからおいだそうとするだろうから。
2) わたしの彼は、数年前に自分のビジネスを始めた。始めはあまりうまくいっていなかったが、従業員たちのおかげで、徐々に上手くいき始めていた。だから、彼はもうひとつ店をだすつもりだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) To be honest, I don’t think it is the best to choose her as a team leader. She thinks only about herself and her position in the company. If someone doesn’t agree with her, she will kick the person out of the team.
2) My boyfriend started his own business a few years ago. At the beginning, it didn’t get well but thanks to the employees, it was gradually getting better. So he is going to start one more store.
【4】 Communication SkiExercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What kind of pet do you want to have?
2) What are you so worried about taking care of it?
3) Do you want to take care of it without any trouble?
This is just between you and me…という感じで始めるとそのまま表現できます。
it was gradually getting better.
2) What are you so worried about taking care of it?
こちらWhyとか、How comeで聞いてもよいかもしれません^^
1:55 まとまりをしっかり理解できているので、だらだらと話すことがなく、
最後のfor a jogまで緩めずに、一気に行けるとさらにgoodです。
5:00 To be honest, I don’t think it is the best to choose her as a team leader.
こちら言うことなしの流れになっています! ハラハラせずに、リラックスして聞くことが出来ました^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 正直に言うと、彼女をチームリーダーに選ぶのはベストではないと思う。彼女が考えていることのすべては、自分のことと、会社での自分のポジションだけなので、もしだれかが彼女に反対したら、彼女はそのひとをチームからおいだそうとするだろうから。
2) わたしの彼は、数年前に自分のビジネスを始めた。始めはあまりうまくいっていなかったが、従業員たちのおかげで、徐々に上手くいき始めていた。だから、彼はもうひとつ店をだすつもりだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) To be honest, I don’t think it is the best to choose her as a team leader. She thinks only about herself and her position in the company. If someone doesn’t agree with her, she will kick the person out of the team.
2) My boyfriend started his own business a few years ago. At the beginning, it didn’t get well but thanks to the employees, it was gradually getting better. So he is going to start one more store.
【4】 Communication SkiExercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What kind of pet do you want to have?
2) What are you so worried about taking care of it?
3) Do you want to take care of it without any trouble?
This is just between you and me…という感じで始めるとそのまま表現できます。
it was gradually getting better.
2) What are you so worried about taking care of it?
こちらWhyとか、How comeで聞いてもよいかもしれません^^
1:55 まとまりをしっかり理解できているので、だらだらと話すことがなく、
最後のfor a jogまで緩めずに、一気に行けるとさらにgoodです。
5:00 To be honest, I don’t think it is the best to choose her as a team leader.
こちら言うことなしの流れになっています! ハラハラせずに、リラックスして聞くことが出来ました^^
Day 48 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 自分の宝石を触らないようにといつも母がわたしに言っていた。でも彼女が家にいないとき、そのうちのひとつを取り上げてそれで遊んでいた。そしてそれを誤って落とし、壊してしまった。直すことができないとわかったので、母がこのことに怒るのは間違いない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My mother always told me not to touch her jewels. But when she wasn’t home, I picked up one of them and played with it. Then I mistakenly dropped it on the floor and broke it. It turned out I couldn’t repaire it, so I am really sure she will get mad at me.
2) After I use the computer at home, I always forget to turn it off. So this morning, as soon as he noticed it was turning on, my husband blamed me for that. But I didn’t use it yesterday.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Shakira. I also think you really need confidence and trust. If you love her and want her to stay, you should keep in mind that you have more confident of yourself and you really believe in her.
he noticed it was turning on,
it was on.
you should keep in mind that you have more confident of yourself and you really believe in her.
you should keep in mind that you should have more confidence in yourself…
4:20 I have no idea when I can catch up.
when Iの部分の発音もとてもよいですね。上手につなげられています。
6:50 But I didn’t use it yesterday.
こちら、But yesterday, I didn’t the computer.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 自分の宝石を触らないようにといつも母がわたしに言っていた。でも彼女が家にいないとき、そのうちのひとつを取り上げてそれで遊んでいた。そしてそれを誤って落とし、壊してしまった。直すことができないとわかったので、母がこのことに怒るのは間違いない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My mother always told me not to touch her jewels. But when she wasn’t home, I picked up one of them and played with it. Then I mistakenly dropped it on the floor and broke it. It turned out I couldn’t repaire it, so I am really sure she will get mad at me.
2) After I use the computer at home, I always forget to turn it off. So this morning, as soon as he noticed it was turning on, my husband blamed me for that. But I didn’t use it yesterday.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Shakira. I also think you really need confidence and trust. If you love her and want her to stay, you should keep in mind that you have more confident of yourself and you really believe in her.
he noticed it was turning on,
it was on.
you should keep in mind that you have more confident of yourself and you really believe in her.
you should keep in mind that you should have more confidence in yourself…
4:20 I have no idea when I can catch up.
when Iの部分の発音もとてもよいですね。上手につなげられています。
6:50 But I didn’t use it yesterday.
こちら、But yesterday, I didn’t the computer.
Day 47 回答例
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちは会社の旅行をとても楽しんだ。しかし、その期間はわたしたちにとってとても忙し区働いているはずの時期だった。新入社員である彼が本当にわたしたちを助けてくれて、とても役に立った。彼の助けなしにわたしたちは旅行することはできなかった。彼は旅行のための準備を何でもすごく一生懸命やってくれたので、わたしたちは彼にとても感謝している。
2) 上司の方針に賛成できなかったので、仕事をやめたかった。しかし彼が少しずつ、考え方を変え始めたので、しばらく働き続けて、動向を見守ることに決めた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) We really enjoyed our company trip. But during the period, we were supposed to work very busily. The new employee gave us a hand and he was very helpful. We couldn’t take a trip without his help. He prepared anything for it very hard, so we are really thankful to him.
2) I didn’t agree with my boss’s policy, so I wanted to quit my job. But he gradually started to change his thought. That’s why I decided to keep working for a while and watch how it will turn out.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to keep your distance from her for a while. You should be calm and think more about your behaviors. The important things for you are confidence and respect. Maybe it is very hard for you, but if you love her and don’t want to break up with her, it is worth trying.
1) We had a great time on our company trip. It was a very busy time of year for our business, so we wouldn’t have been able to go without the help of the new employee. He volunteered to arrange everything for the trip and we are very thankful.
2) I wanted to quit my job because I couldn’t agree with my boss’s policy. But he has started to change his way of thinking, so I’ve decided to stay for now and see how things go.
We couldn’t take a trip without his help.
So we couldn’t have gone without the new employee’s help.
No one asked him to do it, but he volunteered and did it for us.
4:05 Make sure to turn off the light when you leave the room.
6:45 置き換えの訳文の、2)ですが、素晴らしかったです^^
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちは会社の旅行をとても楽しんだ。しかし、その期間はわたしたちにとってとても忙し区働いているはずの時期だった。新入社員である彼が本当にわたしたちを助けてくれて、とても役に立った。彼の助けなしにわたしたちは旅行することはできなかった。彼は旅行のための準備を何でもすごく一生懸命やってくれたので、わたしたちは彼にとても感謝している。
2) 上司の方針に賛成できなかったので、仕事をやめたかった。しかし彼が少しずつ、考え方を変え始めたので、しばらく働き続けて、動向を見守ることに決めた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) We really enjoyed our company trip. But during the period, we were supposed to work very busily. The new employee gave us a hand and he was very helpful. We couldn’t take a trip without his help. He prepared anything for it very hard, so we are really thankful to him.
2) I didn’t agree with my boss’s policy, so I wanted to quit my job. But he gradually started to change his thought. That’s why I decided to keep working for a while and watch how it will turn out.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to keep your distance from her for a while. You should be calm and think more about your behaviors. The important things for you are confidence and respect. Maybe it is very hard for you, but if you love her and don’t want to break up with her, it is worth trying.
1) We had a great time on our company trip. It was a very busy time of year for our business, so we wouldn’t have been able to go without the help of the new employee. He volunteered to arrange everything for the trip and we are very thankful.
2) I wanted to quit my job because I couldn’t agree with my boss’s policy. But he has started to change his way of thinking, so I’ve decided to stay for now and see how things go.
We couldn’t take a trip without his help.
So we couldn’t have gone without the new employee’s help.
No one asked him to do it, but he volunteered and did it for us.
4:05 Make sure to turn off the light when you leave the room.
6:45 置き換えの訳文の、2)ですが、素晴らしかったです^^
Day 46 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) いとこが結婚したので、わたしたち家族は、彼女の幸せを祝うことにした。親戚全員が集まりに加わり、お互いに会った。これは数年に時々であったから、彼らに会えて嬉しかった。
2) そのバスケットボール試合は、わたしたちのチームにとって大切だったから、遅れないようにすべての注意を払ったし、前日にすべてを準備した。わたしは10分早くついたが、チームメートのひとりが遅刻した。コーチは彼だけでなくとわたしたち全員をそのことで責めた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My cousin got married, so our family decided to congratulate her on happiness in her life. All of the relatives joined the gathering and met each other. It was sometimes in a few years, so I was really happy to see them.
2) The basketball game was important for our team, so I paid every attention not to be late and prepared everything the day before the game. I arrived there ten minites earlier, but one of our teammates was late. Our coach blamed not only him but also all of our team for that.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What does she tell you about what you think about her too much?
2) When you get so worried about her, what do you try to do besides sending e-mails?
3) Do you get so worried about her because you aren’t confident of yourself?
1) My cousin got married so our family decided to celebrate the start of her new life. All of my relatives gathered together for the celebration. We only see each other occasionally every few years, so it was nice to get to see them.
2) I was very careful not to be late for the important game for my basketball team. I prepared everything the night before, so I arrived 10 minutes early. But one of our teammates came late and the coach said we were all responsible for his actions.
So our family decided to get together to celebrate the start of her new life.のようにしても近いかもしれません。
We can only see each other occasionally every few years…
1) What does she tell you about what you think about her too much?
What does she say about that you think too much about her?
2:45 流れが素晴らしいです!
It is ~ to…の重要な流れもしっかり使えています。
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) いとこが結婚したので、わたしたち家族は、彼女の幸せを祝うことにした。親戚全員が集まりに加わり、お互いに会った。これは数年に時々であったから、彼らに会えて嬉しかった。
2) そのバスケットボール試合は、わたしたちのチームにとって大切だったから、遅れないようにすべての注意を払ったし、前日にすべてを準備した。わたしは10分早くついたが、チームメートのひとりが遅刻した。コーチは彼だけでなくとわたしたち全員をそのことで責めた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My cousin got married, so our family decided to congratulate her on happiness in her life. All of the relatives joined the gathering and met each other. It was sometimes in a few years, so I was really happy to see them.
2) The basketball game was important for our team, so I paid every attention not to be late and prepared everything the day before the game. I arrived there ten minites earlier, but one of our teammates was late. Our coach blamed not only him but also all of our team for that.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What does she tell you about what you think about her too much?
2) When you get so worried about her, what do you try to do besides sending e-mails?
3) Do you get so worried about her because you aren’t confident of yourself?
1) My cousin got married so our family decided to celebrate the start of her new life. All of my relatives gathered together for the celebration. We only see each other occasionally every few years, so it was nice to get to see them.
2) I was very careful not to be late for the important game for my basketball team. I prepared everything the night before, so I arrived 10 minutes early. But one of our teammates came late and the coach said we were all responsible for his actions.
So our family decided to get together to celebrate the start of her new life.のようにしても近いかもしれません。
We can only see each other occasionally every few years…
1) What does she tell you about what you think about her too much?
What does she say about that you think too much about her?
2:45 流れが素晴らしいです!
It is ~ to…の重要な流れもしっかり使えています。
Day 45 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) このエリアはコンビニエンスストアが多すぎる。しかし、わたしたちのオフィスの前に、またコンビニがオープンする予定だ。なぜちがう種類のお店が建たないのかわからない。
2) この会社では、仕事と給料のバランスがとてもよい。だからすべての従業員は労働環境に満足している。もしすべての会社がこうだったら、世の中はもっとよくなるだろう。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) There are too many convenience stores in this area. But one more convenience store is going to be open in front of our office very soon. I can’t understand why a different store will never be built.
2) The balence between work and payment in this company is really good. That’s why all of the employees is satisfied with the working environment. If every company were like that, the world would be better.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. You should try to concentrate on things you like doing rather than your frustration. Personally, I don’t think you get frustrated so easily. Don’t mind!
1) Even though there are so many convenience stores in this area, it seems they are building another one in front of our office. I don’t know why they don’t put in a different kind of store.
2) Workload and salary are well balanced at this company. That’s why the employees here are all satisfied with their working environment. If all companies were like this, it would be a better world.
a different store
⇒ 「他のお店」というニュアンスで、「違う種類」を表すには、少し物足りないかも知れません ^^ a different type of store, a different kind of store などのように、表現してみましょう☆
0:34 4) 抑揚の付き方が自然で、良かったです♪
2:17 We can’t afford toのイントネーションが、とても自然で良かったです♪
5:09 out of town の滑らかさも、素晴しかったです☆
6:13 There are を、一語一語しっかりと発話されているように聞こえて来ましたが、 繋げるように少しゆるく発話すると、ナチュラルに聞こえると思います ^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) このエリアはコンビニエンスストアが多すぎる。しかし、わたしたちのオフィスの前に、またコンビニがオープンする予定だ。なぜちがう種類のお店が建たないのかわからない。
2) この会社では、仕事と給料のバランスがとてもよい。だからすべての従業員は労働環境に満足している。もしすべての会社がこうだったら、世の中はもっとよくなるだろう。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) There are too many convenience stores in this area. But one more convenience store is going to be open in front of our office very soon. I can’t understand why a different store will never be built.
2) The balence between work and payment in this company is really good. That’s why all of the employees is satisfied with the working environment. If every company were like that, the world would be better.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. You should try to concentrate on things you like doing rather than your frustration. Personally, I don’t think you get frustrated so easily. Don’t mind!
1) Even though there are so many convenience stores in this area, it seems they are building another one in front of our office. I don’t know why they don’t put in a different kind of store.
2) Workload and salary are well balanced at this company. That’s why the employees here are all satisfied with their working environment. If all companies were like this, it would be a better world.
a different store
⇒ 「他のお店」というニュアンスで、「違う種類」を表すには、少し物足りないかも知れません ^^ a different type of store, a different kind of store などのように、表現してみましょう☆
0:34 4) 抑揚の付き方が自然で、良かったです♪
2:17 We can’t afford toのイントネーションが、とても自然で良かったです♪
5:09 out of town の滑らかさも、素晴しかったです☆
6:13 There are を、一語一語しっかりと発話されているように聞こえて来ましたが、 繋げるように少しゆるく発話すると、ナチュラルに聞こえると思います ^^
Day 44 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 時間がありすぎたので、自分のクローゼットからすべてのものを出して、きれいにすることにした。しかし、予想以上にたくさんのものが中にあったので、やり始めなければよかった。
2) 彼は自分が本当に偉いと自慢ばかりする。だから同僚たちは彼が嫌いだ。しかし彼はそのことをまったく気にかけていない。だから彼らはこの状況を受け入れるしか選択肢がない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I had too much time, so I decided to put everything out of my closet and make it tidy. But there were much more things in it than I expected, so I shouldn’t have started doing that.
2) He is always too proud of being a great person. So his co-workers hate him. But he never minds, so they have no choice but to accept this situation.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you almost get frustrated, why don’t you try breathing deeply? I am sure you can get calm and gentle more easily. According to what you said, listening to your favorite music or thinking about your work, it can also help you can get less frustrated.
1) I had too much free time and I didn’t know what to do. That’s why I decided to take everything out of my closet and sort it all out. But there were so much more stuff inside than I thought so I wish I hadn’t started doing it.
2) He feels that he is better than others, even though he isn’t. That’s why he is disliked by his colleagues, but he doesn’t care about it at all. So his colleagues have no choice but to put up with it.
1) 「暇な時間を持て余す」を「(暇な)時間がありすぎる」と置き換えられているところ、良いですね♪
英文も要のフレーズを抑えながら、とても良いまとまりになりました! Well done!
一点、「〜から出す」は take out of ~ と、 take を使うと自然です ^^
英文も、have no choice but to のフレーズが、しっかり引き出されていますね!
He is always too proud of being a great person.
⇒ 「思い上がる」は「実際よりえらい者だと思い込む」という意味合いになるので、実際に偉い訳では無く、「本人だけが思っている」ニュアンスが出せると、更に文意に近づきそうです ^^
He thinks he’s a great person, but… のように始めて、表現を考えてみましょう☆
0:19 perfect に重きが置かれたような発話が、気持ちのこもった発話となり良かったです!
2:19 17) とてもナチュラルで、聞き心地抜群でした☆
5:42 40) 新規出題も、スラスラと発話することが出来ました! Well done!
7:01 後半、少し切れ切れになってしまったのが、勿体なかったですね ^^ 何度か繰り返してみましょう♪
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 時間がありすぎたので、自分のクローゼットからすべてのものを出して、きれいにすることにした。しかし、予想以上にたくさんのものが中にあったので、やり始めなければよかった。
2) 彼は自分が本当に偉いと自慢ばかりする。だから同僚たちは彼が嫌いだ。しかし彼はそのことをまったく気にかけていない。だから彼らはこの状況を受け入れるしか選択肢がない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I had too much time, so I decided to put everything out of my closet and make it tidy. But there were much more things in it than I expected, so I shouldn’t have started doing that.
2) He is always too proud of being a great person. So his co-workers hate him. But he never minds, so they have no choice but to accept this situation.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you almost get frustrated, why don’t you try breathing deeply? I am sure you can get calm and gentle more easily. According to what you said, listening to your favorite music or thinking about your work, it can also help you can get less frustrated.
1) I had too much free time and I didn’t know what to do. That’s why I decided to take everything out of my closet and sort it all out. But there were so much more stuff inside than I thought so I wish I hadn’t started doing it.
2) He feels that he is better than others, even though he isn’t. That’s why he is disliked by his colleagues, but he doesn’t care about it at all. So his colleagues have no choice but to put up with it.
1) 「暇な時間を持て余す」を「(暇な)時間がありすぎる」と置き換えられているところ、良いですね♪
英文も要のフレーズを抑えながら、とても良いまとまりになりました! Well done!
一点、「〜から出す」は take out of ~ と、 take を使うと自然です ^^
英文も、have no choice but to のフレーズが、しっかり引き出されていますね!
He is always too proud of being a great person.
⇒ 「思い上がる」は「実際よりえらい者だと思い込む」という意味合いになるので、実際に偉い訳では無く、「本人だけが思っている」ニュアンスが出せると、更に文意に近づきそうです ^^
He thinks he’s a great person, but… のように始めて、表現を考えてみましょう☆
0:19 perfect に重きが置かれたような発話が、気持ちのこもった発話となり良かったです!
2:19 17) とてもナチュラルで、聞き心地抜群でした☆
5:42 40) 新規出題も、スラスラと発話することが出来ました! Well done!
7:01 後半、少し切れ切れになってしまったのが、勿体なかったですね ^^ 何度か繰り返してみましょう♪
Day 43 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 彼女のピアノ演奏はとてもすばらしいので、みんなが耳を傾ける。それには不思議なパワーがあり、ストレスを忘れることができると感じている。だから、なにもする余裕がないときには、いつも彼女のCDを聴く。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I was going to visit my friend as a guest for the first time. I couldn’t decide easily what to bring as a present. I finally chose some chocolate because he could hold them for days.
2) Her piano performance is so wonderful that everyone listens to it. I feel it has mysterious power so I can forget all of my stress. So when I can’t afford to do anything, I always listen to her CD.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How often do you get frustrated?
2) Do you usually feel some stress in daily life?
3) When and where do you want to be calm and gentle?
1) I was invited over to my friend’s house for the first time. It took me a long time to decide what to bring to her house as a gift. But I finally made up my mind to buy her some chocolate because she can keep it for a long time.
2) Her piano performance is so great that everyone wants to listen to it. I feel that it has a magical power that can relieve my stress. That’s why I listen to her CD whenever I need a break.
「招かれた」はそのまま残して、 I was invited over to ~ で表現することが出来ます ^^
また hold は、短時間であったり、手に持っているようなニュアンスになるので、「数日やある程度の期間保存できる」と言うときは keep で表現すると自然です♪
when I can’t afford to do anything
⇒ can’t afford to do は、時間的に何かをする余裕がないニュアンスになりますが、ここでの「余裕がなくなったとき」は、気持ち的な余裕を指していると捉えると、自然な表現になりそうです ^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 彼女のピアノ演奏はとてもすばらしいので、みんなが耳を傾ける。それには不思議なパワーがあり、ストレスを忘れることができると感じている。だから、なにもする余裕がないときには、いつも彼女のCDを聴く。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I was going to visit my friend as a guest for the first time. I couldn’t decide easily what to bring as a present. I finally chose some chocolate because he could hold them for days.
2) Her piano performance is so wonderful that everyone listens to it. I feel it has mysterious power so I can forget all of my stress. So when I can’t afford to do anything, I always listen to her CD.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How often do you get frustrated?
2) Do you usually feel some stress in daily life?
3) When and where do you want to be calm and gentle?
1) I was invited over to my friend’s house for the first time. It took me a long time to decide what to bring to her house as a gift. But I finally made up my mind to buy her some chocolate because she can keep it for a long time.
2) Her piano performance is so great that everyone wants to listen to it. I feel that it has a magical power that can relieve my stress. That’s why I listen to her CD whenever I need a break.
「招かれた」はそのまま残して、 I was invited over to ~ で表現することが出来ます ^^
また hold は、短時間であったり、手に持っているようなニュアンスになるので、「数日やある程度の期間保存できる」と言うときは keep で表現すると自然です♪
when I can’t afford to do anything
⇒ can’t afford to do は、時間的に何かをする余裕がないニュアンスになりますが、ここでの「余裕がなくなったとき」は、気持ち的な余裕を指していると捉えると、自然な表現になりそうです ^^
Day 42 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 本当にその時計が欲しかったが、買う余裕がなかった。だからお金を少しずつためることにした。ついに買えることができたとき、本当に嬉しかった。買うことをあきらめなかったからだ。
2) 開店するやいなや、たくさんの客たちは中に入ろうとした。彼らは割引された商品を買うために外で待っていたのだ。店内は人でいっぱいだったので、友人が.どこにいるのかわからなかった。だから彼女にまた会うため、彼女の携帯に電話しなければならなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wanted to buy the watch, but I couldn’t afford to buy it. So I decided to save money little by little. When I could finally buy it, I was really happy because I never gave up.
2) As soon as the shop was open, a lot of customers tried hard entering there because they waited outside to buy discounted items. The shop was crowded with them, so I couldn’t notice where my friend was. So I had to call on her mobile phone to see her again.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Lucas. Even if she is your sister, you should make a rule between both of you. Maybe it is a little too strict for her, but she needs to learn from that.
1) There was a watch that I really wanted but I couldn’t afford it right away so I decided to save money for it little by little. When I finally got to buy it, I was so glad that I hadn’t given up.
2) When the store opened, all of the customers who were waiting outside tried to get in all at the same time to purchase the discounted goods. So I lost my friend in the crowd and had to call her cell to meet up with her again.
I was really happy because I never gave up.
こちら、I was really happy that…としてもよいかと思います^^
I lost her in the crowd.
ただ、全体的に非常によく訳せています。Great job!
2:45 What do you want your boyfriend to buy…
6:55 I asked him if something was wrong with…
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 本当にその時計が欲しかったが、買う余裕がなかった。だからお金を少しずつためることにした。ついに買えることができたとき、本当に嬉しかった。買うことをあきらめなかったからだ。
2) 開店するやいなや、たくさんの客たちは中に入ろうとした。彼らは割引された商品を買うために外で待っていたのだ。店内は人でいっぱいだったので、友人が.どこにいるのかわからなかった。だから彼女にまた会うため、彼女の携帯に電話しなければならなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wanted to buy the watch, but I couldn’t afford to buy it. So I decided to save money little by little. When I could finally buy it, I was really happy because I never gave up.
2) As soon as the shop was open, a lot of customers tried hard entering there because they waited outside to buy discounted items. The shop was crowded with them, so I couldn’t notice where my friend was. So I had to call on her mobile phone to see her again.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Lucas. Even if she is your sister, you should make a rule between both of you. Maybe it is a little too strict for her, but she needs to learn from that.
1) There was a watch that I really wanted but I couldn’t afford it right away so I decided to save money for it little by little. When I finally got to buy it, I was so glad that I hadn’t given up.
2) When the store opened, all of the customers who were waiting outside tried to get in all at the same time to purchase the discounted goods. So I lost my friend in the crowd and had to call her cell to meet up with her again.
I was really happy because I never gave up.
こちら、I was really happy that…としてもよいかと思います^^
I lost her in the crowd.
ただ、全体的に非常によく訳せています。Great job!
2:45 What do you want your boyfriend to buy…
6:55 I asked him if something was wrong with…
Day 41 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 同僚はよくとてもユニークなアイデアを思いつく。上司はそれらに興味があるが、それらはだいたい、実用的でない。もっと実用的なアイデアを思いついて欲しいと思っている。
2) あなたはデートに2時間も遅れた。彼は待たなければなず、いらいらしていて、あなたにものすごく腹を立てた。それはもっともだった。しかし、あのようにあなたに怒鳴るほど彼はばかでないはずだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My co-worker often comes up with very unique ideas. My boss is very interested in them, but they aren’t mostly pratical. He wants her to come up with more pratical ideas.
2) You were two hours late for the date. He had to wait for you, so he was irritiated and very angry about you. That was natural. But he knew better than to shout at you like that.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to tell her about“these rules.” “When you want to use mine, please ask for my permission.” “Give them back to me in a good shape.”“If you can’t do that, don’t use mine anymore.”Maybe it is a little strict for her, but I think you should tell her clearly.
1) Our colleague often comes up with ideas that no one would expect so our boss thinks he is interesting. But almost all of what he suggests is not practical so we wish he’d give us more useful ideas.
2) You were 2 hours late for your date so it is understandable that he was irritated and really mad at you. But he should know better than to shout at you like that.
But he knew better than to shout at you like that.
But he should know better than to…
But he should’ve known better than to …
1:10 Very good! 「~したことがある」というこのイメージの表現は日常生活でもよく出てきますので、さらっと言えるようになっておくと便利ですね。
5:25 It was very late, so I told him to go home instead of finishing the work.
言葉がどんどん出てきていますね^^ 練習の成果が確実に表れていますよ。
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 同僚はよくとてもユニークなアイデアを思いつく。上司はそれらに興味があるが、それらはだいたい、実用的でない。もっと実用的なアイデアを思いついて欲しいと思っている。
2) あなたはデートに2時間も遅れた。彼は待たなければなず、いらいらしていて、あなたにものすごく腹を立てた。それはもっともだった。しかし、あのようにあなたに怒鳴るほど彼はばかでないはずだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My co-worker often comes up with very unique ideas. My boss is very interested in them, but they aren’t mostly pratical. He wants her to come up with more pratical ideas.
2) You were two hours late for the date. He had to wait for you, so he was irritiated and very angry about you. That was natural. But he knew better than to shout at you like that.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to tell her about“these rules.” “When you want to use mine, please ask for my permission.” “Give them back to me in a good shape.”“If you can’t do that, don’t use mine anymore.”Maybe it is a little strict for her, but I think you should tell her clearly.
1) Our colleague often comes up with ideas that no one would expect so our boss thinks he is interesting. But almost all of what he suggests is not practical so we wish he’d give us more useful ideas.
2) You were 2 hours late for your date so it is understandable that he was irritated and really mad at you. But he should know better than to shout at you like that.
But he knew better than to shout at you like that.
But he should know better than to…
But he should’ve known better than to …
1:10 Very good! 「~したことがある」というこのイメージの表現は日常生活でもよく出てきますので、さらっと言えるようになっておくと便利ですね。
5:25 It was very late, so I told him to go home instead of finishing the work.
言葉がどんどん出てきていますね^^ 練習の成果が確実に表れていますよ。
Day 40 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 役に立つ情報を教えたいと彼が言ったので、どんなに役に立つ情報だろうと期待した。しかし結局すでに知っていることだとわかった。時間の無駄だったので、彼の話を聞かなければよかったと思った。
2) 息子に試験の日に、何も忘れないようにと何度も何度も念を押した。しかし結局彼は消しゴムをもって行くのを忘れた。言う価値がなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) He wanted to tell me about very useful information, so I really expected how useful it would be. But it turned out I have already known about it. It was a waste of time. I shouldn’t have listened to him.
2) I made sure over and over that my son shouldn’t forget to bring anything on the day he would have an exam. But it turned out he forgot an eraser. It wasn’t worth making sure.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How often did she do like that?
2) Do you think why she did like that?
3) Have you asked her about the reason?
1) I was expecting him to tell me something very useful when he told me that he had some information for me that was worth knowing. But then he told me something that I already knew. So I wish I hadn’t listened to him because it was a waste of my time.
2) I had told my son over and over again to make sure not to forget anything for school on his exam day. But it turned out that he forgot his eraser anyway so it wasn’t worth it.
He wanted to tell me about very useful information,
He told me that he’d like to tell me a very useful information,のような感じもよいかと思います!
But it turned out I have already known about it.
But it turned out that I had already known…か、
But it turned out that I already knew …となさるとよりgood!
I told my son to make sure not to forget anything…
1) How often did she do like that?
2) Do you think why she did like that?
How often does she~、Do you have any idea why she keeps doing it?で聞くのがよいかもしれません^^
I guess this is a common issue of those who have siblings.
Do you have any siblings? Have you ever had a similar issue with them?
Very good job! Your great effort is very much appreciated.
4:40 I have no idea I want my boyfriend to buy for my birthday.
what…が挟まり、それ以降もwant ~ to…の流れがあったりと入り組んでいましたが、しっかり伝わる文にすることが出来ていました。
8:30 But it turned out I have already known about it. It was a waste of time. I shouldn’t have listened to him.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 役に立つ情報を教えたいと彼が言ったので、どんなに役に立つ情報だろうと期待した。しかし結局すでに知っていることだとわかった。時間の無駄だったので、彼の話を聞かなければよかったと思った。
2) 息子に試験の日に、何も忘れないようにと何度も何度も念を押した。しかし結局彼は消しゴムをもって行くのを忘れた。言う価値がなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) He wanted to tell me about very useful information, so I really expected how useful it would be. But it turned out I have already known about it. It was a waste of time. I shouldn’t have listened to him.
2) I made sure over and over that my son shouldn’t forget to bring anything on the day he would have an exam. But it turned out he forgot an eraser. It wasn’t worth making sure.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How often did she do like that?
2) Do you think why she did like that?
3) Have you asked her about the reason?
1) I was expecting him to tell me something very useful when he told me that he had some information for me that was worth knowing. But then he told me something that I already knew. So I wish I hadn’t listened to him because it was a waste of my time.
2) I had told my son over and over again to make sure not to forget anything for school on his exam day. But it turned out that he forgot his eraser anyway so it wasn’t worth it.
He wanted to tell me about very useful information,
He told me that he’d like to tell me a very useful information,のような感じもよいかと思います!
But it turned out I have already known about it.
But it turned out that I had already known…か、
But it turned out that I already knew …となさるとよりgood!
I told my son to make sure not to forget anything…
1) How often did she do like that?
2) Do you think why she did like that?
How often does she~、Do you have any idea why she keeps doing it?で聞くのがよいかもしれません^^
I guess this is a common issue of those who have siblings.
Do you have any siblings? Have you ever had a similar issue with them?
Very good job! Your great effort is very much appreciated.
4:40 I have no idea I want my boyfriend to buy for my birthday.
what…が挟まり、それ以降もwant ~ to…の流れがあったりと入り組んでいましたが、しっかり伝わる文にすることが出来ていました。
8:30 But it turned out I have already known about it. It was a waste of time. I shouldn’t have listened to him.
Day 39 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人に最近いろいろトラブルがあり大変だったと話した。すると、彼は一緒にのみに行くことを提案してくれた。とても楽しく過ごすことができ、ストレスをすべて忘れた。
2) 自分が望んでいなかったにもかかわらず、来月大阪のブランチオフィスに異動させられると上司に言われた。そのとき、仕事を変えることを真剣に考えた。なぜなら、東京に家族を残していかなければならなかったからだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I told my friend that it was very hard for me because I really got in a lot of trouble lately. Then he suggested me to have a drink with him. I could really enjoy spending time, so I forgot all of my stress.
2) Even though I didn’t want, my boss told me that I would be transferred to the branch office in Osaka next month.Then I thought seriously about changing my job because I had to leave my family in Tokyo.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Mia. If I were you, I would also explain your dream and your decision to them very seriously. I think it is worth doing. I hope you can convince them.
1) I told my friend that I had been having a rough time lately so she suggested that we go out for drinks. I had a great time and was able to forget all of my bad feelings.
2) Even though I don’t want to, I have been told I am going to be transferred to the branch office in Osaka next month. Considering that I would have to leave my family in Tokyo, I am seriously thinking about changing jobs.
I could really enjoy spending time,
I had a great time~
I enjoyed it so much with him~
2:25 feel like~
3:45 have no idea~
6:55 I could really enjoy spending time, so I forgot all of my stress.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人に最近いろいろトラブルがあり大変だったと話した。すると、彼は一緒にのみに行くことを提案してくれた。とても楽しく過ごすことができ、ストレスをすべて忘れた。
2) 自分が望んでいなかったにもかかわらず、来月大阪のブランチオフィスに異動させられると上司に言われた。そのとき、仕事を変えることを真剣に考えた。なぜなら、東京に家族を残していかなければならなかったからだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I told my friend that it was very hard for me because I really got in a lot of trouble lately. Then he suggested me to have a drink with him. I could really enjoy spending time, so I forgot all of my stress.
2) Even though I didn’t want, my boss told me that I would be transferred to the branch office in Osaka next month.Then I thought seriously about changing my job because I had to leave my family in Tokyo.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Mia. If I were you, I would also explain your dream and your decision to them very seriously. I think it is worth doing. I hope you can convince them.
1) I told my friend that I had been having a rough time lately so she suggested that we go out for drinks. I had a great time and was able to forget all of my bad feelings.
2) Even though I don’t want to, I have been told I am going to be transferred to the branch office in Osaka next month. Considering that I would have to leave my family in Tokyo, I am seriously thinking about changing jobs.
I could really enjoy spending time,
I had a great time~
I enjoyed it so much with him~
2:25 feel like~
3:45 have no idea~
6:55 I could really enjoy spending time, so I forgot all of my stress.
Day 38 回答例
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 父は待つのが大嫌いだ。だからとても人気のあるラーメン店にわたしたちは絶対いけないだろう。なぜなら長い列に並ばなければならないからだ。彼はイライラしすぎて長時間待つことなどできないだろう。
2) 彼女になぜ会議に遅れてきたのか聞いたが、彼女は歯切れが悪かったので、私は彼女がただ友達と電話をしていたり、そんなところだろうと思った。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My father hates waiting. So we will never be able to visit a very popular ramen shop because we have to stand in a very long line. He will be too upset to wait for a long time.
2) I asked her why she was late for the meeting, but she didn’t answer clearly. So I guessed she was late because she talked with her friend on the phone.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
First of all, you should tell your parents about your dream as hard as possible. You think about it very seriously, don’t you? Why don’t you honestly tell your true feeling? I also think studying abroad will be really good experience and you should try it to become an international lawyer in the future. I hope you can convince them.
1) My father is not patient at all so we can never go to very popular ramen restaurants because we would have to wait in a long line for a very long time. He can never wait for that long without getting irritated.
2) I asked her why she was late for the meeting, but she didn’t say the reason clearly. So I assumed she was just talking with her friend on the phone or something like that.
something like that で表現することができますので、ちょっと工夫して加えてみましょう ^^
1:25 8) 少し長めの文で発話しにくいですね!I told him… から始めると、若干発話し易くなるかも知れません ^^
4:50 I don’t want のイントネーション、とても良いですね♪文を一気に発話できるように、練習してみましょう☆
8:29 発話のリズムがとても良かったです♪
9:34 because we have to stand in a very long line の、感情の込め方が良いですね!
「とても待てない」という半ば諦めた気持ちが伝わって来るようでした ^^
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 父は待つのが大嫌いだ。だからとても人気のあるラーメン店にわたしたちは絶対いけないだろう。なぜなら長い列に並ばなければならないからだ。彼はイライラしすぎて長時間待つことなどできないだろう。
2) 彼女になぜ会議に遅れてきたのか聞いたが、彼女は歯切れが悪かったので、私は彼女がただ友達と電話をしていたり、そんなところだろうと思った。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My father hates waiting. So we will never be able to visit a very popular ramen shop because we have to stand in a very long line. He will be too upset to wait for a long time.
2) I asked her why she was late for the meeting, but she didn’t answer clearly. So I guessed she was late because she talked with her friend on the phone.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
First of all, you should tell your parents about your dream as hard as possible. You think about it very seriously, don’t you? Why don’t you honestly tell your true feeling? I also think studying abroad will be really good experience and you should try it to become an international lawyer in the future. I hope you can convince them.
1) My father is not patient at all so we can never go to very popular ramen restaurants because we would have to wait in a long line for a very long time. He can never wait for that long without getting irritated.
2) I asked her why she was late for the meeting, but she didn’t say the reason clearly. So I assumed she was just talking with her friend on the phone or something like that.
something like that で表現することができますので、ちょっと工夫して加えてみましょう ^^
1:25 8) 少し長めの文で発話しにくいですね!I told him… から始めると、若干発話し易くなるかも知れません ^^
4:50 I don’t want のイントネーション、とても良いですね♪文を一気に発話できるように、練習してみましょう☆
8:29 発話のリズムがとても良かったです♪
9:34 because we have to stand in a very long line の、感情の込め方が良いですね!
「とても待てない」という半ば諦めた気持ちが伝わって来るようでした ^^
Day 37 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 仕事の後、友人に会うことになっていた。でも彼女よりも彼氏に会いたかった。だから彼女に、具合が悪いから会えないと伝えた。しかし、彼氏とレストランにいたとき、彼女がたまたま入ってきた。びっくりしたし、恥ずかしかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) If you really want to become a doctor, you should study as hard as possible. If you can’t do that, you should give up.
2) I was supposed to see my friend after work. But I wanted to see my boyfriend rather than her. So I told her that I couldn’t see her because I didn’t feel well. But while I was with him at a restaurant, she happened to enter there. I was really surprised and felt ashamed of myself.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why do you want to study abroad?
2) Which country do you want to study?
3) Why are your parents worried about that?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) If you really want to be a doctor, you should think about it very seriously and study very hard. If you can’t do that, you shouldn’t consider becoming a doctor in the first place.
2) I was supposed to meet my friend after work, but I wanted to see my boyfriend instead so I told her that I was feeling sick. But when I was with my boyfriend, I met my friend at a restaurant unexpectedly.
you should give up
⇒ 「最初から」のニュアンスも、残せると尚良いですね!
表現する方がしやすそうです ^^
she happened to enter thereで彼女が偶然来たことを表現し、そのときの気持ちを加えて
表現されていますね♪ 確かに鉢合わせすると、びっくりしますし、気まずそうですね ^^;
0:40 about が若干「アバ」と聞こえてきましたので、語尾までしっかり発音してみましょう☆
4:57 I don’t agree のリズムが、とてもナチュラルで良かったです♪
7:28 leave が live と聞こえてきました ^^ 発話を確認してみましょう☆
10:57 I was really surprised 以下、感情の入った発話で、とても良かったです!
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 仕事の後、友人に会うことになっていた。でも彼女よりも彼氏に会いたかった。だから彼女に、具合が悪いから会えないと伝えた。しかし、彼氏とレストランにいたとき、彼女がたまたま入ってきた。びっくりしたし、恥ずかしかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) If you really want to become a doctor, you should study as hard as possible. If you can’t do that, you should give up.
2) I was supposed to see my friend after work. But I wanted to see my boyfriend rather than her. So I told her that I couldn’t see her because I didn’t feel well. But while I was with him at a restaurant, she happened to enter there. I was really surprised and felt ashamed of myself.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why do you want to study abroad?
2) Which country do you want to study?
3) Why are your parents worried about that?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) If you really want to be a doctor, you should think about it very seriously and study very hard. If you can’t do that, you shouldn’t consider becoming a doctor in the first place.
2) I was supposed to meet my friend after work, but I wanted to see my boyfriend instead so I told her that I was feeling sick. But when I was with my boyfriend, I met my friend at a restaurant unexpectedly.
you should give up
⇒ 「最初から」のニュアンスも、残せると尚良いですね!
表現する方がしやすそうです ^^
she happened to enter thereで彼女が偶然来たことを表現し、そのときの気持ちを加えて
表現されていますね♪ 確かに鉢合わせすると、びっくりしますし、気まずそうですね ^^;
0:40 about が若干「アバ」と聞こえてきましたので、語尾までしっかり発音してみましょう☆
4:57 I don’t agree のリズムが、とてもナチュラルで良かったです♪
7:28 leave が live と聞こえてきました ^^ 発話を確認してみましょう☆
10:57 I was really surprised 以下、感情の入った発話で、とても良かったです!
Day 36 回答例
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I was supposed to arrive at our client’s office by 8 in the morning, but when I woke up it was already past 8. I didn’t know what to do and I deeply regretted playing video games until midnight the night before.
2) Our boss is very hard to work for because he never allows any exceptions even at times when they are clearly necessary. That’s why no one in our department is satisfied with their working environment.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 明らかにもっとフレキシブルに対応するべきにもかかわらず、わたしたちの上司は決してそうしたことをしてくれない。彼と働くのはとても困難である。わたしたちの部署では、だれも労働環境に満足していない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I had to arrive at my client’s office by 8 o’clock this morning. But when I woke up, it was already past 8 o’clock. I couldn’t figure out what to do. I stayed so late to play a video game last night, so I overslept. I really regreted about that.
2) Even though he obviously needs to react to anything more flexibly, our boss never does like that. It is very hard to work with him. There is nobody in our department who is satisfied with the labor environment.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Shakira. You should ask her for advice as soon as possible. She is a good teacher, so I think she can give you good advice to make this situation better for you and other parents.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I was supposed to arrive at our client’s office by 8 in the morning, but when I woke up it was already past 8. I didn’t know what to do and I deeply regretted playing video games until midnight the night before.
2) Our boss is very hard to work for because he never allows any exceptions even at times when they are clearly necessary. That’s why no one in our department is satisfied with their working environment.
1) 状況を噛み砕いて表現されているところ、とても良いです! 「途方に暮れて」も易しい
日本語に置き換えることが出来ました♪ Lovely!
I stayed so late は、I stayed up until midnight と表現すると、「夜中まで」のニュアンスが
2) 文の分け方がまとまりよく、とても分かりやすい置き換えになりました! Excellent!
Even though he obviously needs to react to anything more flexibly
⇒ 「〜場合でも」は「〜の時でさえ」と考えて、even when とすると、微妙なニュアンスの
違いが表現出来そうです ^^
to anything more は無い方が自然ですので、外してしまいましょう☆
また react は「反応」の意味合いが強いので、対応は response と表現すると自然です♪
labor environment ⇒ working environment とすると自然です ^^
0:14 answer にストレスが置かれていたところ、感情が伝わって来るようで、とても
2:39 16) リズミカル且つとても滑らかで、素晴しかったです♪
5:52 contact ですが、tact にアクセントがついているように聞こえてきましたが、
9:18 obviously が obvious と聞こえて来ました ^^ ly までしっかり発音してみましょう☆
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I was supposed to arrive at our client’s office by 8 in the morning, but when I woke up it was already past 8. I didn’t know what to do and I deeply regretted playing video games until midnight the night before.
2) Our boss is very hard to work for because he never allows any exceptions even at times when they are clearly necessary. That’s why no one in our department is satisfied with their working environment.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 明らかにもっとフレキシブルに対応するべきにもかかわらず、わたしたちの上司は決してそうしたことをしてくれない。彼と働くのはとても困難である。わたしたちの部署では、だれも労働環境に満足していない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I had to arrive at my client’s office by 8 o’clock this morning. But when I woke up, it was already past 8 o’clock. I couldn’t figure out what to do. I stayed so late to play a video game last night, so I overslept. I really regreted about that.
2) Even though he obviously needs to react to anything more flexibly, our boss never does like that. It is very hard to work with him. There is nobody in our department who is satisfied with the labor environment.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Shakira. You should ask her for advice as soon as possible. She is a good teacher, so I think she can give you good advice to make this situation better for you and other parents.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I was supposed to arrive at our client’s office by 8 in the morning, but when I woke up it was already past 8. I didn’t know what to do and I deeply regretted playing video games until midnight the night before.
2) Our boss is very hard to work for because he never allows any exceptions even at times when they are clearly necessary. That’s why no one in our department is satisfied with their working environment.
1) 状況を噛み砕いて表現されているところ、とても良いです! 「途方に暮れて」も易しい
日本語に置き換えることが出来ました♪ Lovely!
I stayed so late は、I stayed up until midnight と表現すると、「夜中まで」のニュアンスが
2) 文の分け方がまとまりよく、とても分かりやすい置き換えになりました! Excellent!
Even though he obviously needs to react to anything more flexibly
⇒ 「〜場合でも」は「〜の時でさえ」と考えて、even when とすると、微妙なニュアンスの
違いが表現出来そうです ^^
to anything more は無い方が自然ですので、外してしまいましょう☆
また react は「反応」の意味合いが強いので、対応は response と表現すると自然です♪
labor environment ⇒ working environment とすると自然です ^^
0:14 answer にストレスが置かれていたところ、感情が伝わって来るようで、とても
2:39 16) リズミカル且つとても滑らかで、素晴しかったです♪
5:52 contact ですが、tact にアクセントがついているように聞こえてきましたが、
9:18 obviously が obvious と聞こえて来ました ^^ ly までしっかり発音してみましょう☆
Day 35 回答例
43) Sooner or later he is sure to succeed.
44) I don’t want to be left alone in the dark.
45) I have to finish making dinner by the time my husband comes home.
46) You should have known better than to drink so much.
47) The cooking lessons were expensive, but it was worth taking them.
48) Do you have any idea when you dropped your wallet?
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) ふたりのプレゼンはどちらもすばらしく、完璧だった。ひとつに決めることがむずかしかったので、彼らのアイデアを使うことにした。結局、このベストセラー商品をつくることができた。
2) わたしの給料の一年分の価値がある指輪を、妻が欲しいとわたしに言った。そのとき、彼女がおかしいのではないかと思った。しかし、彼女は笑いだして、今日はエイプリルフールだと言ったので、今年一番の安堵を感じた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Both of the two gave us perfect presentations. It was really hard to choose one of them, so we decided to use their ideas. It turned out we created this best-seller product.
2) My wife told me she wanted a ring which was worth for the total of my one-year payment. At that time, I was afraid she would become crazy. But she began to laugh and told me today was April Fool, so I felt most relieved this year.
Your Advice:
I suggest you to ask the teacher you can trust very much for some advice. Maybe it helps things will get better. I don’t think you should be too serious in this situation, because kids sometimes get into a fight. If you don’t feel like participating in some events, why don’t you skip them?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Both their presentations were fabulous and right to the point, so we couldn’t decide which was the best. That’s why we chose to combine their ideas and we came up with this bestselling product.
2) I thought my wife was crazy when she asked me to buy a ring that costs a year worth of my salary. But then she laughed and told me that today was April fool’s which gave me the biggest relief of this year.
a ring that costs a year worth of my pay.のように言っても簡単かと思いますよ。
I was afraid she would become crazy.
I was afraid that she had gone crazy.と言う感じで、「~した」という感じになさるとよい気もします。
43) Sooner or later he is sure to succeed.
44) I don’t want to be left alone in the dark.
45) I have to finish making dinner by the time my husband comes home.
46) You should have known better than to drink so much.
47) The cooking lessons were expensive, but it was worth taking them.
48) Do you have any idea when you dropped your wallet?
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) ふたりのプレゼンはどちらもすばらしく、完璧だった。ひとつに決めることがむずかしかったので、彼らのアイデアを使うことにした。結局、このベストセラー商品をつくることができた。
2) わたしの給料の一年分の価値がある指輪を、妻が欲しいとわたしに言った。そのとき、彼女がおかしいのではないかと思った。しかし、彼女は笑いだして、今日はエイプリルフールだと言ったので、今年一番の安堵を感じた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Both of the two gave us perfect presentations. It was really hard to choose one of them, so we decided to use their ideas. It turned out we created this best-seller product.
2) My wife told me she wanted a ring which was worth for the total of my one-year payment. At that time, I was afraid she would become crazy. But she began to laugh and told me today was April Fool, so I felt most relieved this year.
Your Advice:
I suggest you to ask the teacher you can trust very much for some advice. Maybe it helps things will get better. I don’t think you should be too serious in this situation, because kids sometimes get into a fight. If you don’t feel like participating in some events, why don’t you skip them?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Both their presentations were fabulous and right to the point, so we couldn’t decide which was the best. That’s why we chose to combine their ideas and we came up with this bestselling product.
2) I thought my wife was crazy when she asked me to buy a ring that costs a year worth of my salary. But then she laughed and told me that today was April fool’s which gave me the biggest relief of this year.
a ring that costs a year worth of my pay.のように言っても簡単かと思いますよ。
I was afraid she would become crazy.
I was afraid that she had gone crazy.と言う感じで、「~した」という感じになさるとよい気もします。
french daily exercise Day 05
1) 仕事に遅れる
16) Je suis retard au travail.
17) Faites attention de ne pas être en retard.
18) La gare est loin de chez moi.
19) Il a peur du noir.
20) Harajuku est connu pour la mode.
16) Je suis retard au travail.
17) Faites attention de ne pas être en retard.
18) La gare est loin de chez moi.
19) Il a peur du noir.
20) Harajuku est connu pour la mode.
Day 33 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 上司の決断に不服だったが、それを受け入れることなしに、プロジェクトを始めることはできないとわかっていた。だから彼の決断に賛成のふりをした。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I have visited my grand parents for the first time in ten years. They were really kind to me and did a lot of things for me, and I really enjoyed being with them. So even though I had to leave here, I didn’t feel like doing that.
2) I wasn’t satisfied with my boss’s decision, but I knew I couldn’t start the project without accepting it. So I pretended to agree with it.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. That’s great idea, isn’t it? I think it is really easy and it is worth doing. Why don’t try to change your point of view about time a little?
43) We ran out of luck.
44) It turns out that he hasn’t finished his work yet.
45) My mother blamed me for getting into trouble.
46) No matter what you say, I won’t change my mind.
47) We can’t afford to travel overseas so often anymore.
48) I suddenly felt like eating pizza.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I visited my grandparents’ for the first time in 10 years. They treated me very well and I had so much fun during my stay. I wanted to do so much more with them so leaving their place was very sad.
2) The decision my boss made wasn’t what I had expected, and I wasn’t satisfied at all. But I knew that if I didn’t accept it, the project wouldn’t proceed, so I pretended to be okay with it.
最初の文なのですが、時間の流れを考えると、I have visited~は I visited~にしてもよいかもしれません^^
but I knew the project wouldn’t move on/proceed …
Nice speech!
2:05 What should I do if I run out of ideas?
ちょっと細かいのですが “of”があまり聞こえないので、これだけ意識してみてください。
6:15 So even though I had to leave here, I didn’t feel like doing that.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 上司の決断に不服だったが、それを受け入れることなしに、プロジェクトを始めることはできないとわかっていた。だから彼の決断に賛成のふりをした。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I have visited my grand parents for the first time in ten years. They were really kind to me and did a lot of things for me, and I really enjoyed being with them. So even though I had to leave here, I didn’t feel like doing that.
2) I wasn’t satisfied with my boss’s decision, but I knew I couldn’t start the project without accepting it. So I pretended to agree with it.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. That’s great idea, isn’t it? I think it is really easy and it is worth doing. Why don’t try to change your point of view about time a little?
43) We ran out of luck.
44) It turns out that he hasn’t finished his work yet.
45) My mother blamed me for getting into trouble.
46) No matter what you say, I won’t change my mind.
47) We can’t afford to travel overseas so often anymore.
48) I suddenly felt like eating pizza.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I visited my grandparents’ for the first time in 10 years. They treated me very well and I had so much fun during my stay. I wanted to do so much more with them so leaving their place was very sad.
2) The decision my boss made wasn’t what I had expected, and I wasn’t satisfied at all. But I knew that if I didn’t accept it, the project wouldn’t proceed, so I pretended to be okay with it.
最初の文なのですが、時間の流れを考えると、I have visited~は I visited~にしてもよいかもしれません^^
but I knew the project wouldn’t move on/proceed …
Nice speech!
2:05 What should I do if I run out of ideas?
ちょっと細かいのですが “of”があまり聞こえないので、これだけ意識してみてください。
6:15 So even though I had to leave here, I didn’t feel like doing that.
Day 34 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) もしあなたが、仕事が嫌なのにやらなければならないと思っているなら、何かあなたが楽しめる仕事を探すべきだと思う。そうした状態にいることは、仕事やあなた自身にとっても良くない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I couldn’t go home for about three months because of my business trip, but I am going to be able to go home next week. My wife always told me my children were looking forward to seeing me. It gave me a lot of motivation to work hard.
2) If you think that even though you don’t like your work, you have to do, I think you should look for another job you can enjoy to do. Staying in such a situation isn’t good for the work and yourself.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why do you think your relationship with the other mothers isn’t going well?
2) How often do you have to participate in events?
3) Do you have any good friends among them?
43) There is no choice but to follow his order.
44) Is there something wrong with your cell phone?
45) Make sure to call me when you’re done.
46) He hasn’t changed his mind about leaving the company.
47) He wanted coffee instead of tea.
48) He was nervous about meeting you in person.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I’ve been away on a business trip for almost 3 months and I can finally return home next week. My wife has been telling me how the children are so excited for the day I return, and this has kept me motivated all this time.
2) If you are doing your current job just because you have to and not because you really want to, it won’t be any good for yourself or your work. I think it’s better to find a job that you can enjoy.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) もしあなたが、仕事が嫌なのにやらなければならないと思っているなら、何かあなたが楽しめる仕事を探すべきだと思う。そうした状態にいることは、仕事やあなた自身にとっても良くない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I couldn’t go home for about three months because of my business trip, but I am going to be able to go home next week. My wife always told me my children were looking forward to seeing me. It gave me a lot of motivation to work hard.
2) If you think that even though you don’t like your work, you have to do, I think you should look for another job you can enjoy to do. Staying in such a situation isn’t good for the work and yourself.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why do you think your relationship with the other mothers isn’t going well?
2) How often do you have to participate in events?
3) Do you have any good friends among them?
43) There is no choice but to follow his order.
44) Is there something wrong with your cell phone?
45) Make sure to call me when you’re done.
46) He hasn’t changed his mind about leaving the company.
47) He wanted coffee instead of tea.
48) He was nervous about meeting you in person.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I’ve been away on a business trip for almost 3 months and I can finally return home next week. My wife has been telling me how the children are so excited for the day I return, and this has kept me motivated all this time.
2) If you are doing your current job just because you have to and not because you really want to, it won’t be any good for yourself or your work. I think it’s better to find a job that you can enjoy.
Day 32 回答例
43) The library is the perfect place to concentrate on homework.
44) He is rich but he isn’t satisfied with his life.
45) She tried to figure it out without any help.
46) She never complains about anything.
47) Who is in charge of the meeting today?
48) He is always concerned about many issues.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She is pretty, but she tends to completely change her attitude towards men. She is normally very selfish and self-centered but when she is talking to men she finds attractive, she is extremely nice. That’s why she can never make real friends.
2) I didn’t feel like studying for the exam, so I didn’t even look through the textbook. I normally pay attention to the lessons so I thought I would do okay even without studying. But the exam was way more difficult than I had imagined and I couldn’t answer any of the questions.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 試験のための勉強をする気になれなかったので、テキストを見ることすらしなかった。ふだんはレッスンに集中しているので、試験勉強せずに良い点をとれると思っていた。しかし、予想以上に試験がむずかしかったので、結果は本当にひどかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She is beautiful, but tends to suddenly change her attitude to men. She is usually selfish and never thinks about others’feeling. But she is very kind to her favorite men. That’s why she can’t have real friends.
2) I didn’t feel like studying for the test, so I didn’t even look through the textbook. I usually concentrate on the lesson, so I thought I could get a good score without studying for the test. But it was more difficult than I expected, so the result was really bad.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
When you promise to get together, why don’t you try to be very late just like her? Even though she is in Japan, it seems she never tries to change her managing time. She is always very late, so I think you should show up late.
I wasn’t able to answer even one of the questions.
Some cultures are instilled so deep in us that are sometimes very hard to change.
It’s good that you’ve said this, because I think, especially when cultural difference is involved, we don’t really have to change people but just find out a way that can work well for both sides^^
2:35 文の構成や単語の読み方のせいでつっかかる、ということもなく、とてもスムーズでした。
4:05 ちょっと細かいのですが、instead of~以下ですので、instead of throwing it away?の、throwingを意識なさるとよいかと思います!
6:40 置き換えの、 I usually concentrate on the lesson, ~
43) The library is the perfect place to concentrate on homework.
44) He is rich but he isn’t satisfied with his life.
45) She tried to figure it out without any help.
46) She never complains about anything.
47) Who is in charge of the meeting today?
48) He is always concerned about many issues.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She is pretty, but she tends to completely change her attitude towards men. She is normally very selfish and self-centered but when she is talking to men she finds attractive, she is extremely nice. That’s why she can never make real friends.
2) I didn’t feel like studying for the exam, so I didn’t even look through the textbook. I normally pay attention to the lessons so I thought I would do okay even without studying. But the exam was way more difficult than I had imagined and I couldn’t answer any of the questions.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 試験のための勉強をする気になれなかったので、テキストを見ることすらしなかった。ふだんはレッスンに集中しているので、試験勉強せずに良い点をとれると思っていた。しかし、予想以上に試験がむずかしかったので、結果は本当にひどかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She is beautiful, but tends to suddenly change her attitude to men. She is usually selfish and never thinks about others’feeling. But she is very kind to her favorite men. That’s why she can’t have real friends.
2) I didn’t feel like studying for the test, so I didn’t even look through the textbook. I usually concentrate on the lesson, so I thought I could get a good score without studying for the test. But it was more difficult than I expected, so the result was really bad.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
When you promise to get together, why don’t you try to be very late just like her? Even though she is in Japan, it seems she never tries to change her managing time. She is always very late, so I think you should show up late.
I wasn’t able to answer even one of the questions.
Some cultures are instilled so deep in us that are sometimes very hard to change.
It’s good that you’ve said this, because I think, especially when cultural difference is involved, we don’t really have to change people but just find out a way that can work well for both sides^^
2:35 文の構成や単語の読み方のせいでつっかかる、ということもなく、とてもスムーズでした。
4:05 ちょっと細かいのですが、instead of~以下ですので、instead of throwing it away?の、throwingを意識なさるとよいかと思います!
6:40 置き換えの、 I usually concentrate on the lesson, ~
french daily exercise Day 04
Warm up
1) ランチを食べるつもりです
2) この辺にATMはありますか?
3) わたしは妹を待っている
1) Je vais dejeuner.
2) Y-a-il un guichet pres d'ici?
3) J'attends mon soeur.
4) J'ai peur pour elle.
5)Ils on parle de la réunion d'hier.
1) ランチを食べるつもりです
2) この辺にATMはありますか?
3) わたしは妹を待っている
1) Je vais dejeuner.
2) Y-a-il un guichet pres d'ici?
3) J'attends mon soeur.
4) J'ai peur pour elle.
5)Ils on parle de la réunion d'hier.
french daily exercise Day 03
Warm up
1) 帰宅しなければならない
4)J-pop 音楽を聴く
1) Je dois rentrer chez moi.
2) Ou est la gare?
3) Je m'amuse a regarder des films.
4) J'ecoute de la musique J-pop.
5) Il y a un livre sur la table.
1) 帰宅しなければならない
4)J-pop 音楽を聴く
1) Je dois rentrer chez moi.
2) Ou est la gare?
3) Je m'amuse a regarder des films.
4) J'ecoute de la musique J-pop.
5) Il y a un livre sur la table.
French daily exercise Day 02
Warm up
1) ランチを食べましたか。
2) 家に帰ってもいいですか?
3) 私は友人を探しています。
4) 私はこの本に興味があります。
5) 料理が得意です。
Avez-vous fini de déjeuner?
Je peux rentrer chez moi?
Je cherche mon ami.
Je m'intéresse a ce livre.
Je suis bonne cuisinière.
2) 家に帰ってもいいですか?
3) 私は友人を探しています。
4) 私はこの本に興味があります。
5) 料理が得意です。
Avez-vous fini de déjeuner?
Je peux rentrer chez moi?
Je cherche mon ami.
Je m'intéresse a ce livre.
Je suis bonne cuisinière.
Day 31 回答例
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 健康的で良い食べ物をいつも食べるようにしているが、とても忙しいときや空腹のときは、考えずにジャンクフードを食べがちだ。どうすればこの生活スタイルをうまく変えられるだろうか?
2) 彼女と別れたので、わたしは自分をコントロールできなかった。数日間、なにもする気分になれなかった。日がたつにつれて、だんだん気持ちが穏やかになってきた。今は彼女のこともすべて忘れることができた。わたしを元気付けてくれた友人たちに感謝している。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I always try to eat heathy and good food. But when i am very busy or hungry, I tend to eat jank food without thinking. How can I change my lifestyle easily?
2) I broke up with her, so I was out of control. I didn’t feel like doing anything for a few days. As days passed by, I gradually got calm. Now I was able to forget everything of her. I really feel thankful to my friends because they cheered me up.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Do you sometimes think Japanese people are too strict with time?
2) How long can you wait for someone at least?
3) Do you think she should manage time well?
2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 健康的で良い食べ物をいつも食べるようにしているが、とても忙しいときや空腹のときは、考えずにジャンクフードを食べがちだ。どうすればこの生活スタイルをうまく変えられるだろうか?
2) 彼女と別れたので、わたしは自分をコントロールできなかった。数日間、なにもする気分になれなかった。日がたつにつれて、だんだん気持ちが穏やかになってきた。今は彼女のこともすべて忘れることができた。わたしを元気付けてくれた友人たちに感謝している。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I always try to eat heathy and good food. But when i am very busy or hungry, I tend to eat jank food without thinking. How can I change my lifestyle easily?
2) I broke up with her, so I was out of control. I didn’t feel like doing anything for a few days. As days passed by, I gradually got calm. Now I was able to forget everything of her. I really feel thankful to my friends because they cheered me up.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Do you sometimes think Japanese people are too strict with time?
2) How long can you wait for someone at least?
3) Do you think she should manage time well?
43) Sooner or later our boss will know the truth.
44) I don’t think we should leave her alone.
45) By the time we realized, there was nothing we could do.
46) I should have known better than to ignore her advice.
47) It’s worth giving it a try.
48) Do you have any idea where you left your bag?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I always try to remember to eat healthy and nutritious food, but when I’m very busy or hungry it just slips from my mind and I end up eating junk food. How can I change my diet without pushing myself too hard?
2) I broke up with my girlfriend and I wasn’t able to do things as I normally would. I didn’t feel like doing anything for a several days but as days passed, my heart healed. Now I have completely forgotten about it and I’m thankful that my friends cheered me up.
lifestyle は、食生活を含めた生活習慣全般を指すので、食生活は diet で表現すると
I broke up with her ⇒ 文頭でもあるので、ここでの「彼女」は「彼氏・彼女」の「彼女」と
捉えて表現すると、更に分かりやすくなりそうです ^^
I gradually got calm. Now I was able to forget everything of her.
⇒ gradually は続いている状況が、また now という言葉は今現在に繋がっていることが
I was gradually getting calm. Now I have forgotten everything about her. のようにすると
上手く表現出来そうです ^^
0:59 something is が something’s と、繋がり方がとてもナチュラルで素晴しかったです!
2:48 26) とてもナチュラルに抑揚が付いて、で良かったです♪
5:57 45) 少し考えてしまいましたね ^^ 表現を確認して、重ねて練習してみましょう☆
6:45 1) 1文目、滑らかでとても良かったです!
2) I broke up with my girlfriend and I wasn’t able to do things as I normally would. I didn’t feel like doing anything for a several days but as days passed, my heart healed. Now I have completely forgotten about it and I’m thankful that my friends cheered me up.
lifestyle は、食生活を含めた生活習慣全般を指すので、食生活は diet で表現すると
I broke up with her ⇒ 文頭でもあるので、ここでの「彼女」は「彼氏・彼女」の「彼女」と
捉えて表現すると、更に分かりやすくなりそうです ^^
I gradually got calm. Now I was able to forget everything of her.
⇒ gradually は続いている状況が、また now という言葉は今現在に繋がっていることが
I was gradually getting calm. Now I have forgotten everything about her. のようにすると
上手く表現出来そうです ^^
0:59 something is が something’s と、繋がり方がとてもナチュラルで素晴しかったです!
2:48 26) とてもナチュラルに抑揚が付いて、で良かったです♪
5:57 45) 少し考えてしまいましたね ^^ 表現を確認して、重ねて練習してみましょう☆
6:45 1) 1文目、滑らかでとても良かったです!
French daily exercise Day 01
Warm Up
2) 彼女はどこにいるの?
3) どこに行きたいですか?
4) そこには、病院があります。
5) 早く食べるのは私には困難です。
2) 彼女はどこにいるの?
3) どこに行きたいですか?
4) そこには、病院があります。
5) 早く食べるのは私には困難です。
1) Puis-je voir la carte?
2) Où est-elle?
3) Où voulez-vous aller?
4) Il y a un hôpital.
5).Il est difficile pour moi de manger rapidement.2017年11月22日水曜日
Day 30 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 友人の彼氏とは直接会ったことがないが、彼女は彼のことをけっこうわたしに話してくれている。彼は記念日やイベントを決して忘れないことも知っている。そんな素敵な彼氏がいて、わたしは彼女がうらやましい。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I am going to go abroad for two weeks next month. I haven’t stayed in other countries during such a long period so far. And I am going to stay at a place I have never been to. So I have to prepare for every situation.
2) Even though I have never met my friend’s boyfriend in person, she often tells me about him. I know he never forgets the momerial days and events. She has such a nice boyfriend. I am really jealous to her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Mia. I also think it is really good idea to have a small welcome party! No matter how shy she is, I guess she wants to make friends with her co-workers. I hope it will be good chance to communicate with each other.
43) I have no choice but to cancel our date tonight.
44) Something is wrong with this machine.
45) Make sure you wear something appropriate for the party.
46) It seems like the boss changed his mind.
47) Why don’t you recycle it instead of throwing it away?
48) He is more handsome in person.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Next month, I am going overseas for 2 weeks. Not only have I never been out of the country for so long, but I’m also staying in a place I’ve never been to before. So I have to prepare for the trip without leaving anything out.
2) I’ve never met my friend’s boyfriend in person but I’ve heard a lot about him from her. So I know that he never misses anniversaries or events. I envy her for dating such a great guy.
I haven’t stayed in other countries during such a long period so far.
⇒ during は特定の期間を表現する言葉なので、ここでは for を使うとしっくりきそうです ^^
また最後の so far は無い方が自然です♪
1:11 13) 滑らかに発話されていて、とても良かったです♪
3:34 Who is ~ ⇒ Who’s ~ のように、語を繋げた発話を少しずつ癖付けして行きましょう!^^
5:04 45) 発話しにくい文ですね >_< 何度か発話を繰り返してみましょう♪
6:07 periodが「ペリオド」と聞こえてきましたが、「ピィリオド」のような、「ペ」と「ピ」
の間の音のようなイメージで発音すると、ナチュラルな音に近づきそうです ^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 友人の彼氏とは直接会ったことがないが、彼女は彼のことをけっこうわたしに話してくれている。彼は記念日やイベントを決して忘れないことも知っている。そんな素敵な彼氏がいて、わたしは彼女がうらやましい。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I am going to go abroad for two weeks next month. I haven’t stayed in other countries during such a long period so far. And I am going to stay at a place I have never been to. So I have to prepare for every situation.
2) Even though I have never met my friend’s boyfriend in person, she often tells me about him. I know he never forgets the momerial days and events. She has such a nice boyfriend. I am really jealous to her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Mia. I also think it is really good idea to have a small welcome party! No matter how shy she is, I guess she wants to make friends with her co-workers. I hope it will be good chance to communicate with each other.
43) I have no choice but to cancel our date tonight.
44) Something is wrong with this machine.
45) Make sure you wear something appropriate for the party.
46) It seems like the boss changed his mind.
47) Why don’t you recycle it instead of throwing it away?
48) He is more handsome in person.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Next month, I am going overseas for 2 weeks. Not only have I never been out of the country for so long, but I’m also staying in a place I’ve never been to before. So I have to prepare for the trip without leaving anything out.
2) I’ve never met my friend’s boyfriend in person but I’ve heard a lot about him from her. So I know that he never misses anniversaries or events. I envy her for dating such a great guy.
I haven’t stayed in other countries during such a long period so far.
⇒ during は特定の期間を表現する言葉なので、ここでは for を使うとしっくりきそうです ^^
また最後の so far は無い方が自然です♪
1:11 13) 滑らかに発話されていて、とても良かったです♪
3:34 Who is ~ ⇒ Who’s ~ のように、語を繋げた発話を少しずつ癖付けして行きましょう!^^
5:04 45) 発話しにくい文ですね >_< 何度か発話を繰り返してみましょう♪
6:07 periodが「ペリオド」と聞こえてきましたが、「ピィリオド」のような、「ペ」と「ピ」
の間の音のようなイメージで発音すると、ナチュラルな音に近づきそうです ^^
Day 29 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 将来なにになりたいかわからなかったので、いろいろな仕事について検討してみた。そして結果的に教師になりたいのだとわかった。
2) 今日は友人たちと素敵なカフェでランチを食べた。そして、ずっと見たかった映画を見た。結果的にその映画はすばらしくて、とてもパワーをもらった。夕方には、家族と一緒に素敵なレストランで美味しい夕食を食べた。今日は充実した日だった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I had no idea what I would like to be in the future, so I tried considering about different jobs. And It turned out that I wanted to become a teacher.
2) Today I had lunch with my friends at a nice cafe. Then I watched a movie I always wanted to. It turned out it was very good and gave me a lot of power. I had good dinner with my family at a nice restaurant in the evening. It was really enjoyable today.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you start with greetings? No matter how shy she is, or even though her Japanese isn’t fluent, greetings will make her feel relieved. I think when you say hello, good morning, how are you doing and good-bye, that’s very good chance for you to talk with her! Try doing that!
43) What should I do if I run out of ideas?
44) I hope things will turn out well.
45) She blamed me for telling her secret to everyone.
46) No matter how long it takes, I will finish it.
47) You should save money when you can afford to.
48) I didn’t feel like calling him back.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I didn’t know what I wanted to be in the future so I thought very carefully and looked up every detail about all kinds of jobs. That’s how I finally came to a conclusion that I really want to be a teacher.
2) Today I had lunch with my friends at a nice cafe. After that, I went to catch a movie that I’ve been wanting to see which turned out to be a wonderful inspiring story. In the evening, my family and I gathered at a nice restaurant and had a delicious dinner. Today was such a satisfying day and there was nothing missing.
It turned out it was very good and gave me a lot of power.
⇒ 課題文の日本語表現が、少しわかりにくいような気もするのですが、
It turned out to be wonderful and cheerful story. のように表現しても良いかもしれません ^^
Greetings with a BIG smile always helps us to start getting know each other. :-D
0:27 5) 感情が入っていて、とても自然な発話でした♪
3:00 wanted が、若干 warned のように聞こえてきましたので、発音を確認してみましょう☆
4:43 42) イントネーション抜群で、素晴しい発話でした! Lovely!
5:53 一文目が、3語くらいずつ途切れ途切れのように聞こえてきましたので、滑らかに
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 将来なにになりたいかわからなかったので、いろいろな仕事について検討してみた。そして結果的に教師になりたいのだとわかった。
2) 今日は友人たちと素敵なカフェでランチを食べた。そして、ずっと見たかった映画を見た。結果的にその映画はすばらしくて、とてもパワーをもらった。夕方には、家族と一緒に素敵なレストランで美味しい夕食を食べた。今日は充実した日だった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I had no idea what I would like to be in the future, so I tried considering about different jobs. And It turned out that I wanted to become a teacher.
2) Today I had lunch with my friends at a nice cafe. Then I watched a movie I always wanted to. It turned out it was very good and gave me a lot of power. I had good dinner with my family at a nice restaurant in the evening. It was really enjoyable today.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you start with greetings? No matter how shy she is, or even though her Japanese isn’t fluent, greetings will make her feel relieved. I think when you say hello, good morning, how are you doing and good-bye, that’s very good chance for you to talk with her! Try doing that!
43) What should I do if I run out of ideas?
44) I hope things will turn out well.
45) She blamed me for telling her secret to everyone.
46) No matter how long it takes, I will finish it.
47) You should save money when you can afford to.
48) I didn’t feel like calling him back.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I didn’t know what I wanted to be in the future so I thought very carefully and looked up every detail about all kinds of jobs. That’s how I finally came to a conclusion that I really want to be a teacher.
2) Today I had lunch with my friends at a nice cafe. After that, I went to catch a movie that I’ve been wanting to see which turned out to be a wonderful inspiring story. In the evening, my family and I gathered at a nice restaurant and had a delicious dinner. Today was such a satisfying day and there was nothing missing.
It turned out it was very good and gave me a lot of power.
⇒ 課題文の日本語表現が、少しわかりにくいような気もするのですが、
It turned out to be wonderful and cheerful story. のように表現しても良いかもしれません ^^
Greetings with a BIG smile always helps us to start getting know each other. :-D
0:27 5) 感情が入っていて、とても自然な発話でした♪
3:00 wanted が、若干 warned のように聞こえてきましたので、発音を確認してみましょう☆
4:43 42) イントネーション抜群で、素晴しい発話でした! Lovely!
5:53 一文目が、3語くらいずつ途切れ途切れのように聞こえてきましたので、滑らかに
Day 28 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人のフランス語は流暢なのに、それを使うことに興味がないようだ。彼女が望めば、フランスで働けるだろうと思うが、なぜそうしないのかわからない。
2) 彼女は友人の結婚パーティに白いドレスを着て行った。彼女は着るべきではなかったし、もっとよく考えるべきだった。わたしは絶対、わたしの結婚式にきてもらいたくない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend’s french is very fluent, but it doesn’t sound like she is interested in using it. I think that she will be able to work in France if she wants. I have no idea why she feels like not doing that.
2) My friend wore a white dress for her friend’s wedding party. She shouldn’t have worn it and should have considered about that. I will never want her to come to my wedding.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When did she start working?
2) How come do you want to get to know her?
3) Without talking with anyone, does she work well?
43) You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.
44) Were you satisfied with that hotel’s service?
45) He tried to figure out the answer.
46) Is there something that you want to complain about?
47) Who is going to be in charge of the next project?
48) You should be concerned about your future.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend can speak French so fluently, but she says she isn’t interested in using it. I think it’s such a waste because she has the ability to work in France if she wants to.
2) She wore a white dress to her friend’s wedding party. She should have thought about where she was going and worn something more appropriate. I am certainly not inviting her to my wedding.
「宝の持ち腐れ」そのもののイメージががあまり入っていないのが少し気になりますので、It’s such a waste.「もったいない」などの表現を付け足してもよいと思いますよ^^
こちら、How come you want to~という流れになります。
How comeの後は疑問文の流れではなく、平叙文の流れで文を続けますので注意です!
6:15 I have no idea why she feels like not doing that.
こちら最終的に良い流れで言えていましたが、have no idea why~や、feel like~は結構使う表現でぜひ慣れていただきたいですので、
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人のフランス語は流暢なのに、それを使うことに興味がないようだ。彼女が望めば、フランスで働けるだろうと思うが、なぜそうしないのかわからない。
2) 彼女は友人の結婚パーティに白いドレスを着て行った。彼女は着るべきではなかったし、もっとよく考えるべきだった。わたしは絶対、わたしの結婚式にきてもらいたくない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend’s french is very fluent, but it doesn’t sound like she is interested in using it. I think that she will be able to work in France if she wants. I have no idea why she feels like not doing that.
2) My friend wore a white dress for her friend’s wedding party. She shouldn’t have worn it and should have considered about that. I will never want her to come to my wedding.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When did she start working?
2) How come do you want to get to know her?
3) Without talking with anyone, does she work well?
43) You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.
44) Were you satisfied with that hotel’s service?
45) He tried to figure out the answer.
46) Is there something that you want to complain about?
47) Who is going to be in charge of the next project?
48) You should be concerned about your future.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend can speak French so fluently, but she says she isn’t interested in using it. I think it’s such a waste because she has the ability to work in France if she wants to.
2) She wore a white dress to her friend’s wedding party. She should have thought about where she was going and worn something more appropriate. I am certainly not inviting her to my wedding.
「宝の持ち腐れ」そのもののイメージががあまり入っていないのが少し気になりますので、It’s such a waste.「もったいない」などの表現を付け足してもよいと思いますよ^^
こちら、How come you want to~という流れになります。
How comeの後は疑問文の流れではなく、平叙文の流れで文を続けますので注意です!
6:15 I have no idea why she feels like not doing that.
こちら最終的に良い流れで言えていましたが、have no idea why~や、feel like~は結構使う表現でぜひ慣れていただきたいですので、
Day 27 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) スイーツが大好きなので、食べるのをやめるのは、わたしにとってとても困難だった。ダイエットをする決心をしたとき、もっともつらかったのは、運動をすることではなく、スイーツを食べることをやめることだった。
2) 息子が初めて海外旅行に行った。彼の安全がとても心配だった。彼が電話してくるまで、心配しすぎて寝ることができなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I really liked sweets, so it was very hard for to stop eating them. When I decided to do a diet, the hardest thing was not doing exercises but stopping eating sweets.
2)My son travelled abroad for the first time. I was very concerned about his safety. Until he called me, I was too worried to sleep.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Lucas. The most important thing is that you should encourage them to start doing their chores. I also think it is really good to praise them and tell them how thankful you are. If you can change your point of view, I am sure they will help around the house little by little.
43) We’re going to run out of food sooner or later.
44) Could you leave us alone for a while?
45) It will be dark by the time she gets here.
46) You should know better than to walk away.
47) Was it worth paying for the show?
48) Do you have any idea when she will be back?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) It’s very hard for me to keep myself from eating sweets, because I love them very much. So when I decided to go on a diet, the most toughest thing for me wasn’t the exercise, but not being able to eat sweets.
2) I was so concerned about my son’s safety because he was on a trip overseas alone for the first time. I couldn’t stay calm or even sleep until he finally called home.
1)I really liked sweets, so it was very hard for to stop eating them. When I decided to do a diet, the hardest thing was not doing exercises but stopping eating sweets.
1)Very good! しっかり置き換えられています!
so it was very hard for to stop
for meとなさるとgood!
1:50 こちらちょっと文が複雑でしたが、表現に慣れておられるようでさらっと言えていますね。
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) スイーツが大好きなので、食べるのをやめるのは、わたしにとってとても困難だった。ダイエットをする決心をしたとき、もっともつらかったのは、運動をすることではなく、スイーツを食べることをやめることだった。
2) 息子が初めて海外旅行に行った。彼の安全がとても心配だった。彼が電話してくるまで、心配しすぎて寝ることができなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I really liked sweets, so it was very hard for to stop eating them. When I decided to do a diet, the hardest thing was not doing exercises but stopping eating sweets.
2)My son travelled abroad for the first time. I was very concerned about his safety. Until he called me, I was too worried to sleep.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Lucas. The most important thing is that you should encourage them to start doing their chores. I also think it is really good to praise them and tell them how thankful you are. If you can change your point of view, I am sure they will help around the house little by little.
43) We’re going to run out of food sooner or later.
44) Could you leave us alone for a while?
45) It will be dark by the time she gets here.
46) You should know better than to walk away.
47) Was it worth paying for the show?
48) Do you have any idea when she will be back?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) It’s very hard for me to keep myself from eating sweets, because I love them very much. So when I decided to go on a diet, the most toughest thing for me wasn’t the exercise, but not being able to eat sweets.
2) I was so concerned about my son’s safety because he was on a trip overseas alone for the first time. I couldn’t stay calm or even sleep until he finally called home.
1)I really liked sweets, so it was very hard for to stop eating them. When I decided to do a diet, the hardest thing was not doing exercises but stopping eating sweets.
1)Very good! しっかり置き換えられています!
so it was very hard for to stop
for meとなさるとgood!
1:50 こちらちょっと文が複雑でしたが、表現に慣れておられるようでさらっと言えていますね。
Day 26 回答例
43) I have no choice but to get rid of it.
44) Something is wrong with my husband lately.
45) I just wanted to make sure.
46) I’ve changed my mind about going to the party.
47) I want to stay home tonight instead of going out.
48) I want to apologize to her in person.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I like her very much, but she is so perfect and everyone admires her. I think I can never make her my girlfriend because I haven’t even got a chance to talk to her.
2) The plan for the project changes so rapidly that I can’t keep up with it. I’m trying so hard, but my work often becomes useless because the plan has already changed again.
so all the effort that I’ve made will be a waste again.
毎日の練習が確実に力になっていますよ^^ 本当に良くなっています。
3:35 中盤になってもよく言葉が出てきています。
5:30 置き換えエクササイズもとてもよかったです^^
43) I have no choice but to get rid of it.
44) Something is wrong with my husband lately.
45) I just wanted to make sure.
46) I’ve changed my mind about going to the party.
47) I want to stay home tonight instead of going out.
48) I want to apologize to her in person.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I like her very much, but she is so perfect and everyone admires her. I think I can never make her my girlfriend because I haven’t even got a chance to talk to her.
2) The plan for the project changes so rapidly that I can’t keep up with it. I’m trying so hard, but my work often becomes useless because the plan has already changed again.
so all the effort that I’ve made will be a waste again.
毎日の練習が確実に力になっていますよ^^ 本当に良くなっています。
3:35 中盤になってもよく言葉が出てきています。
5:30 置き換えエクササイズもとてもよかったです^^
159話 ②
– P2 : Bonjour. Je vais vous prendre une bruyère.
– V : Oui. Celle-là ?
– P2 : Par exemple, celle-ci.
– V : Ou celle-là ? Ouais. Vous voulez un petit
papier autour ?
– P2 : Non.
– V : Arrosez-la peut-être un petit peu maintenant,
et après c'est bon. Il va pleuvoir.
– P2 : D'accord.
– V : Bonne journée.
– P2 : Merci bien. À vous aussi, au revoir.
– V : Merci. Au revoir.
- P2 : こんにちは。ヒースを頂けますか?
- V : はい、こちらでよろしいでしょうか?
P2 : 例えば、これとか。
- V : こちら?はい。お包みしましょうか?
P2 : 大丈夫です。
- V : 今、少しだけ水をやってください。あとは雨
- P2 : わかりました。
- V : よい一日を。
- P2 : ありがとうございます。あなたも。さよう
- V : ありがとうございます。さようなら。
– P2 : Bonjour. Je vais vous prendre une bruyère.
– V : Oui. Celle-là ?
– P2 : Par exemple, celle-ci.
– V : Ou celle-là ? Ouais. Vous voulez un petit
papier autour ?
– P2 : Non.
– V : Arrosez-la peut-être un petit peu maintenant,
et après c'est bon. Il va pleuvoir.
– P2 : D'accord.
– V : Bonne journée.
– P2 : Merci bien. À vous aussi, au revoir.
– V : Merci. Au revoir.
- P2 : こんにちは。ヒースを頂けますか?
- V : はい、こちらでよろしいでしょうか?
P2 : 例えば、これとか。
- V : こちら?はい。お包みしましょうか?
P2 : 大丈夫です。
- V : 今、少しだけ水をやってください。あとは雨
- P2 : わかりました。
- V : よい一日を。
- P2 : ありがとうございます。あなたも。さよう
- V : ありがとうございます。さようなら。
159話 ① フランスの年行事・諸聖人の日を祝う
– A : Nous voici arrivés à la Toussaint. Donc nous
sommes au début du mois de novembre. Nous
sommes au coeur de l'automne. Et c'est le moment
choisi par les Français pour honorer les défunts et
fleurir les sépultures. Et nous sommes venus
aujourd'hui au cimetière de Montparnasse.
- A : トゥーサン(諸聖人の日)になりました。
– A : Bonjour.
– P1 : Bonjour.
– A : Alors dites-moi, vous êtes venu ici au
cimetière Montparnasse.
– P1 : Montparnasse.
– A : Pour la Toussaint ?
– P1 : Absolument.
– A : D'accord. Est-ce que vous venez chaque
année ?
– P1 : Je viens chaque année fleurir la tombe de
mes parents, oui.
– A : D'accord. Et euh, c'est une tradition que vous
avez euh... vous... ?
– P1 : Ben c'est une tradition, absolument, oui.
– A : D'accord.
– P1 : Le jour de la Toussaint, on fleurit la tombe
de ses ancêtres.
– A : Donc c'est toujours le premier euh...
– P1 : Toujours le premier novembre.
– A : Très bien. Merci beaucoup.
– P1 : Je vous en prie.
– A : Il s'agit d'un moment assez intime, donc on
va quand même éviter de... de rentrer dans le
cimetière aujourd'hui.
- A : こんにちは。
- P1 : こんにちは。
- A : モンパルナス墓地に行くのですか?
- P1 : モンパルナスですね。
- A : トゥーサンだからですか?
- P1 : もちろん。
- A : なるほど。毎年来るのですか?
- P1 : 両親のお墓に毎年、花を供えに来ています。
- A : なるほど。それはあなたの家庭では伝統的
- P1 : はい、そうです。
- A : なるほど。
- P1 : トゥーサンの日になると、祖先の墓に花を
- A : つまり、それは毎年1日に…。
- P1 : 毎年11月1日です。
- A : そうですか。ありがとうございます。
- P1 : どういたしまして。
- A : とてもプライベートな時間ということです
– A : Nous voici arrivés à la Toussaint. Donc nous
sommes au début du mois de novembre. Nous
sommes au coeur de l'automne. Et c'est le moment
choisi par les Français pour honorer les défunts et
fleurir les sépultures. Et nous sommes venus
aujourd'hui au cimetière de Montparnasse.
- A : トゥーサン(諸聖人の日)になりました。
– A : Bonjour.
– P1 : Bonjour.
– A : Alors dites-moi, vous êtes venu ici au
cimetière Montparnasse.
– P1 : Montparnasse.
– A : Pour la Toussaint ?
– P1 : Absolument.
– A : D'accord. Est-ce que vous venez chaque
année ?
– P1 : Je viens chaque année fleurir la tombe de
mes parents, oui.
– A : D'accord. Et euh, c'est une tradition que vous
avez euh... vous... ?
– P1 : Ben c'est une tradition, absolument, oui.
– A : D'accord.
– P1 : Le jour de la Toussaint, on fleurit la tombe
de ses ancêtres.
– A : Donc c'est toujours le premier euh...
– P1 : Toujours le premier novembre.
– A : Très bien. Merci beaucoup.
– P1 : Je vous en prie.
– A : Il s'agit d'un moment assez intime, donc on
va quand même éviter de... de rentrer dans le
cimetière aujourd'hui.
- A : こんにちは。
- P1 : こんにちは。
- A : モンパルナス墓地に行くのですか?
- P1 : モンパルナスですね。
- A : トゥーサンだからですか?
- P1 : もちろん。
- A : なるほど。毎年来るのですか?
- P1 : 両親のお墓に毎年、花を供えに来ています。
- A : なるほど。それはあなたの家庭では伝統的
- P1 : はい、そうです。
- A : なるほど。
- P1 : トゥーサンの日になると、祖先の墓に花を
- A : つまり、それは毎年1日に…。
- P1 : 毎年11月1日です。
- A : そうですか。ありがとうございます。
- P1 : どういたしまして。
- A : とてもプライベートな時間ということです
Day 25 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 姉はわたしよりも頭が良かったので、わたしはいつも引け目を感じていた。しかし、勉強を一生懸命やって、彼女よりいい大学に入った。今は彼女に感謝している。わたしにモチベーションを与えてくれたからだ。
2) 意味のない会議に出るのはうんざりなので、仕事を変えることについて真剣に考えている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My older sister was smarter than I. So I always felt inferior to her. But I really studied hard, and entered better college than she. Now I feel very thankful to her because she gave me a lot of motivation.
2) I am really tired of attending meaningless meetings, so I think seriously about changing my job.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When they are at home, what do they mostly spend doing?
2) When they don’t help around the house, what do you tell them?
3) Have they ever helped around the house?
43) Our car ran out of gas in the middle of the road.
44) It turned out that he didn’t like sushi at all.
45) Can you believe he is blaming me for this?
46) No matter when I call him, he picks up.
47) I cannot afford to buy it yet.
48) I didn’t feel like talking to her today.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My older sister is smarter than me so I’ve always felt that she was better than me. So I studied very hard to get into a better college than her. Now I’m thankful to her for motivating me.
2) I am tired of having all of these meetings that aren’t worth having. Everytime we have a meeting, nothing is settled and nothing changes. That’s why I’m seriously considering changing my jobs.
1:15 こちらですが、いうことなしの音読でした。
6:45 But I really studied hard, and entered better college than she.
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 姉はわたしよりも頭が良かったので、わたしはいつも引け目を感じていた。しかし、勉強を一生懸命やって、彼女よりいい大学に入った。今は彼女に感謝している。わたしにモチベーションを与えてくれたからだ。
2) 意味のない会議に出るのはうんざりなので、仕事を変えることについて真剣に考えている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My older sister was smarter than I. So I always felt inferior to her. But I really studied hard, and entered better college than she. Now I feel very thankful to her because she gave me a lot of motivation.
2) I am really tired of attending meaningless meetings, so I think seriously about changing my job.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When they are at home, what do they mostly spend doing?
2) When they don’t help around the house, what do you tell them?
3) Have they ever helped around the house?
43) Our car ran out of gas in the middle of the road.
44) It turned out that he didn’t like sushi at all.
45) Can you believe he is blaming me for this?
46) No matter when I call him, he picks up.
47) I cannot afford to buy it yet.
48) I didn’t feel like talking to her today.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My older sister is smarter than me so I’ve always felt that she was better than me. So I studied very hard to get into a better college than her. Now I’m thankful to her for motivating me.
2) I am tired of having all of these meetings that aren’t worth having. Everytime we have a meeting, nothing is settled and nothing changes. That’s why I’m seriously considering changing my jobs.
1:15 こちらですが、いうことなしの音読でした。
6:45 But I really studied hard, and entered better college than she.
Day 24 回答例
43) I will continue to concentrate on improving my English.
44) I am not satisfied with your answer.
45) How did you figure it out?
46) My husband complained about the waiter’s attitude.
47) Is your father in charge of this company?
48) Your mother was concerned about your health.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Whenever I get concerned about something, I always make sure that I try to solve it by asking people around me for advice. That way, I’ll be able to figure out a way to make the situation better much faster.
2) I couldn’t keep calm until the test results came out so I decided to watch a movie. But the movie I selected was about failing a test and it made me feel worse.
That helps me figuring out how to make the situation better more quickly.
と表現すると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
but really felt irritated ⇒ but it was really irritating meとすると、自然になります ^^
43) I will continue to concentrate on improving my English.
44) I am not satisfied with your answer.
45) How did you figure it out?
46) My husband complained about the waiter’s attitude.
47) Is your father in charge of this company?
48) Your mother was concerned about your health.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Whenever I get concerned about something, I always make sure that I try to solve it by asking people around me for advice. That way, I’ll be able to figure out a way to make the situation better much faster.
2) I couldn’t keep calm until the test results came out so I decided to watch a movie. But the movie I selected was about failing a test and it made me feel worse.
That helps me figuring out how to make the situation better more quickly.
と表現すると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
but really felt irritated ⇒ but it was really irritating meとすると、自然になります ^^
Day 23 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしは料理が苦手だったが、クッキーを自分で焼いて、だれかにあげたかった。だから料理のレッスンを受け始めた。今は料理がとても得意だし、なんでもつくれる。
2) その雑誌の記事はとてもショッキングだった。しかし、後で、その記事は嘘だとわかった。ある不正直な記者が書いたものだった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wasn’t good at cooking at all. But I wanted to bake some cookies by myself and give them to someone. So I started having cooking lessons. Now I am very good at cooking. I can cook anything very well.
2) The article in the magazine made me feel very shocked. But later it turned out the article was false. It was written by a dishonest journalist.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to listen to them more. You should try hard to communicate with them, instead of talking too a lot. If you do that, your communication ablility in french will get better and better. I am sure your french will improve and you can make them feel happy.
43) Sooner or later we will have to fix this problem.
44) He was left alone in the house.
45) Make sure to come back by the time the meeting starts.
46) You know better than to act that way.
47) This music is worth listening to.
48) I have no idea what to wear for the party.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wasn’t good at cooking at all, but I wanted to bake my boyfriend cookies by myself. That’s why I started taking cooking lessons and now I can make anything easily.
2) The article in the magazine was shocking. But later on, we all found out that the article was made up by some dishonest writer.
made me feel very shocked
⇒ I was shocked by the article と表現することが出来ますが、「ショッキング」はそのまま
The article in the magazine was shocking と表現して大丈夫です ^^
talking too a lot ⇒ talking too much とすると、自然です ^^
0:13 figure it out の繋がり方が、とても自然で奇麗でした!
3:42 36) スラスラと出てきていて、とても良かったです♪
4:50 45) 長めの文になりますが、上手に発話されていました♪
5:49 I started 以降、少し切れ切れになってしまったので、発話が流れるように練習して
みましょう ^^
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしは料理が苦手だったが、クッキーを自分で焼いて、だれかにあげたかった。だから料理のレッスンを受け始めた。今は料理がとても得意だし、なんでもつくれる。
2) その雑誌の記事はとてもショッキングだった。しかし、後で、その記事は嘘だとわかった。ある不正直な記者が書いたものだった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wasn’t good at cooking at all. But I wanted to bake some cookies by myself and give them to someone. So I started having cooking lessons. Now I am very good at cooking. I can cook anything very well.
2) The article in the magazine made me feel very shocked. But later it turned out the article was false. It was written by a dishonest journalist.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to listen to them more. You should try hard to communicate with them, instead of talking too a lot. If you do that, your communication ablility in french will get better and better. I am sure your french will improve and you can make them feel happy.
43) Sooner or later we will have to fix this problem.
44) He was left alone in the house.
45) Make sure to come back by the time the meeting starts.
46) You know better than to act that way.
47) This music is worth listening to.
48) I have no idea what to wear for the party.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wasn’t good at cooking at all, but I wanted to bake my boyfriend cookies by myself. That’s why I started taking cooking lessons and now I can make anything easily.
2) The article in the magazine was shocking. But later on, we all found out that the article was made up by some dishonest writer.
made me feel very shocked
⇒ I was shocked by the article と表現することが出来ますが、「ショッキング」はそのまま
The article in the magazine was shocking と表現して大丈夫です ^^
talking too a lot ⇒ talking too much とすると、自然です ^^
0:13 figure it out の繋がり方が、とても自然で奇麗でした!
3:42 36) スラスラと出てきていて、とても良かったです♪
4:50 45) 長めの文になりますが、上手に発話されていました♪
5:49 I started 以降、少し切れ切れになってしまったので、発話が流れるように練習して
みましょう ^^
158話 ③
– 3 : Qu'est-ce que je pense du passage à
l'heure d'hiver ? Euh... non, moi ça me plaît
– A : Ça vous plaît pas ?
– 3 : Non, parce qu'en fait, il fait nuit plus tôt.
– A : D'accord.
– 3 : Voilà, donc c'est de, voilà, les journées
sont..., bon, après, les journées raccourcissent,
mais c'est surtout ça, moi, qui me gêne. Après
le reste, bon, ça me décale pas plus que ça. Y'a
des gens, bon, je sais que ça leur... ' fin voilà,
ça... dans l'organisme, ils sont... ils sont
dérangés. Non mais, quand même, il fait nuit
plus tôt, du coup.
– A : Ouais.
– 3 : Après, j'sais même pas si ça sert à
quelque chose, j'pense, par rapport au...,
comment on appelle ça, aux économies.
– A : Energétiques ?
– 3 : Voilà, et tout. Est-ce que c'est..., parce
que finalement on utilise ben, l'électricité plus
tôt aussi dans la journée, donc voilà, quoi.
– A : Bon.
– 3 : Vous en saurez pas plus. Désolé.
– A : Merci beaucoup.
– 3 : 冬時間への移行についてどう思います
– A : 喜ばしくない?
– 3 : ええ。実際、日が暮れるのが早くなりま
– A : なるほど。
– 3 : そうですね…つまり…そう…日が短くな
– A : ええ。
– 3 : それに何の役に立つのかわわかりません
– A : エネルギーに関して?
– 3 : そうです。それは…、結局のところ私た
– A : なるほど。
– 3 : これ以上は特にないですね。ごめんなさ
– A : ありがとうございます。
① 'fn voilà, ça...
② donc voilà, quoi.
せんよね。「車」は “voiture” というとか、「94」は “quatre-vingt-quatorze” という
タ、二ホンハウツクシイデストオモイマス」 最初は違和感を感じると思います。ところ
てもらえるようになります。ちなみにフランス語で一番よく出てくるのは “Euh...” です。
「えーっと」というような感じで、言葉を探しているときなんかに使え、“Euh..., oui
mais bon 'fn...” と言っておけば、とりあえず相手のフランス人も口を挟まずに話を聞い
今回は少しだけ紹介すると、①の “'fn” はもとをただせば “enfn” です。なので、「つま
り」とか、「ということは」みたいな意味になります。②の “quoi” は訳すのが非常に難
– 3 : Qu'est-ce que je pense du passage à
l'heure d'hiver ? Euh... non, moi ça me plaît
– A : Ça vous plaît pas ?
– 3 : Non, parce qu'en fait, il fait nuit plus tôt.
– A : D'accord.
– 3 : Voilà, donc c'est de, voilà, les journées
sont..., bon, après, les journées raccourcissent,
mais c'est surtout ça, moi, qui me gêne. Après
le reste, bon, ça me décale pas plus que ça. Y'a
des gens, bon, je sais que ça leur... ' fin voilà,
ça... dans l'organisme, ils sont... ils sont
dérangés. Non mais, quand même, il fait nuit
plus tôt, du coup.
– A : Ouais.
– 3 : Après, j'sais même pas si ça sert à
quelque chose, j'pense, par rapport au...,
comment on appelle ça, aux économies.
– A : Energétiques ?
– 3 : Voilà, et tout. Est-ce que c'est..., parce
que finalement on utilise ben, l'électricité plus
tôt aussi dans la journée, donc voilà, quoi.
– A : Bon.
– 3 : Vous en saurez pas plus. Désolé.
– A : Merci beaucoup.
– 3 : 冬時間への移行についてどう思います
– A : 喜ばしくない?
– 3 : ええ。実際、日が暮れるのが早くなりま
– A : なるほど。
– 3 : そうですね…つまり…そう…日が短くな
– A : ええ。
– 3 : それに何の役に立つのかわわかりません
– A : エネルギーに関して?
– 3 : そうです。それは…、結局のところ私た
– A : なるほど。
– 3 : これ以上は特にないですね。ごめんなさ
– A : ありがとうございます。
① 'fn voilà, ça...
② donc voilà, quoi.
せんよね。「車」は “voiture” というとか、「94」は “quatre-vingt-quatorze” という
タ、二ホンハウツクシイデストオモイマス」 最初は違和感を感じると思います。ところ
てもらえるようになります。ちなみにフランス語で一番よく出てくるのは “Euh...” です。
「えーっと」というような感じで、言葉を探しているときなんかに使え、“Euh..., oui
mais bon 'fn...” と言っておけば、とりあえず相手のフランス人も口を挟まずに話を聞い
今回は少しだけ紹介すると、①の “'fn” はもとをただせば “enfn” です。なので、「つま
り」とか、「ということは」みたいな意味になります。②の “quoi” は訳すのが非常に難
Day 22 回答例
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女の人生はこれまで大変なことでいっぱいだったから、彼女は自分の人生についての本が書けるとわたしは思う。しかし、今は幸せな結婚生活をしていて、平和に暮らしている。
2) このバッグはファッショナブルで長い期間使えると思ったので買った。しかしわずか一週間後、使えなくなった。見た目は本当にファッショナブルだったが、結局、思っていたとおりのものでなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Her life has been full of hardship so far, so I think she can write a book about her life. But now she has a happy marriage and lives peacefully.
2) I thought this bag was fashionable and I could use it as long as possible.. But only one week later, it got useless. It really looked nice, but it didn’t turn out as I expected.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When you are with them, what kind of topic do you talk about?
2) While talking with you, how do they look?
3) Are they recently busy?
45) I had no choice but to wait for the next bus.
46) Is something wrong with him?
47) Make sure you don’t forget to bring anything.
48) If you change your mind, give me a call.
49) Let’s take the train instead of walking.
50) I have something to tell you in person.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) A lot of things happened in her life and she went through many difficulties. I think she could write a book about her life. Fortunately, now she is happily married and living peacefully.
2) I bought this bag because it was fashionable and looked like I could use it for years. But it broke in a week after I started using it, so it turned out that it was only the appearance that was good.
Her life has been full of hardship so far
ニュアンスになっています。 ^^
She went through many hardshipsのように表現すると、最後の
But now she has a happy marriage and lives peacefully. に自然に繋がりそうです ^^
2) 文を分けてシンプルに置き換えられているところ、良いですね!
broke で表現して大丈夫です ^^
turn out のフレーズが引き出せているところ、素晴らしいです♪ It really looked nice と
合わせることで、「見掛け倒し」が上手に表現されていますね! Well done!
4】 Communication Skill Exercise
1) When you are with them, what kind of topic do you talk about?
1) Excellent!
If they were not interested in the topics, they wouldn’t be willing to see her… pretty sad…
2) While talking with you, how do they look?
2) Great question!
I have no idea about French people, but they may want to speak English more.
3) Are they recently busy?
3) This is another good question!
It’d be possible that they’ve just been busy.
0:34 7) 抑揚がとてもナチュラルについて、良かったです♪
1:58 19) とても滑らかで、気持ちがいいですね!Beautiful!
4:05 forgetting が、若干 forget in のように聞こえてきたので、発音をもう一度
5:38 fashionable が「ファショナーボー」に近いように聞こえてきましたが、どちらかと言うと
【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女の人生はこれまで大変なことでいっぱいだったから、彼女は自分の人生についての本が書けるとわたしは思う。しかし、今は幸せな結婚生活をしていて、平和に暮らしている。
2) このバッグはファッショナブルで長い期間使えると思ったので買った。しかしわずか一週間後、使えなくなった。見た目は本当にファッショナブルだったが、結局、思っていたとおりのものでなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Her life has been full of hardship so far, so I think she can write a book about her life. But now she has a happy marriage and lives peacefully.
2) I thought this bag was fashionable and I could use it as long as possible.. But only one week later, it got useless. It really looked nice, but it didn’t turn out as I expected.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When you are with them, what kind of topic do you talk about?
2) While talking with you, how do they look?
3) Are they recently busy?
45) I had no choice but to wait for the next bus.
46) Is something wrong with him?
47) Make sure you don’t forget to bring anything.
48) If you change your mind, give me a call.
49) Let’s take the train instead of walking.
50) I have something to tell you in person.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) A lot of things happened in her life and she went through many difficulties. I think she could write a book about her life. Fortunately, now she is happily married and living peacefully.
2) I bought this bag because it was fashionable and looked like I could use it for years. But it broke in a week after I started using it, so it turned out that it was only the appearance that was good.
Her life has been full of hardship so far
ニュアンスになっています。 ^^
She went through many hardshipsのように表現すると、最後の
But now she has a happy marriage and lives peacefully. に自然に繋がりそうです ^^
2) 文を分けてシンプルに置き換えられているところ、良いですね!
broke で表現して大丈夫です ^^
turn out のフレーズが引き出せているところ、素晴らしいです♪ It really looked nice と
合わせることで、「見掛け倒し」が上手に表現されていますね! Well done!
4】 Communication Skill Exercise
1) When you are with them, what kind of topic do you talk about?
1) Excellent!
If they were not interested in the topics, they wouldn’t be willing to see her… pretty sad…
2) While talking with you, how do they look?
2) Great question!
I have no idea about French people, but they may want to speak English more.
3) Are they recently busy?
3) This is another good question!
It’d be possible that they’ve just been busy.
0:34 7) 抑揚がとてもナチュラルについて、良かったです♪
1:58 19) とても滑らかで、気持ちがいいですね!Beautiful!
4:05 forgetting が、若干 forget in のように聞こえてきたので、発音をもう一度
5:38 fashionable が「ファショナーボー」に近いように聞こえてきましたが、どちらかと言うと
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