【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女の人生はこれまで大変なことでいっぱいだったから、彼女は自分の人生についての本が書けるとわたしは思う。しかし、今は幸せな結婚生活をしていて、平和に暮らしている。
2) このバッグはファッショナブルで長い期間使えると思ったので買った。しかしわずか一週間後、使えなくなった。見た目は本当にファッショナブルだったが、結局、思っていたとおりのものでなかった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Her life has been full of hardship so far, so I think she can write a book about her life. But now she has a happy marriage and lives peacefully.
2) I thought this bag was fashionable and I could use it as long as possible.. But only one week later, it got useless. It really looked nice, but it didn’t turn out as I expected.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When you are with them, what kind of topic do you talk about?
2) While talking with you, how do they look?
3) Are they recently busy?
45) I had no choice but to wait for the next bus.
46) Is something wrong with him?
47) Make sure you don’t forget to bring anything.
48) If you change your mind, give me a call.
49) Let’s take the train instead of walking.
50) I have something to tell you in person.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) A lot of things happened in her life and she went through many difficulties. I think she could write a book about her life. Fortunately, now she is happily married and living peacefully.
2) I bought this bag because it was fashionable and looked like I could use it for years. But it broke in a week after I started using it, so it turned out that it was only the appearance that was good.
Her life has been full of hardship so far
ニュアンスになっています。 ^^
She went through many hardshipsのように表現すると、最後の
But now she has a happy marriage and lives peacefully. に自然に繋がりそうです ^^
2) 文を分けてシンプルに置き換えられているところ、良いですね!
broke で表現して大丈夫です ^^
turn out のフレーズが引き出せているところ、素晴らしいです♪ It really looked nice と
合わせることで、「見掛け倒し」が上手に表現されていますね! Well done!
4】 Communication Skill Exercise
1) When you are with them, what kind of topic do you talk about?
1) Excellent!
If they were not interested in the topics, they wouldn’t be willing to see her… pretty sad…
2) While talking with you, how do they look?
2) Great question!
I have no idea about French people, but they may want to speak English more.
3) Are they recently busy?
3) This is another good question!
It’d be possible that they’ve just been busy.
0:34 7) 抑揚がとてもナチュラルについて、良かったです♪
1:58 19) とても滑らかで、気持ちがいいですね!Beautiful!
4:05 forgetting が、若干 forget in のように聞こえてきたので、発音をもう一度
5:38 fashionable が「ファショナーボー」に近いように聞こえてきましたが、どちらかと言うと
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