
Day 16 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My son told me he wanted to play with his friends after school. But for his future, I made a decision that I would make him enter the school for the entrance exam. I don’t mind he hates me because of that.
2) I am afraid I can’t finish this work by the deadline. I want to ask anyone to give me a hand, but everyone already went home. So I have no chice but to do it myself.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Are you interested in golf?
2) What is his hobby, except playing golf?
3) How does he spend time with his family after coming back home during the weekend?



49)  She has to concentrate on studying for the entrance exam.

50)  I am quite satisfied with it.

51)  Have you figured it out?

52)  She should have nothing to complain about.

53)  He is in charge of the sales department.

54)  I am concerned about this situation.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  My son says he wants to hang out with his friends afterschool. I understand his feelings but for his future, I am going to be strict with him. That’s why I decided to put him in a juku.

2)  I don’t think I can finish this work by the deadline, so I will take any help I can get. But everyone already left, so I have no choice but to do it myself.

1) 「心を鬼にする」を「嫌われても構わない」と捉えられたのですね!
確かに心を鬼にするときの心持ちは、その通りですね ^^
表現すると、上手にニュアンスが伝わりそうです ^^

the school for the entrance exam
よく表現が考えられていますね!塾は coaching school と表現することが出来ます

I am afraid には、他者への「申し訳ない」という気持ちが含まれるニュアンスになるので、
I have no choice but to do it myself の表現、バッチリですね! Well done!

with his family は、彼の両親や兄弟といった家族を指しているように受け取られる
かも知れません ^^
How do you spend rest of the day on weekends after that he comes home?
のように表現すると、クリアに伝わりやすくなりそうです ^^

0:32     why don’t you don’t you 「ドンチュー」のような感覚で発音すると自然になります♪
2:47     29) 抑揚が上手につき、とても自然でした♪
5:12     51) とても滑らかで素晴らしかったです! Beautiful!
6:41     I have no choice but to do it myself 発話もバッチリでした☆

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