【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしは料理が苦手だったが、クッキーを自分で焼いて、だれかにあげたかった。だから料理のレッスンを受け始めた。今は料理がとても得意だし、なんでもつくれる。
2) その雑誌の記事はとてもショッキングだった。しかし、後で、その記事は嘘だとわかった。ある不正直な記者が書いたものだった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wasn’t good at cooking at all. But I wanted to bake some cookies by myself and give them to someone. So I started having cooking lessons. Now I am very good at cooking. I can cook anything very well.
2) The article in the magazine made me feel very shocked. But later it turned out the article was false. It was written by a dishonest journalist.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to listen to them more. You should try hard to communicate with them, instead of talking too a lot. If you do that, your communication ablility in french will get better and better. I am sure your french will improve and you can make them feel happy.
43) Sooner or later we will have to fix this problem.
44) He was left alone in the house.
45) Make sure to come back by the time the meeting starts.
46) You know better than to act that way.
47) This music is worth listening to.
48) I have no idea what to wear for the party.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wasn’t good at cooking at all, but I wanted to bake my boyfriend cookies by myself. That’s why I started taking cooking lessons and now I can make anything easily.
2) The article in the magazine was shocking. But later on, we all found out that the article was made up by some dishonest writer.
made me feel very shocked
⇒ I was shocked by the article と表現することが出来ますが、「ショッキング」はそのまま
The article in the magazine was shocking と表現して大丈夫です ^^
talking too a lot ⇒ talking too much とすると、自然です ^^
0:13 figure it out の繋がり方が、とても自然で奇麗でした!
3:42 36) スラスラと出てきていて、とても良かったです♪
4:50 45) 長めの文になりますが、上手に発話されていました♪
5:49 I started 以降、少し切れ切れになってしまったので、発話が流れるように練習して
みましょう ^^
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