【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 海外旅行中は、どんなことが起きるか予想するのはむずかしい。だからもし何かが起きても、パニックにならないように、すべての準備をしなければならない。
2) 起床してから、子供たちの世話と家事を一日中やらなければならない。わたしがほっとする唯一の時間は、子供たちが夜就寝する後だ。でも夜更かしをしがちである。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) While travelling abroad, it is hard to expect what will happen. So even if something bad happens, we have to prepare everything not to get panic.
2) After getting up in the morning, I have to take care of my kids and do housework all day. The only time I feel relieved is after they go to bed at night. But I tend to stay up late during the time.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. I also think your wife should respect you more because you really work hard everyday to support your family. Off course, you should tell your family about your true feeling. Why don’t you try saying like that, “No matter how busy I am, I never forget your birthdays”?
39) He ran out of energy after the game.
40) It didn’t turn out as I expected.
41) His boss blamed him for forgetting the document.
42) No matter what others think, I am on your side.
43) How can she afford to live in Hawaii?
44) What do you feel like doing?
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) We never know what is going to happen when we travel overseas, so we need to be perfectly prepared to handle any unexpected events.
2) I am busy all day taking care of my children and doing housework, so the only time I can relax is after my children have gone to sleep at night. Because of that, I often tend to stay up late.
最後のduring the timeなのですが、こちらなくてもよいかもしれません!
2:50 こちらなど、本当にパッと英語に出来ています。
4:30 後半になるにつれて流れがとてもよくなっていきましたね!
So even if something bad happens, we have to prepare everything ~
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