【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 最近、夫が帰宅するのがとても遅いので、とても心配だ。なぜこんなに帰宅が遅いのかわからなかったので、彼の携帯を彼に何も言わずにチェックした。しかし、仕事がとても忙しいことがわかった。心配しすぎだった。
2) 彼女をディナーに誘うつもりだったが、彼女が違う国に引っ越すことがわかった。そんな話は知らなかったので、すごくショックだった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)My husband recently came back home very late, so I was really concerned about him. I didn’t know why he came back home so late, so I checked his mobile phone without telling him anything. But it turned out he was really busy working. I was too worried about him.
2)I wanted to ask her out for dinner, but it turned out she would move to a different country. I have never heard about it, so I was really shocked.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to take a little more time talking with him. When he comes back home before dinner or around dinner, why don’t you try to have a conversation with him and your kids? I think you can enjoy talking not only about golf, but also about what you or your kids like.
47) I ran out of breath.
48) The project turned out as we planned.
49) He blamed his brother for breaking the glass.
50) No matter how busy he is, he makes time for his family.
51) I can’t afford to wait.
52) I didn’t feel like going to school.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Lately, my husband comes home late and I was afraid even though there was actually nothing to be afraid of. I checked his phone without asking him but it turned out that he was just busy with work.
2) I was going to ask her out to dinner, so I was surprised to hear that she is moving to another country tomorrow. I didin’t expected it at all.
1) 「疑心暗鬼」を「とても心配だ」とシンプルに捉えられたところ、良いと思います♪
it turned out のフレーズが引き出されているところも、素晴らしいですね! Good on you!
2) 「寝耳に水」を「知らなかったので、すごくショックだった」と置き換えられているところ、
英文も分かりやすく仕上がりましたね! Excellent!
0:32 7) とても滑らかでした! スラスラ出て来ていましたね♪
3:04 30) 感情が入っていて、良い発話でした!
5:09 run out は「ラナァゥトゥ」のようなイメージで、繋げて発話してみましょう☆
6:36 never が強調されていたところ、「聞いてないよ〜」感が出ていて良かったです ^^
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