【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) もしあなたが、仕事が嫌なのにやらなければならないと思っているなら、何かあなたが楽しめる仕事を探すべきだと思う。そうした状態にいることは、仕事やあなた自身にとっても良くない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I couldn’t go home for about three months because of my business trip, but I am going to be able to go home next week. My wife always told me my children were looking forward to seeing me. It gave me a lot of motivation to work hard.
2) If you think that even though you don’t like your work, you have to do, I think you should look for another job you can enjoy to do. Staying in such a situation isn’t good for the work and yourself.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why do you think your relationship with the other mothers isn’t going well?
2) How often do you have to participate in events?
3) Do you have any good friends among them?
43) There is no choice but to follow his order.
44) Is there something wrong with your cell phone?
45) Make sure to call me when you’re done.
46) He hasn’t changed his mind about leaving the company.
47) He wanted coffee instead of tea.
48) He was nervous about meeting you in person.
3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I’ve been away on a business trip for almost 3 months and I can finally return home next week. My wife has been telling me how the children are so excited for the day I return, and this has kept me motivated all this time.
2) If you are doing your current job just because you have to and not because you really want to, it won’t be any good for yourself or your work. I think it’s better to find a job that you can enjoy.
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