【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 昨日、財布を持たないで家を出たし、今日は家の鍵をなくした。あまりに自分が不注意なので、嫌気がさす。
2) わたしはストレスを解消するためによく友人とランチを楽しんでいるが、そのためのお金をわたしが貯めていることは夫は知らない。このことを彼に知られたくないので、わたしは注意深く行動しなければいけない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Yesterday I left home without my purse, and today I lost the key to my house. I am sick of being too careless myself.
2) I often enjoy having lunch with my friends to release my stress. But my husband never knows I have been saving money for that. I want him not to notice it, so I have to act carefully.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to tell her about how busy you are at work. And you should consider sharing the work with your co-workers. Why don’t you try to ask your boss for advice about it?
41) Can I concentrate on eating my lunch?
42) Were you satisfied with the meal?
43) The password was easy to figure out.
44) My father was complaining about the weather.
45) My boss put me in charge of the store.
46) I am very concerned about his condition.
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Yesterday I left my wallet at home and today I lost the keys to my house. I am tired of being so careless.
2) I secrectly save money and enjoy having lunch with friends to release my stress oftentimes. I have to be careful so that my husband won’t find out about it.
And I like your simple English! It’s very easy to understand!
3:00 こちら節が二つあって長いですが、さらさらっと言葉が出てきています^^
5:30 こちら流れがよかったですよ!
その際、最初のYesterday I left home without my purseの語尾をちょっと伸ばし気味に、気持ち上げ目で言うと良いイントネーションが付きます。
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