
Day 18 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 今週、たくさんのひとたちがいくつかの場所で、自分の誕生日を祝ってくれた。しかし毎日、食べすぎ飲みすぎたので、わたしのコンデションはとてもわるくなった。
2) 彼女が遅刻したのを責めたら、彼女はそのことに腹を立てた。そしてわたしが言った待ち合わせ時間が早過ぎると言った。しかし彼女の気持ちが理解できなかった。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) This week a lot of people celebrated me for my birthday at some places. But I ate and drank too much everyday, so my condition really got badly.
2) I blamed her for being late. Then she got mad at me and told me the time to meet me was too early. But I wasn’t able to understand her feeling.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. You should be more thankful to him because he works very hard during the week and comes home in time for dinner everyday! If I were you, I will enjoy talking about golf with him and your children during the dinner. I am sure it will be very interesting for your family.


45)  I had no choice but to end our relationship.

46)  Something was wrong with him today.

47)  Make sure to lock the door at night.

48)  I changed my mind about taking the day off.

49)  I think you can use milk instead of cream.

50)  It’s nice to finally meet you in person.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  A lot of people celebrated my birthday here and there this week. Because of that, I ate and drank way too much and got sick.

2)  She came late, so I got mad at her for it. But she got mad at me saying that the time that I suggested for us to meet was too early. That made me too surprised to say anything.

got badly.
こちら、god badになさったほうがしっくりくると思いますよ^^


2:30 さらさらっと言葉が出ています^^
6:45 このあたりの文は再度、何回か読んでおいてもよいかもしれません^

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