
Day 28 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人のフランス語は流暢なのに、それを使うことに興味がないようだ。彼女が望めば、フランスで働けるだろうと思うが、なぜそうしないのかわからない。
2) 彼女は友人の結婚パーティに白いドレスを着て行った。彼女は着るべきではなかったし、もっとよく考えるべきだった。わたしは絶対、わたしの結婚式にきてもらいたくない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend’s french is very fluent, but it doesn’t sound like she is interested in using it. I think that she will be able to work in France if she wants. I have no idea why she feels like not doing that.
2) My friend wore a white dress for her friend’s wedding party. She shouldn’t have worn it and should have considered about that. I will never want her to come to my wedding.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When did she start working?
2) How come do you want to get to know her?
3) Without talking with anyone, does she work well?


43)  You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving.

44)  Were you satisfied with that hotel’s service?

45)  He tried to figure out the answer.

46)  Is there something that you want to complain about?

47)  Who is going to be in charge of the next project?

48)  You should be concerned about your future.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  My friend can speak French so fluently, but she says she isn’t interested in using it. I think it’s such a waste because she has the ability to work in France if she wants to.

2)  She wore a white dress to her friend’s wedding party. She should have thought about where she was going and worn something more appropriate. I am certainly not inviting her to my wedding.

「宝の持ち腐れ」そのもののイメージががあまり入っていないのが少し気になりますので、It’s such a waste.「もったいない」などの表現を付け足してもよいと思いますよ^^

こちら、How come you want to~という流れになります。
How comeの後は疑問文の流れではなく、平叙文の流れで文を続けますので注意です!

6:15 I have no idea why she feels like not doing that.
こちら最終的に良い流れで言えていましたが、have no idea why~や、feel like~は結構使う表現でぜひ慣れていただきたいですので、

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