
Day 29 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 将来なにになりたいかわからなかったので、いろいろな仕事について検討してみた。そして結果的に教師になりたいのだとわかった。
2) 今日は友人たちと素敵なカフェでランチを食べた。そして、ずっと見たかった映画を見た。結果的にその映画はすばらしくて、とてもパワーをもらった。夕方には、家族と一緒に素敵なレストランで美味しい夕食を食べた。今日は充実した日だった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I had no idea what I would like to be in the future, so I tried considering about different jobs. And It turned out that I wanted to become a teacher.
2) Today I had lunch with my friends at a nice cafe. Then I watched a movie I always wanted to. It turned out it was very good and gave me a lot of power. I had good dinner with my family at a nice restaurant in the evening. It was really enjoyable today.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you start with greetings? No matter how shy she is, or even though her Japanese isn’t fluent, greetings will make her feel relieved. I think when you say hello, good morning, how are you doing and good-bye, that’s very good chance for you to talk with her! Try doing that!



43)  What should I do if I run out of ideas?

44)  I hope things will turn out well.

45)  She blamed me for telling her secret to everyone.

46)  No matter how long it takes, I will finish it.

47)  You should save money when you can afford to.

48)  I didn’t feel like calling him back.

3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  I didn’t know what I wanted to be in the future so I thought very carefully and looked up every detail about all kinds of jobs. That’s how I finally came to a conclusion that I really want to be a teacher.

2)  Today I had lunch with my friends at a nice cafe. After that, I went to catch a movie that I’ve been wanting to see which turned out to be a wonderful inspiring story. In the evening, my family and I gathered at a nice restaurant and had a delicious dinner. Today was such a satisfying day and there was nothing missing.

It turned out it was very good and gave me a lot of power.
It turned out to be wonderful and cheerful story. のように表現しても良いかもしれません ^^

 Greetings with a BIG smile always helps us to start getting know each other. :-D

0:27     5) 感情が入っていて、とても自然な発話でした♪
3:00     wanted が、若干 warned のように聞こえてきましたので、発音を確認してみましょう☆
4:43     42) イントネーション抜群で、素晴しい発話でした! Lovely!
5:53   一文目が、3語くらいずつ途切れ途切れのように聞こえてきましたので、滑らかに

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