
Day 19 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) いつも自分らしくしているのが理想的だと本当に思っているが、彼女と一緒のときは、本来の自分より素晴らしいひとになろうとしがちだ。そのために疲れてしまう。
2) 彼女はリーダーになるのにじゅうぶんなほど優秀だし、いつも言うが如く実行する。みんなの予想通り、彼女はチームリーダーに選ばれた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)I really think it is ideal to be myself all the time. But when I am with my girlfriend, I tend to be a better person than what I am. Because of that, I get tired.
2) She is good enough to become a leader. She always acts as she says. That is why she is chosen as a team leader as everyone expected.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What time do you usually come back home?
2) Do you try to spend time with your family during the weekend?
3) Have you explained your situation at work to her?



43)  She will understand sooner or later.

44)  Please leave me alone.

45)  By the time you arrive, the movie will be over.

46)  You are old enough to know better.

47)  Was it worth waiting?

48)  I have no idea what to do.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  It’s ideal to be myself and act naturally all the time, but when I’m with her I can’t help tyring to make myself look good. It makes me exhausted.

2)  She has leadership skills and she carries out everything she says. So it was just as everyone had expected that she was chosen as the team leader out of all of us.

I tend to be a better person
But I tend to try to look like a better person than I actually am.

また、When Iというつなげられる、リンキングが出来る部分もありますので、ぜひこちらも意識してみてください^^

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