
Day 13 回答例



45)   Why don’t you try learning from your mistake?

46)   Have you tried seeing a doctor?

47)   Have you considered taking a vacation?

48)   Why don’t you talk to him alone?

49)   I don’t agree with the plan.

50)   I think you should take it more seriously.

51)   I don’t think you should say that to her.

52)   Maybe you should be honest with yourself.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  I found out that my friend was lying to me, so I talked to her about it. But instead of apologizing, she was very calm and her expression didn’t change at all.

2)  Yesterday, our boss allowed us to use my idea for the new project. But today, he told us that we couldn’t and acted completely different. I have no idea why he has changed his mind.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人が嘘を言っていたことがわかったので、そのことについて彼女に話した。しかし、彼女は謝る代わりに、まったく自分を恥じていない様子だった。
2) 昨日、上司は新しいプロジェクトのためのわたしのアイデアを受け入れてくれた。しかし、今日、突然、それを受け入れないとわたしに言った。なぜ彼が気を変えたのかわたしには見当もつかない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) It turned out that my friend told me a lie, so I talked to her about it. But instead of applogizing to me, she didn’t look ashamed of herself at all.
2)Yesterday my boss accepted my idea for the new project. But today he suddenly told me that he couldn’t accept it. I have no idea why he changed his mind.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) When you are with him, how does he look?
2) Do you still want to be his friend?
3) If you tell him about your true feeling, do you think how he feels about it?

1Very good!
2Excellent! よい発想で説明できていますね!

Excellent questions!
These three questions will definitely help you give better advice^^
3) If you tell him about your true feeling, do you think how he feels about it?
how do you think he’s going to feel about it?

But today he suddenly told me that he couldn’t accept it
こちら、But today~の始め方が非常にスムーズでよかったです!

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