
Day 05 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 弟の奥さんはとても優しくて、人を幸せにしようといつも努力している。だから彼らが結婚したことはとても嬉しい。
2) わたしたちのチームのメンバーの一人が大きなミスをした。上司はわたしたち全員をそのことで責めたので、問題を解決するため、夜中まで働かなくてはならなかった。

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My brother’s wife is very gentle and always tries hard making others feel happy. So I am really happy that they go married.
2) One of the member in our team made a terrible mistake. Our boss blamed all of us for the mistake, so we had to work until midnight to solve the problem.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
I suggest you to ask your partner to attend the meeting instead of you. According to what you said, you already prepared everything for it. You should ask her to fill in your place. I really think you need to rest now. Take care of yourself!



41)  You should blame her for this mistake.

42)  You shouldn’t blame anyone for this mistake.

43)  Do you know who is in charge of this store?

44)  I don’t know who is in charge of this store.

45)  Who told you to be concerned about your son’s grades?

46)  The teacher told me to be concerned about my son’s grades.

47)  Who asked you to give them a hand with the project?

48)  My boss asked me to give them a hand with the project.

49)  Who wanted you to change your mind about your decision?

50)  My wife wanted me to change my mind about my decision.

【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)

1)  My brother’s wife cares for a lot of things. She thinks about other people’s feelings. So I am very happy that my brother married her.

2)  One of the employees made a big mistake. But the boss said that everyone on the team was responsible and blamed all of us for it. So we had to work until midnight to solve the problem.


1Good! 元の日本文のイメージが良く伝わる文にできています^^

2)This one is very well done, too!

Very good suggestion! I agree with you^^
If there’s someone who can fill in his place, he should go and get some rest.

6:00 こちらの文などは、一気に行けると良いかと思います!

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