
Day 84 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)Before my travel, I got a lot of information about the shops and restaurants I would want to visit in Paris as hard as possible. It turned out that I could enjoy having my special experience. I was really satisfied with what I had prepared enough.
2) On my way home, I bought a Christmas cake. Even though the train was already full of passengers, more and more people got in at every stop. When I got back home, I opened the box and found the cake looked badly. But I had no choice but to give up.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Alex. If I were you, I would also tell her honestly about your true feeling. Maybe she speaks ill of others because she is under a lot of stress. To remove such stress, why don’t you try to give her advice on her problems? It is a little hard for you, but if she is important to you as a friend, try doing your best!


1)  I looked up every store and restaurant I wanted to visit in Paris before I went on my trip. I’m glad that I was well prepared, because my trip turned out to be a very special experience.

2)  I bought a Christmas cake on my way home. Even though the train was already crowded, more and more passengers kept getting on at each station. When I got home and opened the box, the cake was ruined but there was nothing I could do about it.


I would want to visit in Paris
こちらI wanted~のほうが分かりやすいかもです。
I was really satisfied with what I had prepared enough.

I opened the box and found the cake looked badly.
and found the cake completely ruined.のような流れもよいかと思います。

1:45 Why don’t you try changing your mind?
こちら発話の流れもよいですし、語尾の言い方もしっかり意識できていますね。Very goodです!
215 I don’t hear~
音声だとdon’t heardと聞こえましたが、ちょっと組み合わせがよくありませんのでhearに聞こえるように発音してあげましょう。 
4:00 No matter how I look at it, I can’t agree with his idea.
こちら素晴らしいです! 使われている表現、スムーズさ、発音どれをとってもとてもよくできていらっしゃいました。
how I のIだけ聞こえませんでしたので、ちょっと気を付けてみてください。


Day 83 回答例


1)  My mother-in-law tries to join in everything my husband and I do. It’s pretty annoying to be honest, but she often looks after my children, so I try my best to be nice to her.

2)  My wife told me that she is going to go on a diet and lose 10 kg within 5 months. She often gives up easily, so I didn’t expect her to really do it. But she surprised me by losing the weight in only 3 months.


so I was really surprised about her.
surprised at~で「~に驚く」ということが多い気がしますので、こちらを使うのがよいかもです^^

1:50 Make sure everyone’s satisfied with the change of plan.
6:30 I don’t feel like going shopping…
feel like、パッととりだせています!
Day 80も過ぎ、残り少ないですので、今までの復習をしながらどんどん表現に磨きをかけていきましょう。
9:20  But she often takes care of my kids, so I try hard to be kind to her.
後半が少しよれた気がしますので、”,” で分けて、節でまとめていってみましょう。


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 義母は夫とわたしがするすべてのことに関わろうとする。正直に言えば、けっこううんざりしている。でも彼女はよくわたしの子供たちの面倒をみてくれるので、彼女に優しくするようにがんばっている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My mother-in-law wants to get involved in everything my husband and I try doing. To be honest, I am quite tired of her. But she often takes care of my kids, so I try hard to be kind to her.
2) My wife told me that she would do a diet and lose 10kg weight within 5 months. She gave up doing something easily, so I didn’t expect her to continue her diet. But it took only 3 months for her to lose weight, so I was really surprised about her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you try thinking each person has each feeling and opinion? Personally, I think it is a little hard to change her feelings and opinions about others. Anyway, when she starts to speak ill of them, you shouldn’t agree or disagree. If you feel too much stress being with her, try to keep away from her for a while.


Day 82 回答例


1)  I was trying to book a hotel for our spring vacation. I looked at several hotels on the internet, but they were all similar and I couldn’t see much difference between them. In the end, I chose the hotel with the biggest pool.

2)  I gave ideas too, but his was chosen for the project. I don’t think there was much difference between our ideas and I’m confident that if I work harder, my idea will be chosen for the next project.


点だけ細かいのですが、「インターネット」はtheを常に伴いますのでon the Internetになさるとgood!

I am confident of my idea which will be selected for the next project.
I am confident that my idea will be chosen for the next project.

 Good speech!
2:25 We had no choice but to pay the cancel fee.
5:45 Could you ask him to concentrate on his work?

【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 春休みの旅行にために、ホテルを予約したいので、いくつかのホテルをインターネットでチェックしてみた。しかしそれらはほとんど違いがなかった。結局、一番大きなプールのあるホテルを選んだ。
2) わたしもアイデアを出したが、彼のものがプロジェクトに選ばれた。わたしと彼のものはほんの少しの違いだったと思う。もしもっと頑張れば、次のプロジェクトにわたしのものが選ばれるという自信がある。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wanted to reserve a hotel room for my trip in the spring vacation, so I tried to check some hotels on Internet. But there was little difference between them. At last, I chose the hotel with the biggest pool.
2) Even though I came up with my idea, his idea was selected for the project. I think there was slight difference between us. If I work much harder, I am confident of my idea which will be selected for the next project.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Does she sometimes say good things about others?
2) How do other people think about her?
3) When she speaks ill of others, how do you react to her?


Day 81 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 同僚が違う部署に移ってしまった。この突然のニュースを聞いてほんとうにわたしたちは皆、驚いた。こういう状況をまったく予想していなかった。だから彼のためのお別れパーティを計画することもできなかった。彼とは直接話すよい機会がなかったので、もっとフレンドリーにしておけばよかったと思った。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Every time I ask him something, my husband seems to think something else and never listens to me. Because of that, we have a fight very often. So I want him to be a better listener.
2) Our co-worker was transferred to a different section. All of us was really suprised to hear the sudden news because we couldn’t predict such a situation. We couldn’t plan a farewell party for him. I never had a good chance to talk him in person, but I should have been more friendly to him.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. I also think every name has a meaning. Normal names or kira-kira names have their meanings. If some parents want to give kira-kira names to their children, if their children feel loved by them, I think there is no problem.


All of us was really suprised
All of us~は複数と考えるのがよいかと思います!
All of us were~

But this time, personally, I can agree with none of them completely, because I know there are those who are bullied, rejected by companies or experiencing unnecessary difficulties because of their “names”.
So I can’t say “there is no problem if there’s love” in this regard.
What do you think?

1:00 I ran out of time, so I couldn’t finish the test.
ranの発音とてもよいですね! 後半は一気に行けるとgood!
4:30  Watch out, that god is out of control!
great! 良いイントネーションが付いています!
8:35 Every time I ask him something, my husband seems to think something else and never listens to me.
Every time I ask him something,
 and never listens to me.


Day 80 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 昨日、わたしは娘とこれらのクリスマスクッキーを作った。クッキーをつくるのが初めてだったので、それらはすべて、形もサイズもちがう。でも美味しいというのは確かだ。
 2) ジェームズ先生は、中学のときの一番好きな先生だった。彼はよく、すべての努力は価値があるとわたしに教えてくれた。それ以来、彼の言った言葉をいつも心に留めている。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Yesterday I made Christmas cookies with my daughter. It was our first time, so all of them were different in its shape and size. But I am really sure they are very tasty.
2) Mr. James is my most favorite teacher in junior high school. He often told me a lot of effort was worth making. Since then, I have always kept his word in mind.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you don’t want to name your children kira-kira names, you should choose other names. Personally, I also think there are many kids with kira-kira names nowdays. But I can’t convince their parents of naming other names, so you should know better than to try to change their mind.


1)  My daughter and I made these Christmas cookies yesterday. It was our first time making cookies so they’re all different in shapes and sizes, but I can guarantee that they’re delicious.

2)  Mr. James was my favorite teacher in middle school. He used to tell me that all efforts are worthwhile. Since then, I try to keep his words in mind and never forget about them.


I am really sure
本当に美味しいということが伝わり、良い表現だと思いますが、「保証できる」は I can guarantee という表現もよく耳にしますので、覚えていると便利かも知れません ^^

favorite は、その語だけで「一番好き」という意味合いになるので、その前の most は無い方が自然です ^^
a lot of effort was worth making
細かい違いになりますが、「沢山の努力に価値がある」というニュアンスに受け取れるので、「全ての努力」は all efforts と表現するとクリアになりそうです ^^

1:44     15) 抑揚のつけ方がとても自然で、素晴しかったです! Lovely!
4:21     I only want to do のイントネーションが、とてもナチュラルでした♪
6:35     46) 滑らかな発話になりました☆ Well done!
7:51     最後の一文ですが、 have always をクリアに発話すると、流れ良く聞き易くなりそうです ^^


Day 79 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 今日はレポートの提出期限なのに、わたしはその中にミスがあると気づいた。だから昨日は徹夜で仕事をしなければならなかった。そのあと、一睡もせずに会議に参加しなければならなかった。家につく頃には、本当に疲れていた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She and I went to the same high school, but I haven’t heard from her for years. The other day, when I happened to see her at a cafe, I noticed her immediately. We had too many things to talk and didn’t run out of topics.
2) Even though today was the deadline of the report, I noticed there were mistakes in it. So yesterday I had to work hard all night. After that, I was forced to attend the meeting with no sleep, By the time I came back home, I was really tired.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) For example, what kinds of names are kira-kira names?
2) Why do parents name their children such names?
3) Instead of kira-kira names, what kinds of names do you like?


1)  I went to the same high school with her, but I didn’t hear from her in years. The other day I ran into her in a cafe and knew right away it was her. We had so much to talk about that we couldn’t stop talking.

2)  I had to work all night yesterday because I realized there was a mistake in the report that was due today. Then I had to attend a conference without any sleep. By the time I arrived home, I was exhausted.


We had too many things to talk
too~ to…(〜すぎてできない)の表現と、少し紛らわしくなりますね!
We had so many things to talk about と表現するとスッキリ明確になりそうです ^^

Why do some parents give their child such a name? のように表現すると、name を繰り返さずに済んで、スッキリするかも知れません ^^

1:52     I would say “yes” for now が、テンポ良くナチュラルで良かったです♪
4:43     bath の発音、bus との違いが日本人には難しいところなのですが、s th の違い以外に、「バァース」と気持ち伸ばすように発音するだけでも、違いがでると思います ^^
6:03     Watch out と、注意を呼びかける発話が上手で、素晴しい発話でした!  Excellent!
8:07     I was really tired が、感情が込められて良かったです♪


Day 78 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend didn’t feel like going to the party, but once she drank, she enjoyed much better than other members at the event. Alcohol has too dangerous power.
2) This isn’t a common cooking book. There are many recipes in it. You can cook them very easily and they are really tasty Thanks to the book, I can now prepare dinner within 10 minutes. I have always liked cooking since I found it. 
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Emma. It’s very good idea! I think it’s a little hard for you to keep doing that alone. But if you have a friend who can understand your feelings and give you some useful tips, I bet you’ll quit smoking.


1)  My friend wasn’t very excited about the party and it didn’t seem like she wanted to go. But once she started drinking, she was enjoying the event more than anyone else in the room. It’s really scary what alcohol can do to you.

2)  This isn’t just a common cookbook. It has many recipes for delicious dishes that can be made very quickly and thanks to this book, I am able to prepare dinner within 10 minutes. Ever since I found this book, I actually like to cook.


she enjoyed much better than other members at the event
「(他の)誰よりも楽しむ」は enjoy more than anyone (else), enjoy more than anybody (else) のように表現することが出来ます ^^
Alcohol has too dangerous power.
確かにアルコールには危険な力がありますね ^^;
ここでは、アルコールが(人に)与える影響力と考えて、「アルコールの威力は本当にこわい「アルコールが人にすることは本当にこわい」と、It’s really scary what… から始めて表現してみましょう
1:51     instead of taking a bus が、とてもリズミカルで良かったです♪    
4:20     What are you の繋がり方がとてもナチュラルでした!
5:55     Why don’t you don’t you は、「ドンチュー」のように発話すると、更にナチュラルになります ^^
8:18     within 10 minutes の、強調のされ方が、ほんの10分でクッキングできる嬉しさが伝わるようで、良かったです♪


Day 77 回答例


1)  I suddenly lost my job last month because our company ran out of money. The last thing I wanted to do was depend on my parents, but I couldn’t afford to pay the rent this month so I had no choice but to ask them for help.

2)  I was very concerned about my son’s health because even though he was living alone, he never cooked. He often ate cup noodles and junk food for dinner. So when he finally got married last month, I was very relieved to hear from him that his wife was cooking healthy and nutritious meals for him every day.



so you should have a good habit such as avoiding to smoke
so you should try your hardest to keep away from smoking.
And try to make it your habit, and eventually you’ll be able to quit it altogether.

00:30 No matter how hard he explained, I wasn’t able to get satisfied with what he had to say.
No matter how~の部分は少し流れが崩れている気もしますので確認しましょう。
7:05 Make sure everyone is satisfied with the change of plan.

【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 息子はひとりで暮らしているが、まったく料理をしない。だから彼の健康がとても心配で、どうしたらいいか見当もつかなかった。彼はよく夕食にカップラーメンやジャンクフードを食べていた。しかし先月、彼がようやく結婚して本当にほっとした。彼の話によると、彼の奥さんは毎日、健康的でとてもよい食事を彼のためにつくってくれているのだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
tnever wanted to rely on my parents, but I couldn’t afford t o pay for the rent this month. That’s why I had no choice but to ask them to give me a hand.
2) My son lived alone, but he never cooked himself. So I was really concerned about his health and had no idea what I should do. He used to eat cup noodles and jank food for supper. I really felt relieved because last month he got married. According to what he told me, his wife cooks good and healthy meals for him every day.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you find and join a group for quitting smoking? If you really want to be a non-smoker, I think it is worth trying. Anyway, smoking is not good for your health, so you should have a good habit such as avoiding to smoke. I hope you try and continue it!


Day 76 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 友人は我が家に来るといつも、わたしの娘とゲームをしてくれる。彼はとても優しいひとであるが、ときどき子供っぽい。ゲームをするのに興奮してくると、勝つことに一生懸命になりすぎる。しかし、娘はそのことを楽しんでいるようなので問題なしだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Whenever he came to my house, he played a game with my daughter. He is very gentle but sometimes a little childish. As he gets more and more excited about playing, he tries too hard to win. But she seems to enjoy that, so there is no problem.
2) While I was walking my dog, he began to bark and pulled me toward one direction. So I followed him and surprisingly found a crying girl who was lost. Then I brought her to her parents. I am really proud of having a good dog like him.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why did you want to stop smoking?
2) When you used to smoke, was there something wrong with your daily life?
3) Did you try to do something instead of smoking?


1)  Whenever my friend comes over, he is nice enough to play games with my daughter. He often starts to act like a child and tries to win in whatever way he can as the game heats up. But it seems that my daughter enjoys that so it’s not a problem.

2)  I was walking my dog and he started to bark and pulled me in a particular direction, so I followed him. There, I was surpsied to find a little girl who was crying and lost. I was able to help her find her parents and was very proud to have a dog like him.


00:30 courageの発音はもうちょっと意識してみましょう!
4:00 I know better than to trust someone I just met.
I know better than to trust someone / I just met.


Day 75 回答例


1)  My wife and I had a terrible fight a week before my birthday, but I thought she would forget about it by then. On the day, I expected her to prepare a celebration dinner for me, but she was still mad and didn’t make anything.

2)  I don’t really enjoy talking to the new boss. I feel he always focuses only on people’s bad points and then points them out. He never seems to realize the hard work and effort I’ve put in so whenever I talk to him, I always lose my passion for work.


had a lot of effort
make an effortがとよく言う気がしますので、makeを使うのもよいかと思いますよ。

2:15 courage
5:25 My doctor insisted that I walk at least once a day.
5:50 Going through tough times makes us stronger in the long run.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) わたしの誕生日の一週間前、わたしは妻とひどいけんかをした。しかし、わたしは彼女がわたしの誕生日にはそれをわすれているだろうと思った。その日に、彼女はわたしのためのバースディディナーを用意してくれると期待していたが、彼女はまだ怒っていて、何もつくってくれなかった。
2) わたしはわたしの新しい上司とあまり話すのは好きでない。彼はいつもひとの欠点を見つけようとしていると感じる。わたしがこれまで一生懸命仕事をし、そのためにたくさんの努力をしてきたが、彼は気づかないように思う。だから彼と話すたびに、仕事への情熱を失う。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) One week before my birthday, I had a terrible fight with my wife. But I thought she would forget it by my birthday. On the day, I expected she would prepare a birthday dinner for me. But she was still angry so she cooked nothing for me.
2) I don’t like talking with my new boss very much. He seemed to me that he always tries hard to find people’s weak points. I have worked very hard and have had a lot of effort so far, but he can’t seem to realize them. So whenever I talk with him, I lose my passion to the work.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Alex. I also think Japanese schools should consider setting rules for students once again, because some of them are a little too strange and too old in an international world. Personally, I think they should have a meeting with students about the rules before setting them once again.

Day 74 回答例


1)  The reason I chose my current house is because it has many advantages. It is a 5 minute walk to the station and the bus stop. And not only does it have a convenience store right in front of the building, the rent is unbelievably cheap.

2)  He looks so much like his father. His face of course looks just like his father’s, but their personalities are also very similar. Everyone who knows them would say they are related without a doubt.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) いくつかの良い点から判断して、この家を選んだ。まず、駅やバス停まで歩いて5分以内。そして、コンビニが真ん前にあるし、加えて家賃が信じられない安さなのである。
2) 彼は父親に実に良く似ている。彼の顔は本当に父親そっくりだ。そして性格も良く似ている。彼らを良く知っているひとたちは、疑うことなく彼は彼の息子だと言う。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Judging from good points, I chose this house. First of all, it is from the station and the bus stop within five minutes’walk. There is a convience store in front of it, in addition, it is unbelievably cheap.
2) He really looks like his father. His face is just like his father’s. And his personality is like his father’s. People who know them say that he is exactly his son.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you never want to adjust yourself to such rules, why don’t you leave your school and go to another school? I am sure there are some schools which can respect your personality. Try to look for such schools.


Day 73 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちの計画は完璧だと思ったが、彼は弱点を指摘した。計画をもう一度検討しなければいけなかったので、正直そういうことはしたくなかった。しかし、チームに彼のようなすばらしいひとがいることをありがたいと思った。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I thought our plan was perfect, but he pointed out the weak point. So we had to consider our plan again. To be honest, I don’t want to do that. But I was also grateful for such a great person like him in our team.
2) When I saw her and her boyfriend last month, they looked very happy. So I was very surprised to hear that she broke up with him. She told me that their relationship was already terrible and they pretended to look happy.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Do you think what it is too strict among Japanese rules?
2) If you feel some of them are too strict for you, what will you do?
3) Do you think students shouldn’t be forced to follow such strict rules?


1)  I thought our plan was perfect, but he pointed out a problem that no one would normally notice. I was so upset that we had to rethink the plan, but at the same time, I’m thankful to have a brain like his on the team.

2)  I was so surprised to hear that my friend broke up with her boyfriend because they looked happy when I saw them last month. But my friend told me that their relationship was already at a point where it couldn’t be fixed by then and they were only pretending to be happy.


I don’t want to do that
細かくなりますが I didn’t want to do that とすると、更に自然に繋がりますね!
I was also grateful for such a great person like him in our team
こちらも細かいですが grateful to have such a… とすると、自然になります ^^


What do you think is too strict among Japanese rules? とすると自然になります ^^

Fabio が「 日本のルールがとても厳しい」と感じている事が既に分かっているので、
When you feel some of them are too strict for you, what do you usually do?
のように質問すると、自然かもしれません ^^
I guess there is nothing you can do, especially at school!

2:04     make a difference to the world のイントネーションが素晴らしかったです! Beautiful!    
4:05     courage は「カァーリィヂュ」のようなイメージで発音されると、近づきます ^^
6:04    He will He’ll 発話すると、更にナチュラルになります ^^
8:22     I didn’t want to do that が、感情が込められ素晴らしい発話でした☆


Day 72 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしの彼氏は外国人だ。彼と結婚して彼の故郷に住みたいと両親に言う決心をした。彼らは決して賛成しないと思っていたのに、彼らはわたしの決心をとても喜んでくれた。彼らの反応を予想していなかったので、本当にびっくりした。
2) ガレージを掃除していたら、とても高価そうな新しいゴルフセットを見つけた。わたしは即座に、夫が内緒で買ったとわかった。しかし彼にそのことを訊いたら、彼はそんなものは知らない振りをして、買っていないと言った。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My boyfriend is a foreigner. I decided to tell my parents that I would get married with him and live in his hometown. I thought they would never agree with me, but they were really happy for my decision. I didn’t predict such a reaction, so I was really surprised about it.
2) While I was cleaning at the garage, I happened to see a golf set which looked very expensive and new. I immediately figured out that my husband secretly bought it. But when I asked him about it, he pretended not to know about it and told me he didn’t buy it.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Fabio. The most important thing is that your kids can enjoy taking lessons. I really understand you want to create chances for their futures, but you shouldn’t pressure them too much. I hope they will have fun and continue!


1)  I decided to tell my parents that I want to marry my foreign boyfriend and live in his country. I thought they were going to totally disagree with the idea, but to my surprise, they were so happy for me. I didn’t expect them to be this supportive.

2)  When I was cleaning the garage, I found a set of new golf clubs which looked very expensive. I knew right away that my husband secretly purchased it but when I asked him about it, he pretended to know nothing about it.


predict は、何らかのデータや研究に基づいて「予測する」「予言する」という意味合いになるので、個人的な予想や思いで言う場合は、expect で表現すると自然です ^^

一点、figured out は、例えば算数の問題が解けたようなときにも使われるように、頭を使って考えて分かった、解決した、といったニュアンスになります。
ここでは直感的に(特に考えずに)分かった、というニュアンスだと思いますので、thought, understood, knew など、シンプルな言葉を使うと自然な表現になりそうです ^^

1:19     I have no ideaの抑揚のつけ方が、感情が込もり良かったです♪
3:28     26) 本当に誰かにお願いしているような発話になりました! Beautiful!
5:41     39) 全体の抑揚の付き方もナチュラルで、滑らかな発話でした♪
7:55    foreigner の発音ですが、「フォリィナァ」と e が強調されているように聞こえてきましたが、「フォリナァ」と oを強調するように発音されると、自然です ^^


Day 71 回答例


1)  My family and I go on a vacation overseas every year, but this year I was too busy to plan it so I left everything for my wife to decide and plan. But it turned out that she had booked the hotel for the wrong dates and I wished I had done everything myself.

2)  This actress started her career 10 years ago, but she wasn’t that popular until she started hosting a reality show. The way she speaks her mind to anyone has won the support of the audience.


But I figured out that she made a hotel reservation on the day I hadn’t thought.
⇒ 「結局〜と分かった」は、 it turned out that… のフレーズで表現しても良いですね ♪
But it turned out that she had made a hotel reservation for the wrong dates. とすると、更に自然な表現になりそうです ^^

0:54     Im concerned about にリズムがついて、ナチュラルな発話になりました!
2:35     22) スラスラと出て来ました☆ Well done!
4:56     team の発音は「ティーム」に近い発音をすると英語発音に近づきます ^^
7:48     That’s why 強調されたような発話が、感情が入っていて良かったです♪


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしたちの家族は、毎年海外に旅行に行く。しかし今年は、わたしが計画する時間がなかったので、妻が旅行に関することをやらざる得なかった。ところが、彼女は別の日にホテルを予約したことがわかった。自分でやるべきでったと思った。
2) この女優は10年前にキャリアをスタートしたが、リアリティーショーの司会になるまでは、成功しなかった。だれにでも自分の意見を率直に言うのが、彼女のスタイルで、多くの観客は彼女を支持した。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Our family travels overseas every year. But this year, I had no time to plan, so my wife was forced to do everything about our travel. But I figured out that she made a hotel reservation on the day I hadn’t thought. I should have done by myself.
2) This actress started her career ten years ago. But she hasn’t been sucessful until she became a M.C, at Reality Show. Her own style is to honestly state her opinions to anyone. That’s why a lot of audience supported her.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you respect their feelings and what they like to do, I also think it’s a good chance for them to take lessons. It’ll be a valuable experience in their childhood. I hope they will like and continue!


Day 70 回答例


1)  I thought she was a kind person because she was good to everyone. But it turns out that she was talking behind everyone’s backs without any shame. Now I don’t think I can believe in anyone anymore.

2)  If you want that car that much, but can’t afford it now, why don’t you try saving money to buy it? It might seem impossible right away, but if you save up little by little and don’t give up, you will definitely be able to afford it someday. 


But I realized she complained about others without hestation.
But she was saying bad things about other people

00:40 I can’t believe our company…
5:05 If you have time, could you give him a hand?
最初の部分を If you timeの様におっしゃっていましたのでここだけ確認しておきましょう。


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 今は飼う余裕がないけれど、もしその車を本当に欲しいなら、買うためにお金をためてみたら? すぐには不可能だと思うだろうけど、少しずつためて、あきらめなければ、いつか買えるよ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) She was kind to everyone, so I believed she was gentle. But I realized she complained about others without hestation. I feel like trusting nobody anymore.
2) You can’t afford to buy for now, but if you really want to buy the car, why don’t you save money to buy it? I think you can’t buy it right now, but if you save money little by little and never give up, I am sure you will be able to buy it someday.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) What are your children interested in?
2) What kinds of lessons do you want them to take?
3) Do you think your children are interested in taking such lessons?

Day 68 回答例


1)  My friend didn’t look happy so I asked her if something was wrong. She told me that she asked her boyfriend when he wanted to get married, but he avoided giving a clear answer. I couldn’t figure out a way to cheer her up.

2)  I used to hate my collegue because he always seemed to be thinking he is better than me. But the other day we spoke frankly and honestly, without keeping any secrets. It turned out that he isn’t such a bad person and we are friends since than.


when to marry
when he wants to marry.

Good! 今回もお疲れ様でした。
3:25 I can’t believe…
7:50 So I couldn’t figure out how to cheer her up.
cheer her upの部分はRが連続して出てくるので言いにくいかと思いますが、この部分の発音もきれいでした。

【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 友人があまり幸せそうじゃなかったので、なにか問題を抱えているのかどうか訊いた。すると、彼女の話では、彼女が彼氏にいつ結婚したいか訊いたとき、彼ははっきりと答えなかった。だから彼女を元気付ける方法がわからなかった。
2) わたしには同僚がいつもわたしより優っていると考えているように思っていた。だから彼を大嫌いだった。でもある日、彼と率直に話し合う機会があった。結局、彼はそんなに悪い人でないとわかった。それ以来、わたしたちは友達だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My friend didn’t look so happy, and I asked if she had some problems. Then, according to what she told me, when she asked her boyfriend when to marry, he only answered vaguely. So I couldn’t figure out how to cheer her up.
2) It seemed to me that my co-worker always thought he was superior to me, so I really disliked him. But one day, I had a chance to talk with him honestly. It turned out that he wasn’t so bad. Since then we have been friends.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you want to continue your job after getting married or having children, you should do that. Some men tend to think that married women should concentrate on raisining children, but as you said, I also think married women should have more freedom. So you should find a good partner who agrees with your opinion!

Day69 回答例


1)  I always wanted to have a dog, but had second thoughts about it and couldn’t make up my mind to get one. But when I found a puppy in the box near my house, I immediately decided to keep it.

2)  There was something wrong with my computer so I asked my husband to fix it. He is good at fixing machines, but the computer was too old and there was nothing that he could do. Even he gave up this time.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 長年犬が欲しかったが、何度も飼おうとしていつもあきらめていた。なかなか決心できなかった。しかし、近所で箱に入った子犬を見つけたとき、わたしはすぐに飼うことを決心した。
2) コンピューターがなにかおかしかったので、夫に修理を頼んだ。彼は機械の修理は得意だが、彼はなにもできなかった。わたしのコンピューターが古すぎたからだ。今回は彼は修理をあきらめた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wanted to have a dog for years. But I tried to have one over and over again and always gave up. I couldn’t decide easily. But when I happened to see a poppy in the box near my house, I decided to have it at once.
2) Something was wrong with the computer, so I asked my husband to repair it. He is good at repairing machines, but he could do nothing about it because my computer was too old. He gave up repairing it this time.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Fabio. If you want to continue your job after your marriage and having your child, you should try hard to talk with your partner about your lifestyle. I think, no matter what men want to be with their children, they can’t have much time to do that because of their work.


I think, no matter what men want to be with their children,
この部分ですが、「どれほど~」ということだと思いますので、no matter how ~になさると分かりやすいかもしれません^^

00:40 Is this a good solution to this problem from your point of view?
5:20 Good!
I’d love to~がぱっと出せているのが素晴らしいです。
6:55 2) Something was wrong with the computer, so I asked my husband to repair it. …
こちら素晴らしかったです! 言葉がどんどん出てきていますね。
中ほどでちょっと詰まった感じはありましたが、即言い直せていたので特に気になりませんでした^^ Good job!


Day 67 回答例


1)  He doesn’t get mad at anyone easily and is good at dealing with trouble. In addition, he always makes the right decisions. That’s why he was chosen to be in charge of our department even though he didn’t have a lot of experience.

2)  My friend loves baseball, but I wasn’t very interested. But he kept on talking to me about the rules and the players over and over again, it was exhausting. But thanks to him, now my knowledge of baseball is way above average.




【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼はひとの意見に耳を傾けることがとても得意で、トラブルへの対応もうまい。また彼の判断はいつも正しい。だから、あまりたくさんの経験がないにもかかわらず、わたしたちの部署の責任者になった。
2) 友人はとても野球が好きだが、わたしはあまり興味がなかった。しかし、彼が何度も何度も、ルールや選手について話すので、わたしは人に比べると、とてもよく野球に関して知っていると思う。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) He is really good at listening to people’s opinions and giving responses to any troubles. His judgements are always right. So even though he didn’t have a lot of experience, he became a manager in our section.
2) My friend really likes baseball, but I wasn’t interested in it. But he told me about the rule and players over and over again, so compared to others, I think I know about baseball very well.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) If you were Shakira’s colleague, would you continue your job?
2) Do you think it is easiler for married women to continue their jobs than before?
3) If you get married, do you want to continue your job?


Day 66 回答例


1)  When she started working here, she was very quiet. But I soon found out that she was just pretending to be quiet, because now she is the most outgoing person in the office.

2)  She always tells people, even the things she shouldn’t say. But I didn’t know that she was like that, so I have told her my secret in the past. Now I’m worried and scared that it will spread to everyone


「猫をかぶっていた」を「静かな振りをしていた」と置き換えられているところ、素晴らしいです!  Fantastic!
pretended to 上手に表現することが出来ました♪
she behaves the most socially
she is the most sociable person と表現すると、より自然になるかも知れません ^^

I doubt everyone might know it soon, so I am really anxious about it.
I don’t think everyone might know it soonというニュアンスになっています ^^
So everyone might know it soon, and I am really anxious about it.
とすると、前文からも上手く繋がりスッキリ表現できそうです ^^

Why don’t you try imagining how many things such as them there are in the world?
Why don’t you try imagining how many things money can’t buy in the world?
のように表現すると、分かりやすくなりそうです ^^

0:41     paying が少し強調されていたような発話で、文全体にリズムがつき良かったです♪
1:59     14) 表現がスラスラと出て来ていたところ、素晴らしいです!
抑揚を付けて感情を込めて発話すると、更にナチュラルになると思います ^^ 
5:21     I don’t feel like doing that メリハリがあり、聞き心地よい発話でした☆
6:03     elevator の発音が、とても奇麗で良かったです♪ 


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女がここで働き始めたとき、彼女はとても静かだった。しかし今はオフィスで一番社交的にふるまっている。みんな、彼女が静かな振りをしていたとわかった。
2) 彼女はなんでも軽率に話しすぎる。しかし、彼女がそういうひとだと知らず、自分の秘密を彼女に話したことがあった。みんながそれを知るかもしれないと思うと、そのことがとても心配だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) When she started working here, she was really quiet. But now she behaves the most socially. Everyone figured out she had pretended to be a quiet person.
2) She says anything too carelessly. When I didn’t know she was such a preson, I told my secret to her. I doubt everyone might know it soon, so I am really anxious about it. 
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your opinion;
I agree with Shakira. If you want to succeed, I also think you need financial power. But I don’t think you can get everything with money. Do you believe you can buy love, respect, hope, friendship and relationship? Why don’t you try imagining how many things such as them there are in the world?


Day 65 回答例


1)  Everyone in this office tends to protect themselves and only says things that won’t cause any trouble. But she speaks her mind and doesn’t try to make herself look good. That’s why I have a good impresssion of her.

2)  When there are bargain sales everywhere this time of the year, it’s understandable that people spend a lot of money, but you spent way too much. I insist that you stay away from department stores and don’t go shopping anymore this year.


never to say anything not to get him into trouble
⇒ 「トラブルにならないことは言わない」というニュアンスに受け取れます ^^
– never say anything may get him into trouble
– say nothing to get him into trouble
のように表現できそうです ^^

0:11     excited の発音が、とてもナチュラルで奇麗でした!
3:16     24) とても自然にスラリと出て来ましたね♪ Good job! 
6:13     42) テンポ良く発話されていて、良かったです!
7:36     文の前半、一語ずつ途切れたように聞こえて来たのが、勿体なかったです ^^
日本語置き換えの一文ごとに(一文が長めのときは、更に分けたかたまりごとに)捉えて英文発話するように練習すると、途切れたように聞こえなくなるかも知れません ^^

【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 一年でこのこのシーズンは、たくさんのセールをやっている。だからあなたがたくさんのものを買いたくなるのは当然だ。でもあまりにもお金を使いすぎていると思う。だからデパートに行ったり、今年はこれ以上買い物をしないようすべきだと本当に言っておこう。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Everyone in the office tends to secure himself and never to say anything not to get him into trouble. But she tells her opinions honestly and never looks too proud of herself. That’s why I really like her.
2) There are a lot of bargains everywhere during the season of this year. So it is natural you feel like buying a lot. But I think you spend too much money. So I really insist you shouldn’t go to department stores and buy anymore this year.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If you want to succed. I am sure you need money. You should try hard to earn for the goal in your life. If you want your successful mariage, why don’t you get married with a rich woman or become a rich man?


Day 64 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) わたしはそのバッグが偽物であることを気づかず、高級で買う価値があると信じ、それを買った。高級な有名ブランドバッグに見えたが、本物と比べると、その二つの間には明らかな違いがあった。
2) 娘が立ったまま何かを食べていたので、そのことを怒った。すると、わたしが朝食をとる時間がないとき、彼女と同じようなことをしていたから、彼女はわたしの行為を指摘した。だから、とても自分が恥ずかしく、そのことを後悔した。
 【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Without noticing that bag is a fake, I believed it was expensive and worth buying. It looked an expensive and famous brand one, but compared to the genuine one, there was obvious difference between the two bags.
2)My daughter was standing and eating something, so I got mad about that. Then she pointed out my behavior, because when I had no time to have breakfast, I also did like that. So I really felt ashamed of myself and regretted that.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) If you were very rich, what would you like to do?
2) If you were very rich, could you do everything you want?
3) Which is more important in your life, love or money?


1)  I didn’t realize that the expensive bag that I bought was a fake one. I thought it was a designer bag from a famous brand, but when I compared it to a real one, the difference was so obvious.

2)  I got mad at my daughter for eating something without sitting down, but then she pointed out that I always do the same thing when I don’t have time to have breakfast at the table. I realized she was right and I couldn’t say anything back.


It looked an expensive and famous brand one
⇒「デザイナーバッグ」が、こぼれてしまいました ^^
「デザイナーバッグ」は、そのまま designer bag と表現して大丈夫ですので、 この箇所の表現を、もう一度考えてみましょう☆
ここでは、娘を注意したつもりが逆に指摘されたという状況なので、「そのことを後悔した」の「そのこと」は、「そのこと=娘を怒ったこと」と捉えて、そこまで表現すると、更に 「墓穴を掘ってしまった」のニュアンスが上手に出せそうです ^^

0:32     5) 抑揚が、とてもナチュラルについていて良かったです♪
3:00     predict が「プロデクト」のように聞こえてきましたが、「プリィディクトゥ」のように意識すると、更にナチュラルになりそうです ^^
5:13     to give you a hand の、イントネーションがとても自然で良かったです♪
7:42     When I had no time の発話が、とても滑らかでスッと耳に入って来ました☆ Well done!


Day 63 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 妻はわたしたちと沖縄に行きたかったが、わたしは京都を訪れたかった。だからわたしたちが、京都で美しい景色やおいしい伝統料理を楽しむべきと言い張った。すると、彼女は気を変えて、わたしに賛同してくれた。
2) ダイエット中だったにもかかわらず、友人が一緒にビュッフェレストランに行こうと誘ってきた。はじめはためらったが、気を変えて一緒に行った。結局、計画していたよりもたくさん食べてしまった。体重が増えてしまったが、後悔しても無駄であった。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My wife wanted to travel through Okinawa with us, but I wanted to visit Kyoto. So we insisted she enjoys beautiful landscape and delicious traditional dishes in Kyoto. Then she changed her mind and agreed with me.
2) Even though I was doing a diet, my friend suggested me to go to a buffet restaurant with her. I hesitated to do that, but eventually I changed my mind and went there with her. It turned out that I ate much more than I had planned. So I gained weight, but it was no use regretting it.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Shakira. You shouldn’t be too nervous to have a speech in front of your friends. Why don’t you enjoy being with your favorite people on the special day? All you have to do is to give your best speech for your friend! Good Luck!


1)  My wife wanted to go to Okinawa for a family vacation, but I wanted to visit Kyoto instead. I explained very hard that we should spend time in Kyoto enjoying the beautiful scenery and delicious traditional foods. Because of that, she changed her mind and agreed with me.

2)  Even though I was on a diet, my friend suggested we go to a buffet restaurant together. I hesitated at first, but changed my mind and went and ended up eating more than I planned to. I gained weight but it’s too late for regrets now.


travel through Okinawa
So we insisted she enjoys beautiful landscape and delicious traditional dishes in Kyoto.
she enjoysのenjoysは、enjoyとSをとってしまいましょう。
So we insisted she (should) enjoy~と、shouldが省略されています。

00:10 こちらはシンプルな文であったのでなんてことはなさそうでしたね^^
4:30 この文流れ、イントネーション共にとてもよかったです。
can I~の部分のつなげ方もとてもきれいでした。
6:30 So we insisted she enjoys beautiful landscape and delicious traditional dishes in Kyoto.
she enjoys beautiful landscape


How did you spend during the first three days of the new year?

After Christmas, I gradually started preparing Osechi Ryori.
First of all, Kobumaki, secondly, Namasu, Tataki Gobo and Tadukuri, on the eve of the new year's day, Dashimaki Tamago, Onishime and so on.

I bought Kuromame, kazunoko and Kamaboko.

Cooking Osechi Ryori is a time-consuming task.
Some people can't be bothered to do that, so they tend to buy Oseshi Ryori at department stores or supermarkets, even on online shopping malls.

When I prepare Osechi Ryori, I can't be bothered to do that because that't just for two persons, for the two or three days.


Day 62 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 会議の前の休憩中に、コーヒーでシャツを汚してしまった。別のシャツを買いに行く時間がなかったので、着替えることなく、会議に出ることを余儀なくされた。
2) ひとりでレストランに行き、食事を絶対したくない。リラックスできないし、食べることに集中できない。わたしはだれかと一緒に外食するか、家でひとりで食べるかのほうがいい。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) While I was taking a break before the meeting, my shirt was stained with coffee. I didn’t have time to buy another one, so I was forced to attend the meeting without changing my shirt.
2) I never want to go to a restaurant and eat there alone. I can’t relax and concentrate on eating. I like better to eat out with someone or eat alone at home.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If your friends are coming to the wedding ceremony, I don’t think you should be very nervous to give a speech. The most important thing is that you give a speech as hard as possible. Don’t mind how they feel about that.


1)  I spilled coffee on my shirt when I was taking a break before the meeting. But I didn’t have any time to go buy a new one, so I was forced to attend the meeting with a stained shirt.

2)  I don’t feel comfortable going to restaurants and having meals alone. I can’t relax or concentrate on eating, so I either go out to eat with someone else or I eat alone at home.


my shirt was stained with coffee.
I spilled some coffee on my shirt and stained it~

I don’t really like~とか、
I feel kind of uncomfortable~とかでも良いかもしれません^^

The most important thing here is that you give YOUR best speech!
の様に言ってもよいかもです^^ 話す場合は、YOURの部分を強調すると「できることをすればいいんだよ!」という感じが伝わります。

2:25 Try to keep up with me!
5:30 この辺りなど、頭で文を英語に変換する時間がとても短いように感じました。

Day 61 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) 友人と電話で話すとき、本来のトピックから別のものに変わってしまうことがよくある。しかし、彼女と話すのは楽しいし、ストレスを忘れることができるので、まったく気にならない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) We tried hard each other to come up with useful ideas for the new project. As a result, we could not only achieve it very well, but also have strong relationship through a lot of effort.
2) When I talk with my friend on the phone, we often change from the main topic to another one. But I enjoy talking with her and can forget a lot of stress, so I don’t mind.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Have you ever given such a speech so far?
2) When you have to speak in front of crowd, how do you usually prepare for that?
3) How are others’ comments about your speech?


1)  Our team encouraged one another to come up with useful ideas for the new project. Because of that, not only were we successful in carrying out a wonderful project, our team also bonded really well through all of the work.

2)  Whenever my friend and I talk on the phone, we tend to find ourselves talking about something else and not the things we really want to talk about. But it’s fun talking to her and it releases my stress so it doesn’t bother me at all.


We tried hard each other to come up with
「お互いに」はeach otherで間違いないのですが、
We each tried the hardest to~のようにしてもイメージに近くなるかと思います!

Great job in your speech!
1:05 keep an eye onの部分、発音がとても自然でよいですね。
3:45 こちら言い方がとてもよいと思います^^
 5:30 we could not only achieve it very well, but also have strong relationship through a lot of effort.
こちらnot only~but also…の流れがなかなか曲者でしたね。
Take good care of yourself! Keep yourself warm^^

Day 60 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 彼女はいつも明るい色でファッショナブルな服を着ている。彼女がオフィスに入ってくると、みんなの注意を引く。正直言えば、どんな機会で着るにしても、あのような服を着るのは恥ずかしいと思う。
2) たとえ上司の決断に納得していなくても、彼に賛成でないとは決して言わない。しかし、わたしの同僚は、自分の意見を率直に言うことができる。彼女はリスクをたくさん持っているが、ストレスを持っているふうには見えない。彼女のようにしたいが、それはわたしには.むずかしい。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)She always wears bright-colored, fashionable clothes. When she entered the office, everyone pays attention to her. To be honest, no matter on what occasion I wear, I feel ashamed of wearing such clothes.
2) Even though he doesn’t convince me of his decision, I never tell him I disagree with him. But my co-worker can tell him her opinion honestly.  She has a lot of risk, but she never looks stressful. I want to behave like her, but it is very hard for me.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Fabio. Why don’t you try to use your phone as well as possible? In case of a special announcement or a proposal, it is better to tell people in person. If you think you should use it, why don’t you use it to communicate?


1)  She always wears clothes with very bright colors and fancy designs. She attracts the attention of all of the employees when she comes to work. To be honest, I would be too embarrassed to wear such clothes on any occasion.

2)  I never argue with my boss even when I am not satisfied with his decision. But my colleague, on the other hand, can speak her mind. She takes a lot of risks, but she never looks stressed out so I wish I could be more like her.


When she entered the office, everyone pays attention to her.
When she comes in the office, she draws everyone’s attention.
To be honest, no matter on what occasion I wear, I feel ashamed of wearing such clothes.
I feel~の部分を I would feel embarrassed~のようにしてみましょう。

Even though he doesn’t convince me of his decision,
Even though I’m not really convinced of his decision…のようにもできます。

1:40 こちら非常にスムーズでした。
convince ~ of…の流れも、考えるのではなく自然と口から出てきていますね!


Day 59 回答例


2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 最近は、わたしの人生すべてが本当によいので、ほとんど問題がない。でも、唯一の問題は、わたしの息子がよい仕事を持っておらず、酔っ払って帰宅することが多いことだ。彼の将来がとても心配だ。
2) わたしはあのレストランに良く行くし、とても気に入っている。でも、昨日、初めて、彼らがどれほどすばらしくホスピタリティーをわたしたちに提供してきたかに気づいた。彼らはわたしたちがオーダーしたワインの代わりに、別のものをオーダーした。それは、新しくて、無料だった。それ以来、このレストランは、わたしのお気に入りです。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) Lately all of my life si really good, so I almost have no problem. But the only problem is that my son doesn’t have a good job and often comes home as he remains drunk. I am concerned about his future.
2) I often visit that restaurant and really like it. But yesterday I figured out how well they have offered us their hospitality for the first time. Instead of the wine we ordered, they ordered a different one. It was new and free. Since then, this restaurant has been one of my favorites.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
Why don’t you use your phone like you want? I don’t think you should mind how others feel about that. When you want to use your phone, you can use it. When you want to talk to your friends in person, you can do that.


1)  Everything has been going so well in my life recently and most of the time, I have nothing to worry about. My only concern is my son’s future, because he doesn’t have a proper job and often comes home drunk.

2)  I always go to that restaurant, but I never realized how great their hospitality is until the other day. They served us a new bottle of wine for free, because we made the mistake of ordering a different wine instead of the one that we wanted to order. The place has been my favorite ever since.


Lately all of my life si really good, so I almost have no problem.
Everything is really good in my life lately, so I have almost no problems と表現すると、更に自然になりそうです ^^
comes home as he remains drunk comes home drunk とシンプルに表現して大丈夫です ^^

こちらの置き換えですが、出題文をよく読むと「私たちが間違えて違うワインを注文してしまった」となっていますね! ^^
Instead of the wine we ordered, they ordered a different one. の箇所は、
「彼らは無料で新しいワインを提供してくれた + because 私たちが間違えて違うワインを注文してしまった / 注文しようとしたものの代わりにと考えて、表現してみましょう☆

Why don’t you use your phone like you want?
I think it’s OK you use your phone in a comfortable way. と、「好きな様に使って良いと思うよ」というニュアンスで表現すると、次の文へ自然に繋がりそうです ^^

0:43     7) ナチュラルな発話で、良かったです♪
3:03     26) 抑揚が上手について、とても良かったです!
4:47     convince が「コンヴァンス」のように聞こえて来ましたが、「コンヴィンス」のような発音にするとナチュラルになります ^^
6:43     When you want to… 以下、抑揚がつき本当にアドバイスを聞いているような発話でした! Excellent!

Day 58 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) あの雑誌の表紙のモデルは、わたしの最も好きなモデルのひとりだ。彼女は自分の食生活を説明し、その結果、オーガニックフードについてのエキスパートとして、とても有名になった。
2)  今年のクリスマスには、たくさんの楽しいイベントを家族のために考えている。アイススケートのあとは、有名なホテルのレストランで、美味しいディナーを楽しむ予定だ。.ホリデーシーズンが来るまで待てない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1)The model on the cover of the magazine is one of the best I like. She explained about her diet, and as a result, she became very famous as an expert on organic food.
2) I am thinking about a lot of enjoyable events for my family on Christmas this year. After ice skating, we are going to enjoy delicious dinner at a famous hotel restaurant. I can’t wait for the holiday season.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) How often do you use your phone?
2) Do you never want to use your phone anymore?
3) When you use your phone, what do you want to talk about?



she became very famous as an expert on organic food の箇所の表現を、もう一度考えてみましょう☆
英文全体はスッキリとまとまっていて、とても良いです! Great job!

0:20     You’ve made… と繋げて、滑らかにスラスラと出て来ていて、素晴しかったです! Beautiful!
3:14     27) 少し切れ切れになってしまいました ^^
5:17     39) 新規出題、スラスラと出て来て、お見事でした♪
6:55     deliciousが強調されていたところ、良かったです!

Day 57 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) そんなふうに他人の秘密をだれにでも言い続けるなら、まもなくだれもあなたを信用しなくなるだろう。あなたがそういうことをすると知ったので、わたしは自分の秘密を決して教えたくない。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) If you keep telling others’secrets to anyone, no one will trust you soon. I figured out what you did like that, so I never want to tell you my secret.
2) I really enjoy working, and that is very important for my life so I fell very happy. The only one thing I am concerned about for now is getting more difficult for me to get married someone and build a family.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion
I agree with Alex. I don’t think she should be so worried about that because he is still 5 years old. Maybe his favorites will gradually change as he gets older. Why don’t you give him fresh vegetable juice for now? I also think it is good idea!



~, no one will trust you soon
⇒「誰もすぐには貴方を信じないでしょう」といったニュアンスに受け取れます ^^
「そのうち」は「最終的に」と考えて、~, eventually no one will trust you any more のようにすると、ニュアンスが上手く表現出来そうです ^^ 
また、figured out は「よく考えたり調べたりして分かった」ニュアンスになるので、ここでの「知った」はシンプルに know で表現すると、しっくりきそうです☆

一点、someone は無くて大丈夫ですので、外してシンプルにしてみましょう☆

1:27     My daughter always… always を強調されることで、良いリズムが出ていました♪
3:35     28) 最終の発話、バッチリでした! Well done!
5:32     others’ lives 「ライヴズ」のように発音すると、ナチュラルになります ^^
6:38     I feel very happyが、幸せそうに伝わって来てとても良かったです!

Day 56 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) わたしは新しい靴をはいて、カフェで休憩をしていた。すると、ひとりの客がコーヒーをわたしの靴にこぼした。しかし彼は謝りもせず、立ち去ったので、わたしはあまりに驚いたので、何も言えなかった。
2) 父と直接会えば、良い人だとわかると思う。でも彼は周りに調和することがあまり得意ではない。今週、彼氏を初めて父に紹介するつもりだが、彼が父をどう感じるか心配だ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wore my new shoes and took a break at a cafe. Then one customer mistakenly dropped his coffee on my shoes. But he left there without apologizing to me. I was too surprised about it to say anything.
2) If you meet him in person, you think my father is a good person. But he isn’t good at being harmony with others. I am going to introduce my boyfriend to him for the first time this week, but I am concerned about how he will feel about my father.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Advice:
If I were your friend, I would give her son vegetable juice. I think it will be easier for him than vegetable dishes. And I suggest her to find a lot of articles for kids who dislike vegetables and many recipes for such kids.


1)  When I was relaxing at a cafe wearing my brand new pair of shoes, one of the other customers spilled his coffee on them. He walked away without even apologizing to me and I was too shocked to say anything.

2)  My father is a good man once you get to know him, but he isn’t good at getting along with others. So I am concerned about what my boyfriend will think when I introduce him to my father for the first time this weekend.


ちょっと細かいですが、in harmony with~とするとよりしっくりくる気もします!

2:00 こちらの文素晴らしいですね。
3:25 I am going to introduce my boyfriend to him for the first time this week, 
I am going to introduce my boyfriend to him /for the first time this week, 

Day 55 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
2) わたしの母は、わたしがすることすべてにやかましいことが多かった。その頃は、母にうんざりしていた。でも今、母になり、彼女の気持ちがようやく理解できる。そして若い頃の自分の態度を後悔している。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I think this expression in your mail is too polite for your old friend. No matter how long time you haven’t seen each other, you should write anything you want to tell her in more causal style because you are still 
2) My mother was often particular about everything I did. At that time, I really felt tired of her. But now I become mother, so I can finally understand how she felt about me and regret about my attitude in my young days.

【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Questions:
1) Why does he dislike vegetables?
2) What kinds of vegetables does he dislike especially?
3) Are there anyone around you or in your family who also dislike vegetables?


1)  I think this expression is too formal for a mail to send to your old friend. Even though you haven’t seen her for a long time, you two are still friends so you should relax more and write what you want.

2)  My mother used to ask me for details of everything I did. I used to think that it was annoying, but now that I am a parent, I can finally understand her feelings. I regret the way that I acted when I was young.



2:10 make a difference
4:45 Judging from his idea…

Day 54 回答例


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
1) 夫はいつも言うが如く行う。たとえどんなに仕事で忙しくても、わたしのために時間をつくってくれる。それが彼についてわたしの好きなところのひとつだ。だから、彼を信頼できるのだ。
2) わたしたちの上司は細かいところにうるさい。だから彼が会議に参加すると、いつも長い時間がかかる。ときどきうんざりするが、彼のおかげで、わたしたちは完璧なプレゼンをすることができる。だから彼に感謝すべきだ。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) My husband always acts as he says. No matter how busy his work is, he makes time for me. That’s one of my favorites about him. That’s why I can trust him.
2) Our boss is very particular about details. So whenever he attends a meeting, it takes a long time. I sometimes feel tired of him, but thanks to him, we can give a perfect presentation. That’s why we should be thankful to him.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Fabio. I also think boyfriend-girlfriend relationship is very different from marriage. If she gets old enough to understand the true  meaning of loving someone, I guess she will change her mind.


1)  My husband never fails to keep his word. Even if he is very busy with work, he always makes time for me once he has said he would. That’s one of the things I like about him and because of that I can trust him.

2)  Our boss can’t help thinking about even the smallest details. That’s why every time he attends the meeting, it takes such a long time and it’s sometimes very exhausting. But because of that, we are able to make a perfect presentation, so we should thank him.
