
Day69 回答例


1)  I always wanted to have a dog, but had second thoughts about it and couldn’t make up my mind to get one. But when I found a puppy in the box near my house, I immediately decided to keep it.

2)  There was something wrong with my computer so I asked my husband to fix it. He is good at fixing machines, but the computer was too old and there was nothing that he could do. Even he gave up this time.


【2】 置き換え エクササイズ(日本語文)
 1) 長年犬が欲しかったが、何度も飼おうとしていつもあきらめていた。なかなか決心できなかった。しかし、近所で箱に入った子犬を見つけたとき、わたしはすぐに飼うことを決心した。
2) コンピューターがなにかおかしかったので、夫に修理を頼んだ。彼は機械の修理は得意だが、彼はなにもできなかった。わたしのコンピューターが古すぎたからだ。今回は彼は修理をあきらめた。
【3】 置き換え エクササイズ(英文)
1) I wanted to have a dog for years. But I tried to have one over and over again and always gave up. I couldn’t decide easily. But when I happened to see a poppy in the box near my house, I decided to have it at once.
2) Something was wrong with the computer, so I asked my husband to repair it. He is good at repairing machines, but he could do nothing about it because my computer was too old. He gave up repairing it this time.
【4】 Communication Skill Exercise(英文)
Your Opinion:
I agree with Fabio. If you want to continue your job after your marriage and having your child, you should try hard to talk with your partner about your lifestyle. I think, no matter what men want to be with their children, they can’t have much time to do that because of their work.


I think, no matter what men want to be with their children,
この部分ですが、「どれほど~」ということだと思いますので、no matter how ~になさると分かりやすいかもしれません^^

00:40 Is this a good solution to this problem from your point of view?
5:20 Good!
I’d love to~がぱっと出せているのが素晴らしいです。
6:55 2) Something was wrong with the computer, so I asked my husband to repair it. …
こちら素晴らしかったです! 言葉がどんどん出てきていますね。
中ほどでちょっと詰まった感じはありましたが、即言い直せていたので特に気になりませんでした^^ Good job!

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